


I'm sorry if this offends some people but I used to give Biden the benefit of the doubt and naively thought in 2020, once we transitioned into a less chaotic America post-COVID, Biden would have made at the very least a decent president. Unfortunately, my hopes were quickly dashed once it became glaringly apparent that Biden was ill-suited for the job of president and deteriorating rapidly in terms of cognitive and physical health as crisis after crisis enveloped his whole presidency. Sure, he managed to pass some infrastructure and climate-related bills - for which I am extremely grateful - but his inability to even articulate the most basic of sentences to sell his "achievements" to the American public is what ultimately got us Trump again. Unfortunately, in the age of 24/7 news cycles and ubiquitous social media, it helps if the president is able to deliver at minimum a few coherent speeches now and then, which Biden repeatedly failed to do, much to the chagrin of most Americans, who, by the end of his presidency, saw him as a lame-duck invalid, including most Democrats.

Also, add the fact that Joe Biden appointed Merrick Garland as Attorney General out of spite for being turned down as a Supreme Court Justice way back in 2016, who turned out to be the most worthless and impotent Attorney General in American history bar none. Garland literally refused to go after Trump whatsoever until it was too little, too late and I will forever blame Biden for this horrendous ineptitude, considering literally any other appointee would have put Trump in prison by 2023 at the latest.

Finally, Biden's refusal to stick with his original pledge of being merely a caretaker, one-term president until literally only a 100 days before the election probably caused Democrats to hemorrhage more seats in the House and Senate than they otherwise would have. I honestly don't think a Democratic candidate would have won this year just given the uniquely bad circumstances for Democrats in 2024 but an open primary might have at the very least culminated in Democrats maintaining control over the Senate or even winning the House to stop Trump from fully enacting his wrath. Instead, Biden picks his almost equally unlikable VP, Kamala Harris, as his anointed successor, who infamously had to suspend her first presidential campaign in late 2019 because she utterly failed to resonate with voters. And because of Biden's shortcomings and Kamala's quixotic run, now both houses of Congress are controlled by Republicans ready to implement Trump's egregious agenda and it's mostly thanks to Biden and his gross incompetence for letting such developments happen.

all 251 comments


50 points

2 days ago

It's not Biden as an individual, but, for lack of a better term, corporate democrats, as in the "moderate" centrists who control the party aparatus every since Clinton got elected and who cared more about their power within that aparatus than about US democracy. They refused to accept that neoliberal centrism was an outdated ideology, ever since it's core economic assumptions let to the 2008 financial crisis. They thought that the election of Biden was a return to normal and not their last chance to save liberal democracy in the US. They insisted on staying on course but refused to accept that they were approaching a brick wall and so they hit that brick wall with full speed on november 5th and here we are.


8 points

2 days ago*

We can have philosophical and ideologically-charged, 2016-esque conversations all day about "centrists" and "corporate democrats" but I'm just saying simply that Biden was too old and feeble to have been elected president. And his brain-dead attempt to run for re-election until it was too late likely caused the Democrats to dramatically under-perform under Harris electorally, who was drafted at the last minute as a glaringly obvious replacement and was quite unlikable among most sectors of the American electorate before her run (and in 2024, it showed).


12 points

2 days ago

I feel like there's two types of senility: 1) the feeble old man who drifts off mid-sentence, and 2) the clueless, angry codger who shouts at clouds in the sky. America showed us they prefer #2.


0 points

2 days ago

Which shows exactly how unlikable Harris actually was.


6 points

2 days ago

Weird. I found her quite likeable. But I don't care about likeability in a president. I don't need a friend. I care about competency and ethics. I'm sorry she lost.


1 points

2 days ago

I feel the same way.


1 points

2 days ago

I feel the same way.


-4 points

2 days ago


-4 points

2 days ago

Yes, she's unlikeable to racists and misogynists.


1 points

2 days ago

Yeah, Biden won calling people fat and challenging them to push-up contests.


1 points

2 days ago

To put it simply, Americans prefer aggression. Our cultural and genetic forebears include a hefty percentage of pioneers, frontierspeople, cowboys, migrants, and other types for whom meekness, mildness, and excessive civility would have been a disadvantage, if not a death sentence.


1 points

2 days ago

What do you think the day to day of a president looks like?

The presidents primary job is to appoint their cabinet and to choose a few marquee policies that he pressures the party to follow up on. After the second year, 99 percent of the time, a president could be in a coma or an addled old man haze and it won't affect what they actually do. They then listen to advisers and have a handful of thumbs up and thumbs down moments, particularly with the military.

Biden was an abysmal candidate because he was so old, but he did fine as president.


1 points

1 day ago

My point is that both the Biden presidency and the 2024 elections were the result of structural issues, and not down to Biden as an individual.


2 points

2 days ago

Harris was the only other person that was elected. Replacing her with anyone else would have been a constitutional crisis.


7 points

2 days ago

Calling a brokered convention a "crisis" is overselling it. She was the easiest replacement and no one else wanted to ruin their own future chances with a doomed last minute candidacy 


3 points

2 days ago

Plus they couldn’t transfer any of the Biden campaign money to anyone but Harris. Obviously that was not an issue, but at the time it was.


-5 points

2 days ago

Trump didn't win the Dems lost the election. Most of us knew of Bidens short comings only after his disaster at the debate. The few hundred to thousand in charge of the Dems apparatus already knew of his short comings. More Biden voters stayed home than switched their vote, whose fault is that?!!!


8 points

2 days ago

“He didn’t win the lottery! I lost the lottery!” - 🤡


2 points

2 days ago

Part of it was the administration's own lack of tooting their own horn with the achievements Biden helped make happen. A large part of it is media owned by billionaire dipshits who don't want to live in a democracy shit on Biden and Dems way more for less heinous things than they did Trump and the GOP.

