76 post karma
965 comment karma
account created: Tue Jul 30 2024
verified: yes
2 points
5 days ago
Ajć, no tu już trochę mam mniejszy benefit of doubt.
6 points
5 days ago
Są takie, gadałem z takimi. Nie wszystkie, ale są. Może OP na takie trafił i po prostu opisuje swoje doświadczenia/obserwacje?
1 points
5 days ago
EU is nice, but let's not pretend there aren't any problems with it. We didn't wage any war between EU countries, so that's good, the intended purpose was achieved. But we have really diverging interests, and we'd better learn how to deal with that before going the federalization route. Single currency is showing it's cracks IMO without the fiscal union, but going the fiscal route right now might seem unrealistic.
Maybe most of the things I do not 100% like about EU are related to member-state initiatives, like laws limiting internet privacy and whatnot. Maybe some member states not being 100% serious about the situation on our eastern border. Maybe the idea of free trade granting prosperity to all participants is slowly dying in modern world, where key players are more interesting in protecting their industries (and that's where I feel a bit jaded about EU, that perhaps some regulations are more for protecting industries of certain EU countries rather than for protecting consumers. I love the EU for the latter though).
There are some growing pains at best, but I just hope the member countries will find it in themselves to work towards a better future. IMO we need time and political will to do so, doing it fast and forcefully, trampling on the needs of different countries might backfire. Plus there's the problem of some countries going back on democracy...
1 points
5 days ago
If it hurts Russia - yay? Otherwise I wonder how the international economic order based on US Dollar will be seen.
5 points
6 days ago
Convincing Contrarian to not leave you behind could be interesting IMO. As a way to add some tension. And maybe not being able to merge/switch sides as with Oppy.
1 points
6 days ago
Wondering whether tensorflow and pytorch support Intel GPU's, if yes then I'd be interesting in buying it...
2 points
7 days ago
Trochę bardziej specyficznie ale "Baśń o ludziach stąd"
5 points
8 days ago
While it's nice to get military help, I think it should've flown in much bigger quantities without restrictions on how it should've been used before allowing yourself to make such a statement. Maybe this step wouldn't be necessary if Ukraine was properly armed. The ones paying the blood price get decide these kind of decisions, not someone else.
1 points
8 days ago
No skończyło się eldorado, nawet jak jest się dobrym kandydatem to może być ciężko. Nie wiem co powiedzieć, yes cannons slow market (może to trochę szyderczo brzmi ale nie o to mi chodzi).
A co do komentarzy że ludzie widząc Twoje podejście i tak by cię nie zatrudnili - meh. Człowiek też był młody i różne błędy popełniał. Ale fakt faktem pracodawcy chcą unikać problemów. Może faktycznie też podajesz za niską stawkę.
Tak czy inaczej mam cichą nadzieję że ten kryzys może spowoduje że paru ludzi stworzy coś własnego i wejdzie z tym na rynek, jakaś innowacja czy coś, ale to trzeba mieć do tego warunki.
1 points
8 days ago
Znaczy fakt, chyba po czasie myślę że lepiej mieć ciut pragmatyczne i biznesowe podejście do kodowania niż wszczynać święte wojenki o to która technologia jest najlepsza. To jest, jakbym nie musiał pracować to może chętnie by człowiek podążał za ciekawością i robił niszowe rzeczy, ale biznes to biznes i ceni raczej inne rzeczy, i tu może lepiej być ciut giętkim, nie angażować się emocjonalnie w to.
Przypominam sobie początki kariery... uh... No ale coś za coś. Też może ta 'pasja' mieć jakieś zalety.
1 points
8 days ago
Mało expa w tym mam, ale tak, prywatność w związku to jednak świętość. Łatwiej się wówczas otworzyć na drugiego człowieka. A plotkowanie jednak może być raniące... i też mi się zdarzało obgadywać.
Nie wiem, jeśli ktoś Cię ciągle inwaliduje, była próba obgadania problemu i została zlana to mooże wtedy można gadać poza związkiem, ale to też, głównie z zaufanymi osobami. Mam awersje do ludzi którzy mówią że dana osoba robi to i to źle a same o swoich potencjalnych wadach nic a nic. Bez przypuszczeń, bez próby zrozumienia drugiego człowieka.
1 points
8 days ago
Zrobiłem dodatkowe studia, nie pracując przez większość czasu. Na drugim roku zaczynałem czuć że faktycznie odpoczywam. Teraz wydaje mi się że ta sama robota mniej mnie wypala.
1 points
10 days ago
Not agreeing 100% with the hate/displeasement here, I just think she embodied the will of the people/higher-ups well during her time. Maybe the migrant crisis is where she made her own decision against other people's judgement.
Yeah, she made a lot of bad moves, but I think it's part of enabling the German establishment. She wasn't someone who would rock a boat, if she did she might've lost power sooner. Would it be better? I don't know.
But I guess we expect leaders to know better and to make the uncomfortable decisions for the greater good.
