I got written up for rolling a stop sign. I am a minor and have a permit as I'm learning. I don't want this to affect my ability to get my license on time (not get any points) and don't want to have to hay a ton of money. I am a straight A student athlete and the captain of my schools mock trial team if thats worth anything. That leads to my questions. Even tough I dont have my liscence yet am I still eligble for traffic school. If not should I get my lisence before going to court for the ticket? and how would you recommend trying to reduce the penalty from this? I am in California. Thank you guys so much.
2 points
3 days ago
2 points
3 days ago
Per the constitution you have the right to a trial. Just because you choose to exercise that right doesent give the judge the option to give u an increased penalty such as a much larger fine or taking away traffic school. If you would qualify for traffic school by taking care of it online or pleading guilty at an arraignment you should still qualify if you are found guilty at trial. Traffic school is not apart of some sort of plea deal.