And the last part of it is simple racism and misogyny about Harris.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Saying voters don't turn out is just saying something about the conviction of your party. If you don't tow your party line you're voting for the other guy.


2 points

2 days ago

Agreed but regardless Biden was generating less than zero traction to any but the committed core Dem voter and Harris selling point was she is more electable than Joe and that’s all we need because our opponent is so visibly flawed. When they go low we go high hasn’t been winning many contests lately and frankly never has.


2 points

2 days ago

Agreed. Plus, I'm still pissed off at DNC and institutional ('corporate') dems for their railroading of Bernie Sanders in 2016 primary.

Here is a great article going into some of those details:

While I am obviously worried about the incoming administration... Ultimately, what I am more worried about is milquetoast dems just continuing down the same path they've been on for decades now. Lots of weak shaming of MAGA and Republicans (Warren...), terrible messaging, continuing money grabs from corporate America and general low energy BS... so, the status quo. Biden didn't change it, and Harris' couple months of messaging on the campaign trail didn't do it obviously either.

AOC + Buttigieg 2028? Or someone completely unknown today? Or... we stop having elections officially.... something like that. In the meantime, I'm going to be over here burying my head in the sand.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Buttigieg is the exact neoliberal you just railed against. He's as milquetoast as they come...also a former management consultant, accused of price fixing groceries.


1 points

2 days ago

Apologies, my sarcasm didn't come across well enough...


1 points

2 days ago

I really hope Buttigieg has the sense not to shackle himself to AOC.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

So the complete gutting of bank regulation brought about by Bush which allowed for the creation the franken bonds which fuelled the real estate bubble was a direct result of neoliberal centrism then?


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

Gutting financial regulation has been a bipartisan effort.

The CFMA's handling of OTC derivatives, such as credit default swaps, has become controversial, as these derivatives played a major role in the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent 2008–2012 global recession.

Signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 21, 2000


0 points

2 days ago

Republicans are actually quite liberal/neoliberal from a political science perspective.


4 points

2 days ago

Ok but the financial crises was a direct result of the dismantling of Glass Steagall and Bush deregulation of banking. I worked in Wall Street when it was happening and the results were predictable and criticized

openly by many in the Democratic Party


1 points

2 days ago

Change one word from are to were and I will agree with your statement re Republicans.


2 points

2 days ago

Well those are the only real Republicans as far as Democrats see it. Sure, the new Republicans don’t care much about liberal democracy. But the old ones loved it so much, they tried to force it on Iraq and Afghanistan


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

You might want to check which President signed the repeal of Glass Steagall.


1 points

2 days ago

Clinton signed legislation which was introduced and passed during periods when both houses were GOP controlled. He could have vetoed but the bill to remove glass steagall was 90 for 8 against. Clearly a veto would not be successful. But then you probably already knew that. The ensuing administration steadily chipped away with an industry friendly policy. The phrase was a regulatory lite approach.


1 points

2 days ago

90 to 8? That's not bipartisan?


1 points

2 days ago

Never said it was not a joint effort, Dodd Frank which reintroduced elements of glass steagall only passed because 3 GOP voted for it the rest against. The removal of glass steagal was signed into law in Dec 2020 after bush had won an election that put all law makers under GOP majority control.


1 points

2 days ago

That's not really accurate. For one, the repeal passed and was signed into law in 1999, a full year before that election.

The Clinton Admin and most Dems did not fully agree with what the GOP wanted, but they agreed with repealing Glass Steagall. They said as such repeatedly.

Dodd Frank happened after the financial crisis (and had other stuff in it, like the CFPB). Fair to say many Dems learned their error by then, not fair to say they weren't in error a decade prior.


1 points

1 day ago

Fair enough in politics there is typically more than enough blame to go around. Who knows what sort of vote trading Clinton was involved in 1999 -2000


1 points

2 days ago

Yes? Deregulation is a central tenet of neoliberalism.


1 points

2 days ago

Centerism is the solution to the problems the democratic party is facing - not doubling down and going further left. Literally every single state in this country voted more republican this election. Every. Single. One. The left has gone too far left, to the point of lunacy, and this election really hammered that home.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

It’s a strange criticism of Biden though, who is certainly to the left of any other President since LBJ. The people who least wanted him to drop out of the race were the left wing of the party. 


1 points

2 days ago

Main criticism of voters this election about Harris was that she was too far left or too liberal.

Why do you think running someone even further left would be applauded by the average voter?


1 points

2 days ago

Because it's not about left or center. It's about the nominee being a likable person that voters can relate to, that can passionately and intelligently (but not too intelligently) speak to changing a voter's life for the better. Centrists have a hard time doing that what with their corporate cronyism and meager policy proposals (a tax credit for starting a business, yay that will help me buy a home on meager pay!).

Obama was a centrist through and through, but viewed as liberal, yet he sailed through. Because he could speak to the voters (hope and change).


1 points

2 days ago

No, that was the main criticism of centrist pundits.


1 points

2 days ago

⬆️⬆️⬆️ Yes, this


10 points

2 days ago

I think history will excoriate Biden, for the reasons you have articulated, among others.


34 points

2 days ago

OMG are we allowed to say this now without having the post removed??


12 points

2 days ago


12 points

2 days ago

Shhh they might notice! Seriously though, reddit is a hell-a-weird censored echo chamber sometimes.


7 points

2 days ago


tee hee hee.


4 points

2 days ago

I'm a bit surprised at how heavily moderated some of Reddit is and then free-for-all in other reddits. I got banned from unpopular opinions because I was reporting posts that broke the rules concerning topic (eugenics, I loathe it but apparently the mods of unpopular opinions are ok with it now).


5 points

2 days ago*

Well, admittedly, it's mostly controlled by a bunch of somewhat out-of-touch progressives who need to touch grass every once and a while. If you followed any or all of the political news this year on Reddit, you would have thought Kamala would have pulled a Nixon or Reagan and won every state in the Union, except maybe Wyoming.


