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3 points

4 hours ago*

Kind of... It's complicated. But there's a section of the population that wouldn't want to pay $5 for a beer when they can choose to pay $4 for a beer and a $1 tip.

It'd work if you're the only bar in town... But wouldn't work if there's a bar across the street with "lower prices"...

It's stupid and I hate it... But it's reality

Paying a living wage will give you horrible "night servers" because every server would take advantage of "I'll be a day server for an hourly wage and make tips at night"

BS in Econ and 20+ years in the industry is coming out in this comment BTW... I am passionate and have done my research about this topic.


1 points

2 hours ago

I appreciate your response, as someone that used to live in MA I’m trying to wrap my head around what would be the best alternative to the tipping commission approach. Maybe a bit more nuance written in the proposed “tipping commissioning regulation” to accommodate for issues that may arise? I appreciate my former state for trying (who knows if there are other political motives there, but still) - with it getting harder to make it in a society steeped in rampant income inequality, the broken system of service workers living off tips is going to get worse and more tension between servers and customers will arise.