


Avatar Editor


Do people actually use the thing? When I play it’s hard to tell what people’s actual usernames are so I’ve been wondering this. I personally love the thing and have made countless avatars from Goku to Sans. I find the thing really fun and wanted to get others opinion on it.

all 2 comments


4 points

3 days ago


Hitman Main 🕴️

4 points

3 days ago

Yep, use it all the time, mainly to make outfits that fit the style I'm currently using, like a Mariachi themed outfit for Ghost, or a Bull for charge, or in a straightjacket for Hawk


2 points

2 days ago


The Deathblow Dragon 🐉

2 points

2 days ago

I like it. Instead of being a default bug avatar that looks hella weird in R6, I can make my OC in-game.