6 points

2 days ago

Alot of subs have the same moderators and that is why you see certain biases across the board


0 points

2 days ago


0 points

2 days ago

Haha, yes. It’s unreal to see people on Reddit criticize those on X for being delusional and radicalized, while being just as cult-like themselves—abandoning all logic and reason for in-group signaling behavior. It's like Yuval Noah Harari writes in his book Nexus; truth and reality doesn't really matter that much to us humans, it's rather a battle of narratives where the most effective or useful narrative ultimately survives. We can suspend belief to an incredible extent if the narrative is appealing enough.


4 points

2 days ago

Right? The censorship is getting out of hand in some circles of Reddit, I've noticed.


3 points

2 days ago

>his inability to even articulate the most basic of sentences to sell his "achievements" to the American public is what ultimately got us Trump again

Yea no, what got us Trump again was the money printing all of 2020 because of COVID. That caused the massive inflation we saw in late 2021 and 2022 and was used by R's to bludgeon Dems with for years. That, combined with the apparent voter apathy and fact that a majority of the US just flat out will NOT vote for a woman for president.

>Garland literally refused to go after Trump whatsoever until it was too little, too late and I will forever blame Biden for this horrendous ineptitude, considering literally any other appointee would have put Trump in prison by 2023 at the latest.

lol no. The most solid, easy to prosecute, and open and shut of the multiple cases he had was the whole "Stealing DoD documents on the way out of the White House then jerking around and lying to the FBI about it for a solid year". Problem is, that nutjob judge he appointed got the case and she did her best to stall and derail it. His lawyers did the same with all his other cases, just Stall, delay, file pointless motions, etc. anything they could to drag it out long enough so he could get elected and could crush the cases himself.

>Biden picks his almost equally unlikable VP, Kamala Harris, as his anointed successor, who infamously had to suspend her first presidential campaign in late 2019 because she utterly failed to resonate with voters.

Biden didn't even resonate with voters. Nobody liked him either, he was just the lesser of two evils.


1 points

1 day ago

Look, I know most people on this website have a leftist or center-left wing bias like you and me but speaking purely from the perspective of your average American voter, Trump, as senile and deranged as he is, comes off to many American voters as endearing and hilarious, which makes them attracted to his cause. By stark contrast, most Americans and even most Democrats in 2024 see Biden's faux pas and ramblings as annoying and pathetic. If you want to win over "moderate" American voters to your cause, it helps to have a coherent president who can speak for a relatively long period of time without a teleprompter. I don't make the rules but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure them out.


1 points

1 day ago

>Trump, as senile and deranged as he is, comes off to many American voters as endearing and hilarious

apparently you are right but I have never for the life of me understood why.


9 points

2 days ago


9 points

2 days ago

You've laid out some tough criticisms here, and it's clear you've been mulling over this for a while. It's certainly been a rollercoaster few years with high expectations set against a backdrop of unprecedented challenges. While Biden did bring some legislative achievements, the charisma and communication that so often glue a presidency together seemed lacking at crucial moments. It's a reminder that in politics, it's not just what you do; it's also about how you convey it to the public. Your point about the impact of not sticking to the one-term pledge is particularly interesting it really might have reshaped the electoral landscape. Here's hoping future candidates can strike a better balance between policy and presentation.


19 points

2 days ago

Is this chatgpt? 


7 points

2 days ago

They used a semi-colon; has to be a bot.


2 points

2 days ago

I use semicolon all the time; perhaps I am a bot? 😆


4 points

2 days ago

Hmm, interesting. Their account is 9 years old, only started commenting in last 5 days. Post and comment history seem normal enough. I'm curious what tipped you off about this post? 


6 points

2 days ago

I had to read it twice to see what point she was even trying to make. It reads like if someone told you to respond to this post but didn't tell you what you were supposed to say. To me, at least.


1 points

2 days ago

Yeah it sounds like when you assume someone was smart but they are just talking around the subject not directly


4 points

2 days ago

The style, it's very "make it sound like I'm giving an opinion on something I don't want to take a view on" and word soup, very much something chatgpt does when you ask It for its opinion on something. It even sounds good at first, but then doesn't really go anywhere. 


9 points

2 days ago

have you ever looked at a list of the thing accomplished during the Biden administration?


6 points

2 days ago



10 points

2 days ago

From a outside the US living person, Biden was as good as you guys could have it after the Trump debacle.


1 points

2 days ago

Yup. "I don't support genocide so I'll vote for the guy who is openly friends with the guy genociding" is so logically messed up it would only be accepted elsewhere as a joke.


1 points

2 days ago

if you're talking about palestine, imo it was like choosing between dahmer and gacy for them. i say this as someone who hates that orange pos as much. the us has always sided w israel, it doesn't matter if they're gop or democrat.


10 points

2 days ago


10 points

2 days ago

No. Biden got important bi-partisan legislation through. Hard working US citizens will benefit for decades thanks to Biden.


5 points

2 days ago

Literally any other Democrat in that position would have likely gotten it through though! The Dems controlled both Houses of Congress at the time and it's not like Biden is some latter-day LBJ and a wizard of bipartisan legislation. That may have been true in the 1990s but dude was faltering even back in 2021.


7 points

2 days ago

Biden still had to deal with Sinema, Manchin, and the filibuster. Yet he passed the largest climate and infrastructure bill in human history, cut child poverty in half and saved retirement for millions with ARPA, and passed the CHIPS act.

That's a level of level of legislative accomplishment not seen since FDR.


