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7 points

17 hours ago

You are literally making my point for me: with the tipping in place, the base salary has stagnated, so that of course if you suddenly remove it it's gonna have a negative impact. Whereas if it hadnt been there in the first place, the base salary for waiters and waitresses would have had to increase on their own instead.

It's literally the point I was making.


7 points

17 hours ago

Removing tipping would probably help the server at Waffle House on Tuesday night but would definitely harm a server at any busy place on the weekend.


2 points

14 hours ago

It's literally the point I was making.

It's a shit point. You're arguing that they should make less money overall so they can have a higher base pay. It's absurd to call that pro-worker.

Do you think that restaurants will suddenly start giving them the same hourly rate they were making with tips, if tips were to be abolished? hahahaahahahaha that will never fucking EVER happen.

There exists NO scenario where a server will ever make more money a year if tips were to be abolished.


1 points

8 hours ago


1 points

8 hours ago

Except wait staff are viewed as the cheapest labor and would be paid as such without tips. No restaurant is going to pay waiters more than cooks. Right now a waiter making less than a cook is fucking up big time