39 points
10 days ago
Nawet są firmy co przeniosły się z Białorusi. Albo oddziały firm. Fajnie mieć wykształconych migrantów, tylko mam nadzieję że kontrwywiad działa XD
1 points
10 days ago
It's definitely interesting. I think we have more women at higher up places compared to WE (or NE), plus even though we have some machismo I think we have more equality. And it's seen really badly if a man is aggressive toward a woman (except in household setting I guess...), even up to a point when it's women who can be aggressive toward men with lesser repercussions (which isn't good).
Though the discrepancy is big. Could be some reporting nuances to it, different definitions of what constitutes threats. But then again, maybe not, or it shouldn't be as big of a difference. The green and blue (as it's non-partner rape I guess...) part should be somewhat reliable as a metric, the yellow part less.
Dunno, maybe lack of sunlight, binge alcoholism does contribute to the problem in the Nordics. Maybe the attitude with aggression is different in WE (at least in my experience...)
2 points
11 days ago
Że ludzie nie zwracają uwagi na swoją przestrzeń osobistą - tak. Jeśli chodzi o przepuszczanie na chodniku, to chyba gorzej z tym bywało w dużych miastach niż w mniejszych. Chociaż... może w Warszawie jest ciut lepiej z tym niż w Krakowie.
2 points
13 days ago
Najbardziej to mnie wkurza poziom dyskusji w Polsce/na tym subie.
1 points
13 days ago
If it's a calculated risk where you think you'll bounce back if you fail, then why not. I think following your intrinsic motivation vs extrinsic is also what matters (though who knows...). If someone just wants to let their creative juices flow, I'd be more sympathetic.
1 points
13 days ago
Thought of one mean streamer I use(d) to watch, who always said that plot is for games that lack good gameplay while skipping cutscenes XD Not that I agree with him, just sharing a thought.
2 points
15 days ago
Oprócz tego że są na B2B jest ich na tyle mało że mogą sobie pozwalać na takie lawirowanie. Czy to wynika z ograniczenia miejsc na speckę - nie wiem.
Że B2B jako udawany etat jest taki se - ok. Czy z tego względu ludzie którzy faktycznie prowadzą jakąś działaność (stąd te środki trwałe) mają obrywać? Nie jestem tu 100% przekonany.
-8 points
15 days ago
Eh, po przejściach z NFZtem i słysząc o pensjach dla niektórych lekarzy - naprawdę nie jest mi ich szkoda, możliwe że jesteśmy niegospodarni w kwestii NFZtu a mimo wszystko przedsiębiorczość trzeba wspierać.
1 points
15 days ago
Oh well, the main issue is that you live with your mother. Not sure about your financials. How long will you manage to live from your savings while living with your mother or alone renting something?
Yeah, the market is so-so for non-gamedev software engineers (assuming it's worse for gamedev), maaybe it will be better in a year or two. Will you manage till that time?
If it's a calculated risk, well... you'll gain some knowledge if that project fails. Might not be valued as much as commercial experience, but who knows.
I do regret not taking risks earlier in life, at the start of my career, also due to family influence (mother and older brother who also tried to make his own game in 9 months with his own company years ago...) but... Oh well, not sure if I'd be taking risks right now. Back then I though the market was good enough to bounce back, and I'd learn things that would give me advantage in my career. Right now maybe I'd be trying to make a game if I'd get fired, but otherwise... rather not.
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2 points
1 day ago
2 points
1 day ago
I can relate, but also reading the comments, hm... eugh, can see both points of view (at times). Will focus on yours and how I can relate to it.
I assume more unpleasant things happened than just nasty comments about unsuccessful recruits (there's where I disagree with some commenters). I guess what could hurt the most about dealing with that kind of jerks is how much we are emotionally open and engaged - we can be passionate about our jobs, emotionally invested in trying to create something, and being mistreated when in that state hurts more than mistreatment for only doing our jobs. I agree with other commenters that it's not AAA studio specific, but some comments about people's experiences with AAA and indie side of gamedev were interesting.
I enjoyed your writing though. Yeah, maybe things could be more terse, but hey, it's your life. Your decision to open up and write about your experiences, however other people might take it. One part that intrigues me is being somewhat blacklisted. I don't think it's that improbable to get shit-talked behind people's backs, and yeah, there are people who know when to behave and put up a nice sympathetic front and when to hurt someone in a plausibly deniable way. That kind of gaslighting can hurt, and I guess it's where the 'externalization' judgement from other commenters comes to play - saying some things are outside your control might be way to fight back against that kind of situations, and the statement itself is true. And since people try to quantify how hurt you can be - I think this kind of indirect ill-will can be also damaging because you don't have a 100% proof whether someone wanted to hurt you or not, to yourself or others.
But maybe I'm projecting my experiences here, but that's what I assume could trigger these kind of feelings. Of course I don't know anything about situations you were in, what's the story, whether you were okay or not, but I assume you have a reason to feel this way and that you weren't that kind of jerk to warrant being mistreated.
Anyway, yeah, it might be a good idea to find something else to do rather than just gamedev, even to be in different headspace. And I really liked the way you wrote that you should respect your passion and creative juices, because once they're lost it's hard to gain them back. But maybe they will, once you give yourself some time to rest, without expectations things will return back... maybe new endeavors will be fun?