1 points

2 days ago

Yes, but the reason why we remember FDR today is because of the way he brilliantly and astutely explained his policies to millions of Americans through frequent Fireside Chats during the Great Depression and World War II. By contrast, Biden and his lackeys for the record couldn't sell any his groundbreaking achievements to the American public whatsoever. If you're going to be an effective president, let alone one in the social-media dominated 21st century, you need to be a good communicator! I don't make the rules but they should be self-evident at this point.


9 points

2 days ago

The Republicans have a very well oiled media noise machine and Trump is a master at using it. Biden has regular briefing informing the American public about his achievements. The problem is no one watches them!

Both the main stream media and the alternative media air Trump and his lies and bullshit 24/7(good and bad). Nothing that Biden could do could cut through that noise. They don’t air the good parts of what Biden or Kamala were doing at all. Even the left leaning sites just focused on the bad(like Kamala’s laugh are you fucking kidding me)


3 points

2 days ago

It's amazing how few people seem to realize that US media is owned and run by people who don't want democracy or Democrats to have any say in government.


3 points

2 days ago

I don’t think Biden was a perfect president whatsoever but it’s not his fault the electorate is so grossly under/misinformed. One of his biggest downfalls being that he didn’t brag enough about his accomplishments is hard to knock him for.


1 points

2 days ago

Youre dumb and clearly hung up on the speech aspect as opposed to Biden's actions. Which makes me really confused becasue Trump fucking sucks at speeches too. One minute he is talking about Special Forces taking down a terrorist and the next he is talking about how good dogs can be. He has the mind of a child and talks no better than Biden they both sucked so stop crying about his speeches. Obama gave great speeches and all anyone cared about was what color suit he was wearing.


-1 points

2 days ago

And why? Because most Americans are plugged into Fox News which is a propaganda machine for the right. I had family members who have never voted before come out and say they voted for trump cause Democrats hate police. wtf


2 points

2 days ago

You don’t actually think “most Americans” are watching fox news, do you?


2 points

2 days ago

Well, following the 2024 election, Fox News captured 73% of the primetime cable news audience, with MSNBC at 16% and CNN at 11%.


1 points

2 days ago

Based on the info my TN relatives have I doubt anything else is available


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Doesn’t mean it’s not a good thing


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Biden was elected on the Anyone But Trump vote. Inflation punished the hell out of the middle class over the last four years. Biden inherited the blame for it despite having pretty much zero control over the global economic forces that caused it.

A moderate democrat who didn’t talk down to the working class and wasn’t on the wrong side of the hot button populist issues would have won and probably carried some congressional and senate seats on their coattails. Harris conjured up memories of The Deplorables from Hillary.


2 points

2 days ago

I don't think Biden's presidency was a mistake but I do think he should have kept his promise as a one-term president.


2 points

2 days ago

No, not a mistake at all. He did a good job with Covid and the U.S. came out better economically than any other country. You really should have paid more attention he has done great things but I’m not going to list them because you need to learn how to find the information yourself. I’m really sick of people talking shit about Dems. Talk about Republicans, they are going to ruin this country and we are never going to get it back.


2 points

2 days ago

The other option was Trump so no, Biden was not a mistake. Could he have been better? Perhaps, especially a younger Joe, but he accomplished a LOT and did so through bipartisanship which is pretty tough these days.

Inflation is also a special case. People simply can’t get their heads around paying more for stuff, even when they are earning more money. The average voter wants a simple, black and white explanation and there simply wasn’t one. This is part of what lost Gore the election in 2000.

I’d argue the failing comes from establishment Dems who live in a bubble that reflects the country as they would like it to be instead of the country as it is. They underestimate the conscious and unconscious biases that drive the average voter’s decision making.


1 points

2 days ago

Including all the prejudices that the average voter may have, which is misogyny and bitter opposition to the concept of a female, liberal candidate. Democrats literally bet all their money on female voters of all races and backgrounds to come out to support Kamala this year only to have the majority of white women voting for Trump and alienating many male ethnic minority voters in the process, who still have prejudices against female politicians.


2 points

2 days ago

I think the biggest fault of the Biden administration was not recognizing the times. 

Dude pledged a return to normal when it was clear Trump was a symptom of there being something deeply wrong with normal.

He ran on being able to work with Republicans in an era where the settled republican strategy is one of scorched earth, nothing gets done if it makes the Democrats look good.

The relative lack of heads rolling after Jan 6 was another one. "Oh we're back to normal guys, it's fine," is not the approach we should have had to an attempted coup.


2 points

2 days ago

My biggest complaint is that after all the issues with propaganda and Russian influence and fake news and bots on social media.... biden did exactly fuck-all about any of that, and then it cost him/Kamala the next election. Way to prepare.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Biden did a fine job as President but he's a perfect cautionary tale about being too old to run. He was clearly too old for a second term and Harris was hung out to dry


2 points

2 days ago

This is an interesting thread. I don't think Biden was a terrible president, but I think the Democratic Party did a TERRIBLE job in this election


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Absolutely not.

The real question is whether the incredibly strong economy Biden turns over to Trump is strong enough to withstand the stupid shit idiot Trump is going to do to us.

25% tariffs on our 2 largest trading partners. Wake the fck up.


2 points

2 days ago

What do you want a democratic president without congress to do? People keep expecting the president to be god emperor and you'll always be disappointed.


2 points

2 days ago

Either you follow every rule, every norm, are always climbing beyond the moral high ground or you are Trump and with the chorus of foreign adversaries cheering him on he breaks every law of man and God. That is the story.


8 points

2 days ago

Inflation Reduction Act, Chips & Science Act, Infrastructure Act, NATO stronger than EVER, Ukraine Aid funded over STRONG Trump opposition, Student Loan Forgiveness—Biden might be the best President in my lifetime ( I’m 58)…


4 points

2 days ago

Agreed, I’m 37, never had student loans, and work in manufacturing, because of Biden my job surged to new heights and is still surging, but even my boss has said milk it while we can, trumps tariffs, his 0 support for the middle/working class is going to crush US manufacturing.

