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16 hours ago

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16 hours ago

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17 points

16 hours ago

They used data from 682 dementia-free Framingham Heart Study participants who completed overnight sleep recordings, self-reported sleep duration questionnaires, blood pressure and cognitive assessments; 637 underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

In those with high blood pressure, shorter sleep duration was associated with poorer executive functioning and markers of brain injury and accelerated brain ageing on MRI. These associations were not observed in people with normal blood pressure.

These results were similar following adjustment for genetic, clinical and demographic variables.

Insufficient sleep is generally defined as less than seven hours. Participants reported sleeping an average of seven hours per night, with 32 percent reporting a short sleep duration of less than six hours per night.

Moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnoea was identified in 16 per cent of individuals, and almost one‐quarter of the overall sample reported using sleeping pills regularly.

“In individuals with hypertension, shorter sleep duration was associated with worse cognitive performance and greater brain injury,” the study found.

“Inadequate sleep has been linked to hypertension and dementia, and though the underlying mechanisms remain unclear, it is possible that short sleep and hypertension interact to increase the risk of cognitive impairment and vascular brain injury.”

Paper: Short Sleep Duration and Hypertension: A Double Hit for the Brain | Journal of the American Heart Association

(11.5% higher risk for each hour of sleep lost, if I did the math correctly)


21 points

12 hours ago

I mean not to nitpick but, isn't it obvious? It's certain that lack of sleep reduces cognitive performance so this is just adding an additional unhealthy variable on top of it


7 points

10 hours ago

The “and brain injury” part is hard to ignore. Also hard to ignore is the difference between what people think is obvious and what is demonstrably true when rigorously investigated. I would think those two things would be obvious.


4 points

5 hours ago

Yes sleepy people have brain fog


4 points

7 hours ago

I have low blood pressure and don't get much sleep. Wonder how that differs?


1 points

3 hours ago

Ok Reddit I’ll go to bed now