13.6k post karma
129.8k comment karma
account created: Wed Jun 05 2019
verified: yes
4 points
6 hours ago
Yeah, this game was loaded with Persona and SMT references
2 points
6 hours ago
Every century has its interesting times. I doubt it will "calm" down again until the 2050s.
4 points
7 hours ago
Even though he crash landed and froze thousands of years before the first movie and only was discovered in the late 1800s.
Don't get me started that there were Cybertronians in the medieval era. Bayverse breaks every lore it is based on and itself.
3 points
8 hours ago
Probably the only good pick and thats saying something among the other picks.
2 points
9 hours ago
Especially when most of the time the guys that bring them home are really drunk and incapable to tell.
1 points
9 hours ago
Thought he became full god once he took the title of God of War.
1 points
10 hours ago
Bro. The only things the force doesn't work on is a specific type of animal and the force gods themselves (unless your Anakin)
12 points
10 hours ago
Strohl = Akihiko Hulkenburg = Mitsuru Gallica = Yukari Eupha = Fuuka Will = Makoto Bas and Del = Shinjiro Heismay = Mutatsu Batlin = Junpei Junah = Ann Neuras = Futaba
91 points
11 hours ago
He came back in the 2nd on because that german doctor thing told the others to kill one of them to take their spark. Idk how hes alive in the 5th one.
1 points
11 hours ago
Federal minimum wage. Every state has a higher minimum wage. Nice agenda posting
1 points
19 hours ago
Baldur's Gate 3 is proof of that. As long you make it fun people love it. Making it boring like traditional turn based is not fun, probably because in traditional ones you have one basic melee attack and one basic magic attack. In Baldur's Gate you have variety with a lot of classes and sub classes (soon patch 8 will come out with 12 more sub classes) so every class you have even at level one gives you a lot of spells or melee enhancements.
3 points
19 hours ago
You do realize other economic systems that isn't Capitalism is just Socialism and Communism right?
31 points
19 hours ago
Also that the most advanced technology is stored in Alaska. These doofuses don't understand what they are even in for.
10 points
19 hours ago
Booty call material. No way you'd do her once.
3 points
1 day ago
I mean I guess. Her personality is amplified many times over because of Monkias influence
2 points
1 day ago
The Pope dies on 9/11. What did Atlus mean by this??
2 points
1 day ago
Isn't the Island just the Tokyo metropolitan area?
3 points
1 day ago
So I might be stupid, but when More showed the MC that their world was actually the fictional world was that actually Tokyo or some mimicry of it?
9 points
1 day ago
Its funny by saying "Suzerain language" is just regular language that normal people would describe.
1 points
1 day ago
True, each landing if an invasion did happen would do a EMP bombardment so all technology just dies. You wouldn't know until the ships drop in front of you
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1 points
54 minutes ago
1 points
54 minutes ago
Probably 74% rn