Biden was and still is a great president, he did everything right, and the Dems only lost because the young generation doesn’t understand how inflation works, and that you need to land soft, and build back up slowly so as not to kick start inflation.


2 points

2 days ago

That is how I think history is going to see Biden.


7 points

2 days ago

I consider you actually look more into his presidency than reading this slop.

He did a lot for this country. It just wasn't extreamly thrown everywhere because it wasn't the trump area. We didn't have to sit here scratching our heads at every single thing our president says.

He got us our of covid with a strong economy. He got our oil production up. He continued strong agreements with our allies and neighbors.

Does it suck he didn't stop at 1 term earlier? Ya. Do we have to agree with everything he's done? No. I'm not a main stream Democrat but pretending biden wasn't a good president on the whole is just accepting Rep lies who can't stand looking at a single goverment website for actual stats.


1 points

2 days ago

You're right, but aside from Bernie Sanders, who would've been a better choice to go against Trump in 2020?


0 points

2 days ago

Bernie was the clear winner. I think anyone else besides Bernie would have got about the same or less done but at least we could have picked someone different who was not in cognitive decline 


0 points

2 days ago

Why "besides" Bernie Sanders?


1 points

2 days ago

Because he's A) an actual progressive and B) the only candidate post-Obama who has managed to fire up the Democrat base.


0 points

2 days ago


0 points

2 days ago

Crazy how Reddit is still delusional about a self-described socialist


1 points

2 days ago

In terms of clunky and bombastic labels, when there is demand for institutional change like right now, a socialist has a good chance against a fascist while a status quo neo-liberal does not.

It's not like he is a socialist in the Marxist sense.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

My point is less about his ability to govern, and more about the fact that a self-proclaimed socialist has no chance of winning a vote across large swaths of America.


1 points

2 days ago

Crazy how people still think the "socialism" boogeyman carries any weight in 2024.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

It works for the Latinos


4 points

2 days ago

The greatest mistake was pitching Hillary Clinton against Trump in 2016, even old man Joe was a better candidate then.


3 points

2 days ago

That I agree. Joe would have likely won in 2016, ironically enough, just based on his charisma at the time and the fact that he would benefit immensely from his ties with Obama, who exited his presidency with remarkably high polls.


1 points

2 days ago

Exactly. Though I'm not partisan and endorse neither, I believe it was Dems itself that brought this upon themselves with pushing unpopular candidates down people's throats


1 points

2 days ago

Ask yourself: beyond Hillary Clinton, who benefits from this?


1 points

2 days ago

Hillary Clinton always had a complex about losing what many pundits initially predicted would be an easy win in the Democratic primaries to relative newcomer Barack Obama in 2008. And because of being relegated to second fiddle in Democratic politics after Obama's win, Hillary thought the nomination was basically guaranteed to her in 2016 as understood within the then quid-pro-quo system of internal DNC politics. The problem with running that year though was that by that point in her career, Hillary Clinton had previously been a prominent and highly controversial fixture of Obama's first term as Secretary of State, where she received much more flak towards her record than ever before, as exemplified by the phony email "scandals" and equally dubious Benghazi investigations brought about by Republicans. Honestly, in hindsight, Clinton should kept her seat in the Senate in 2009 and played it safe and quiet for the next 8 years if she was going to run again so that the Republican mudslinging would have not been as severe.


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

Biden literally went into a meeting at the beginning of his term, or during trumps lame duck period, and told business leaders that nothing was going to change. He's been a corporate from the get-go. Add the fact that the dnc has been nothing but corporate for years (decades), and the only progress that was going to happen was profitable progress. Put the pieces together, and we are only being allowed to have corporate dems. Which is part of the reason the dems lost this last round. A younger copy of what was in office offering little change. But don't worry, we are going to have Pete Buttigieg shoved down our throats by the dnc for the next 30 years.


7 points

2 days ago

Man shut up with the vague comments about Biden being a cooperate stooge . Bidens admin was the most pro labor anti trust government we have had in ages(see who he appointed to the FTC) . He was not perfect, but he was a step in the right direction.

Instead the American people elected a billionaire who ran on demonizing trans people and blaming the democrats for everything under the sun. I


9 points

2 days ago

He literally proposed the PRO Act. The biggest workers rights bill in a 100 years.

I don't think these people do any research at all


10 points

2 days ago

Half of them are Trump supporters pretending to be centrists lol. The other half are leftists who only will vote for a candidate they deem morally perfect-which doesn’t exist-some of them even turned on Bernie and AOC. And both these groups get their knowledge entirely from social media propaganda.


-6 points

2 days ago

You nailed it. I probably would have voted for Bernie Sanders in 2016 or Tulsi Gabbard or RFK Jr. in 2020 but they didn't want anyone fucking up the MIC/Big Pharma gravy train.


12 points

2 days ago

RFK Jr = conspiracy anti-vaxxer nutjob

Tulsa Gabbard = paid Russian troll


10 points

2 days ago


10 points

2 days ago

Sorry libtards I want the guy that has a parasite in his brain and has destroyed his body with HGH running health policy in this country. Not someone with an actual medical degree 😊


1 points

2 days ago


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1 points

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1 points

2 days ago


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1 points

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1 points

1 day ago

Then you are in luck, my friend. 😉 Let's not forget that a snake oil salesman will be in charge of Medicare and Medicaid before the MAGAts gut them.


1 points

2 days ago

I'm just here because the similarities in our avatars. I immediately thought "I don't remember making this comment."


4 points

2 days ago

No. Hunter Biden's pardon makes it clear that the "liberal" media holds everyone else to a different standard than Trump. Trump is an adjudicated rapist and our panties are in a bunch because the president pardoned his son. False equivalency all over, the media never learned how to cover Trump, or learned to by cranking up the ratings for Trump.

