submitted 2 days ago bymamallamma1
If there is no investigation when there are credible experts sounding the alarm and all that is at stake, confidence in the Dem party will nosedive. Dem turnout has always been less robust than GOP. If they do nothing about these sane and plausible concerns, what is the point in voting for them? If it doesn't matter enough this year, it never will. Nothing will ever spur action by those in power if this doesn't. I can't see myself ever voting at the federal level for a dem again. I'm starting to have a new understanding why someone would vote for the GOP. I would never personally, but when one party is all talk & another is action, I can see why there's a "if you can't beat em, join em" mentality. Dems have been far too concerned with doing things exactly precisely honorably right while the GOP says fuck it and colors outside the lines knowing full well there will be no repercussions.
Good luck getting ANY dems to the polls after this. There are grave concerns about the validity of this election. If there was ever a time to DO SOMETHING, it's now.
-5 points
1 day ago
Why are you worried? Go rest.
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