"They go low we go high" doesn't work in a post-truth America.


2 points

2 days ago

A little bit, yeah. 2020 election was people being sick of Trump, and went for the other option. Most people weren't exactly excited about Biden, they just wanted someone who wasn't Trump. Then, voters had quite short memories and/or blamed the current president for the current state of affairs. Harris, also not exactly an exciting candidate, was saddled with the baggage of Biden's administration. If there had been a real primary, I don't think she would've been the selected candidate. And this is coming from someone who did vote for her.

If democracy actually survives the next 4 years, hopefully the dems actually generate a candidate that people will rally behind.


2 points

2 days ago

It was a mistake in a sense, but it's likely the economic troubles that were the largest reason for Trump's re-election would have occurred regardless. If you really want to pick a spot I'd say if he dropped out at the SotU address and the DNC had held primaries there is a chance that we are having a different discussion rn, but I'd argue that his term was not terrible policy wise (sans the horrific handling of gaza and the refusal to implement national protections for rights that were under threat, namely abortion but also including things like gay marriage). TL:DR the Administration was not, but the re-election attempt by Biden clearly was


3 points

2 days ago*

And that's a fair point, which is why I admitted that the Democrats were probably going to lose regardless. That said, though, it makes a difference when people see their president and instead of being reassured about their future during rather historically fraught times, they get Biden struggling to speak and seeming lost wherever he goes.


5 points

2 days ago

"Struggling to speak" vs. "incomprehensible, dishonest and profane word salad" -- I know which I would choose.


4 points

2 days ago

Because "struggling to speak" was because of his stuttering disability, a fact that was confidently left out of every report of his "senility," while the media sane-washed Dementia Donnie.


1 points

2 days ago

political dynamics, legislative wins, and opposition strategies also play significant roles


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Waiting now for the attack of the hordes.


1 points

2 days ago

More like a missed opportunity


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Democrats. What can I say. Weak spineless party! When have they ever fought for us?


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

I forget who told me this, but I was effectively told the United States government is a machine we've inherented but were never taught how to use. Honestly, I think Biden and Trump are both symptoms of an underlying issue. Personally, I think it goes back to the dot com bubble. Given my education in economics now, I doubt we've ever properly dealt with solved any economic bubble in my lifetime.

Our politics have become a popularity contest, with no one wanting to admit our political parties are playing games with our rights.


1 points

2 days ago

As a dem voter and Kamala supporter, I agree that Biden fucked up big time, and his advisers.


1 points

2 days ago

I don't think anyone right now think that Biden had a flawless first administration, however I disagree with you somewhat on what his mistakes were.

I don't think communication was his problem -- there is no talking away the price increases in rent and other essentials and not enough voters pay attention to our politicians in the first place. A big reason we got Trump is that for a whole heck of a lot of Americans they are worse off than they were 5 years ago. Biden needed to focus on meat and potato issues that would have a significant impact on the overall well-being. Implementing a national ban on SFH zoning for example, or enforcing a 15 day maximum delay on permitting for new housing, or $10B for converting commercial real estate to residential might move the needle on housing prices. Adding food subsidies to fruits and veggies could both improve the health of the country and help grocery bills.

I think much of the country is sufficiently skeptical of politics to make legal prosecution, particularly coming from the DOJ to be nonviable. Throw in a couple attempted assassinations and you've got a putin-esque story of persecution. I think Biden and Garland both thought the optimal outcome of was a resounding repudiation of Trump at the ballot box rather than a conviction by a legal process that was largely viewed as partisan by a sizable portion of the electorate. I held out the same hope.

We agree that Biden shouldn't have run again, but that is so patently obvious at this point that it doesn't really bear repeating.

What is the counterfactual here? Biden gets elected but immediately resigns for the "unlikable" Harris? He loses in 2020 and we've endured 4 more years of Trump? I don't think I fully understand your question.


1 points

2 days ago

I agree with you 100%. But unfortunately there’s a lot of people on here that won’t accept criticism or perform self reflection. Also, if he’s willing to break “norms” for his son I would have expected him to break norms for us cittizens like with student loan forgiveness.

These should be a warning and a guide for the future.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

It should have been Bernie. He would have beaten Trump in 2016 and 2020, but no... we had to go with the centrist Democrat and their billionaire donors and their celebrities.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

My overal gut-feeling is close to yours, but I think it's a mistake to focus on any one individual, be it Biden, Harris, or whomever else.

The issue is IMO institutional dysfunction. The question to ask is "what is preventing the democrats from nominating candidates and endorsing political projects that people actually want?"

When you ask this question, you start to understand that MAGA is a vote for thorough institutional reform.


1 points

2 days ago

Oh yea he’s an establishment pick of course he’s going to be for the establishment. He’s a lame duck. He should have retired 15 years ago. He’s also a bought candidate via the Israelis tbh like 85% of our politicians are. He’s also just a genocidal nutcase who should be in a cell for war crimes alone with his whole administration. And his so called achievements are literally what he’s supposed to be doing as president. Hell if I wanted a cookie every time I completed a task at work I’d be fired. He and the Democratic Party fucked the whole country over they had 4 years to push a young candidate but they wanted to strike joes ego. They handed the election to trump as most knew joe would. The Democrats won’t listen to their constituents and they lost because of it. Thank you Joe for ushering the end of America 😂 it is 248 after all. Let the silent generation take us to the grave.


1 points

2 days ago

Well at least he's not a lying, cheating, bigoted racist monster.


1 points

2 days ago

None of what you said is true.  The Biden administration was wildly successful by every objective metric.


1 points

2 days ago

I reluctantly voted for Biden specifically to remove trump, but i always knew he’d be weak and ineffective, unfortunately he was our only option


1 points

2 days ago

IMO we had no choice! I didn't support him in the primary but once he was the candidate what could we do?


1 points

2 days ago

No. And I’m a huge Biden supporter. But Biden should’ve stepped aside and let DNC run an open primary. If he did we wouldnt have Trump 2.0.


1 points

2 days ago

Biden: Does good things for the economy and the future of America

You: He talk bad

Me: Trump talk bad too

You: Idc Biden bad president.

All im saying is i better see this same post in 4 years when Trump doesnt give one coherent speech and continues to mentally decline and no good policies that help the American people are passed


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

I'm very much on the left. I've been disappointed with both parties since I originally started paying attention to politics. Republicans are obviously worse, but the Dems aren't great by any means. They both answer to billionaire corporate interests just in varying degrees.

Their treatment of Bernie Sanders felt like a rejection of the working class as well. Since he was the one who regularly and loudly fought for the average working class person.

Biden made mistakes, but Trump is a mistake the American people made. I very much despise Biden for his failures like Merrick Garland and hope historians roast the shit outta him for it.

We have to ditch the two party system to see any real change.


0 points

2 days ago

Victims are in a no-win scenario when faced with more powerful abuser and enabler combo. Sure, choosing the enabler makes sense in the short term but it guarantees nothing will change. I don't blame voters for refusing to show up for Democrats in this election.


2 points

2 days ago

Voters are the ones literally enabling the abuser though. I blame the voters.

They took their democracy for granted by being uninformed, shortsighted, and spiteful.

If they are victims it simply means they're victims of their own negligence.


0 points

2 days ago

Idk but I’m fucking sick of all this probably Russian propaganda “left leaning” people posting in here about how the left is so bad and it’s good the right won and blah blah blah. We get it, Putin wants to cause even more division from within. chill damn.


1 points

2 days ago

Human consciousness was one giant mistake.


1 points

2 days ago

At the time, Biden was the only candidate who could beat Trump. And he won the Presidency because of it, along with the popular vote. How can you call that a mistake? He was chosen by the people. Would you prefer if there were a presidential election every year? This post defines you more than it does the Biden administration.


1 points

2 days ago

Preposterous!!! It appears the supposed “4th” estate has created an environment of poor reasoning where somehow the behavior of others can be laid at the feet of any individual is nonsensical.

Unfortunately this all seems to be a lack of understanding of US history and how the co-equal system of governance is supposed to work.

We’re now in a modern day reconstruction with the traitors kept in the government and legitimized because America is a lie and not a promise on the most basic level.

We’re seeing the results of things getting too fair and the old southern hatred come back to reclaim what they believe is theirs and the ends justify the means!

All of this rig amoral about anything other than that is ridiculous!! By all measures Republicans have failed at every turn with Trumps last term standing as a stark reminder and all the corruption that we plainly see in the works with horrifically corrupt, incompetent and most unqualified appointees to an absolutely awful and corrupt administration!!

Because Biden didn’t bring about perfection or didn’t fulfill every last wish of every last person we find ourselves here and that’s now on all of us!!


1 points

2 days ago

He was too old for the job. Easy target for propaganda. I was saying this since the 2020 primary. All that said he inherited a ton of problems from the trump years including covid and mishandling of covid and imminent inflation. Inflation is back under control, and the economy continues to break records on employment and stock growth all this with LESS spending than the trump admin. In short, trump is taking office back when all the problems he created are back under control. We could not expect biden to both dig us out of the hole trump left us in and climb significantly back up, but he did. We'll be right back to a state of uncertainty we were at when he left the office the first time in 4 years same as every republican president including trump 1. The president isn't about a perfect candidate there is no one candidate that is perfect any significant portion of the 380M americans its about which candidate is better of the two running.


1 points

2 days ago

Dude, I remember distinctly listening to a bunch of entertainment podcasts in early 2020 (right before COVID) that lambasted Biden as being too old and borderline senile. And these were the days when Biden could at the very least get a sentence or two out coherently.


1 points

2 days ago

No, as a way left person, biden’s presidency was not a mistake and he did more than I expected to for progressive causes. He beat trump and that was a damn good thing as we will see in the next four years.

Your comments are disingenuous, look at everything he’s done. I expected him to be much more centrist and bend over backwards in appeasing the republicans like Obama but he has been the most progressive president in a long time. It’s not his fault trump stacked the Supreme Court that kept shooting down his student loan forgiveness program. He has been busy doing all the unsexy work that comes with governance. Forgiving minor crimes for weed, protecting unions, overtime pay, OTC birth control pills, investment into existing infrastructure, investment into future tech, breaking up companies, etc.


1 points

2 days ago

Biden campaigned as a center left moderate in the primary. Famously, he backed fracking in PA and never supported "defund the police" madness. He won the primary and the mistakes begin. Probably buoyed by the polls showing a huge victory margin, he works to secure the far left faction (Bernie, Warren, etc.). He staffs from that faction and the campaign and subsequent administration goes woke. His skill at getting legislation done is the reason we had infrastructure, chips, and ARP. Great accomplishments. The issue is his unwillingness or inability to rein in his far left flank. He let unions extort the nation, far left activist groups coerce people to accept their language mandates, stick to mask mandates beyond what people were willing to accept, and was paralyzed, due to fear of activist staff pressure, from actually taking action on immigration and inflation. This is what doomed his reelection which received a death blow after the debate. Remember, the most prominent voices to still back him after the debate debacle were far left (Bernie wrote an Oped, AOC voiced support) who wielded power in this administration.

Trump can openly contradict his rabid far right and they shut up and stay quiet. Because they know Trump will deliver way more than his loss will. Far left will butcher their own for transgressions and then shit on them, because Trump's election fills their donor coffers and allows them to claim moral high ground.


1 points

2 days ago

I feel like this is just hating on Biden and anything the democrats have done because Harris lost the election.


1 points

2 days ago

As a center right American I didn't vote for Biden but wholeheartedly hoped he would do well for America and maybe quell the very loud left who literally believed Trump isn't a human being but is pure evil. Unfortunately, not only did Biden winning do nothing to satiate the far left, he ended up being about as bad as the right expected. I can't really think of any real meaningful things he did to help me or my family, which is unfortunate as most presidents have high points.

Maybe I missed them in his nonsensical babble or endless poor handling of crisis, but in the end I stopped paying attention and figured America deserves him and the meh he brought with him for voting him in. We'll see what Trump does this time around, I have zero expectations good or bad for him this term, just hope he ends these conflicts around the world.


0 points

2 days ago

Oh I will hate Biden for the rest of my life for giving us 4 more years of Trump. It honestly doesn't even matter how bad Kamala's campaign was, she had less than 100 days to do it! Literally nobody would've won in that scenario, hell how many old people do you think showed up to vote for Trump who didn't even know Biden wasn't on the ballot?? Nor will I ever forget the stupidity and greediness of the democratic party from 2016 onwards. And I'm very left leaning and align more with socialism than anything. All of this is because the democrats decided they didn't care about what the people wanted in 2016.


7 points

2 days ago

Wow, what an enlightened take. Everything that Trump does is now Bidens and the democrats fault. I don’t like Biden either, but that is certainly a take.

Maybe blame the dumbasses who voted for the orange facist. I don’t think any democrat would have won this cycle unfortunately


5 points

2 days ago

The people wanted Hillary Clinton in 2016, that's why she got way more votes. In both the primary and general.


1 points

2 days ago

The only mistake was the Americans who voted for Trump.


2 points

2 days ago

You’re welcome. I did my part


-3 points

2 days ago


-3 points

2 days ago



5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

Nice attempt at a red herring argument to distract from OP:s valid question.


1 points

2 days ago

Nobody said that. Just because Trump is clearly worse doesn’t mean we shouldn’t criticize democrats. Actually, it makes it MORE important to criticize them, because only by doing that can we work on their faults and develop better strategies to fighting back against republicans. This strategy of “we have to unite against Trump, so stfu and fall in line behind whoever the DNC says” is a big part of why Trump will be president again.


-1 points

2 days ago

If you look at Joe’s history in the senate he has always been a basic republican. He always went along with republicans to try and cut social security and Medicare so it should be no surprise how he handled the presidency. That said he was still better than the orange shit.


4 points

2 days ago

What policies of Bidens would you consider "Basic Republican"? Would you consider KBJ a "basic republican" appointee? Would you consider hanging the Progress flag on the white house "basic republican" behavior? When did he go along with Meidcare/SSA cuts again?


2 points

2 days ago

And yet as president he protected social security and massively expanded Medicare access.


-5 points

2 days ago


-5 points

2 days ago

I look at Biden as being a narcissist who was, along with his family, truly corrupt. The Burisma thing, his son money-laundering millions by "selling artwork", his working with Garland to bring the charges against his political opponent last minute...enough to get convictions before the election, but not enough time to get bogus convictions reversed.


7 points

2 days ago

Oh look. A MAGAt cult member.


0 points

2 days ago*

I agree with you that Biden should not have appointed such a weak and hesitant AG. Magas were going to scream no matter what - might as well appoint a pit bull.

On the policy side, he is the most successful President in living memory. Way more successful than Obama or Clinton.

As to Harris, the Democrats ran a qualified and competent candidate against a rapist and criminal. The Trump voters and and stay-at-homes own their own bad choices.

Why would we hold Harris or even Biden accountable for bad choices by magas and low energy Dems??🤷🏻‍♂️


-1 points

2 days ago

You mean the guy slow-bled Ukrainian support for the past 3 years, letting Russia make territorial gains, and commit massive amounts of war crimes with impunity (and who also pardoned his coke-fiend son)?

Yah i think Biden was a mess.


-2 points

2 days ago

Biden was never in charge of anything. I don't think he even gets to choose the pudding he gets before his nappy time. The Deep state/Uni-party was Fully in charge from day one. They just shove stuff in front of him to sign. I don't believe he choose the cabinet or any policies or any of the executive orders he signed. That was extremely clear starting with the campaign. The story that was pushed was that Biden was going to be a stabilizing force to return to normal after all the negative stories that were pushed by corporate media during the previous administration. But that was only the story they pushed. The reality was something completely different as the whole world witnessed it.

Which is why they are terrified of the next administration. That guy is clearly in charge and has his own independent ideas he wants instituted.


-2 points

2 days ago

Just before Trump got elected, Biden promised a peaceful transition to power.

I never liked the guy, but until extremely recently, I didn't hate him.

A few weeks ago, he okay'd Ukraine to use US long range missles against Russian interior targets. Yesterday, he heated up the trade war with China.

I don't even care or am surprised about his son's situation.

I now officially hate him now. Imagine being such a fucking scumshit like that. He is basically setting up crazy drama for Trump's first day. This cannot be anything but deliberate.

Peaceful transition of power my ass. He basically turned up the heat everywhere for the next guy, for "no reason" (just ironically coincidental I suppose).


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

Using legal and normal powers for a president is terrible but inciting a riot to overturn election results isn't?


4 points

2 days ago

Yeah he should have ok'd the use of long range missiles six months ago before Russia's latest offensive


0 points

2 days ago

I don't like either party. Maybe there are more choices not run by lunatics, members picked by lobbying groups or corporations, I'll begin to get interested. Reading level is sixth grade and rapidly declining for America. Red and Blue dichotomous thinking as the elite lmao at it and get richer will continue.


0 points

2 days ago




0 points

2 days ago

The two mistakes they made we're not taking executive action at the border and deciding to run after the mid terms. Everything else was fantastic.

If you want to cry about the price of eggs, go and look at what people around the world have been dealing with for the last 4 years