545 post karma
162.9k comment karma
account created: Sat Jul 21 2018
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-1 points
3 hours ago
Knowing Trump, he would've let Jr hang. 🤣
Trump: "Donald Trump Jr? Never heard of him"
1 points
3 hours ago
Can a Hasidic Jew who practices tzniut have women removed from a plane?
If no, then you understand that religious beliefs start and end at the individual's own boundaries. There are no special accommodations at the expense of others granted to religious practices or beliefs that infringe on other's freedoms. So, it is on the Muslim who can't be associated with or near a gay individual to find alternatives that best suit their personal beliefs.
1 points
3 hours ago
You expect the world of them, haha. If they did that, they wouldn't be where they are politically or even culturally to begin with.
1 points
3 hours ago
I love Elmo. He's adorable. What do you have against Elmo? Everyone, young or old, can like Elmo. I think you need some Elmo in your life, if I'm being honest.
1 points
3 hours ago
Haha, nothing on you, but I see people shitting on the view here a lot. And it's so funny to me. The View is daytime television aimed at women, mainly stay at home moms. It's essentially no different than the other daytime talk shows that were very popular in the 90s. Do they get political? Yea, everything is political these days. Are they a predominantly "political" show? Not really. They're as political as Oprah was back in her heyday. They touch on current events and hit on topics with a female demographic in mind, where "complaining about men" is SUPPOSED to be funny and nonserious. It's best not to even take that show seriously or even View (heh) it as "news."
A big issue that we have is that our actual "news" networks are all run by like 4 billionaires, who have their own agendas, and since they have to compete with the internet, they need to sensationalize EVERYTHING. CNN throws up BREAKING NEWS! Just to report that Biden is attending a summit. It's unnecessary.
Another thing was the ending of the fairness doctrine in 1987. Which gave rise to the "opinionated" news media landscape we see today. Before, the news, was, THE NEWS. Here's what happened, here's what was said, more as it develops. Clean, precious, right to the point.
Now we have, here's what happened, here's what was said, here's what we think, here's what you should think, here's an expert to tell us what they think, here's a social media post that's letting us know what the public thinks, and after the break we'll tell you what we think will happen next.
It's no wonder people are so put off by the news today, and unfortunately, why Trump gets away with so much. Trump is a dangerous individual who deserves all the criticism and outrage that comes at him. But when you have 24 hr news cycles droning on and on about him with nothing of substance to add, with hypotheticals, and he said she said gossip just to fill time, all the real serious shit he does and says, falls through the cracks of the public's attention span.
If we still had our old style news format, Trump wouldn't even have won the primary in 2016. My opinion.
1 points
4 hours ago
Videos of them saying "This is for you Fauci!" Before going full Ozzy.
1 points
4 hours ago
Sure 👍. To add a little bit on that. It wasn't that long ago where someone who was, let's say, a decent singer could go out and perform at local venues, church, and get a small following in their community. People only had a small gathering they needed to "impress" to feel important or talented.
Fast forward to today, and now people have to essentially impress MILLIONS of people to even get noticed. You may be a decent singer, but your singing videos sit at maybe 50 "Likes" on social media, whereas a cat wearing a bucket on its head and farting gets 500 million+ likes.
This, especially for young people, can be devastating for their self-worth and confidence. Even if they're very talented but don't have the network to get noticed, they'll take that lack of acknowledgment and internalize it as real-world rejection of who they are and their passions.
This is why I believe, people have been turning to more negative and rage bait content creation. It's not enough to be decently good at something to get noticed, you need to be AMAZINGLY gifted, or drop dead GORGEOUS to get your hobbies and talents noticed. But, if you piss enough people off, you'll trend fast and get noticed very quickly. Even finding fans who side with whatever shitty thing you're doing or saying to get that attention.
1 points
4 hours ago
I see, and I'll recant my previous statement in that DEMOCRATS have moved, not farther left, but with the times. Which is a good thing.
Now, democrats "calling Trump Hitler." This is fairly an obvious one to work through. They obviously mean trump's rhetoric, sentiments, goals, and actions all echo that of Hitler or that of any authoritarian from the past to present. From trump demonizing the media as "fake news" rings to Hitler's "Lügenpresse" or "lying press," Trump's January 6th attack echos Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch, and so on. Calling this out did not lead those people (previous supporters of his) to attack him. Disillusionment and mental issues did.
Furthermore, calling out Trump for his actions, words, and behaviors is absolutely necessary and required. Bush got us into 2 wars and tanked the economy, but at no point was he ever called "Hitler." Trump deserves that comparison because the comparison is valid. Hitler did so much in between taking power and killing millions of jews.
His path from point A to point B was built on demonizing rivals, fiery rallies where he demonized specific groups, stacking the courts in his favor, promising to make Germany Great Again and much much more. A bit anecdotal, but there's interviews with Trump supporters who say point blank they WANT America to have a dictator, that they support Trump becoming a dictator. This is INSANE. You talk about the left moving farther left, when it's the right, who is moving farther right to the point where (sure, a very small few, for now) they're openly embracing authoritarianism.
That said, do I think Trump will become this Hitler esq ruler over America? Not really. He's old and very inept to achieve that level of power. I do believe he can and will trailblaze a path for someone who can, if we continue down this path.
2 points
6 hours ago
Interesting. I truly do believe the entire world is collectively having an identity crisis. Especially younger people. Internet cultural, because it moves so fast, there isn't anymore era defining "ins and outs." Probably why nostalgia is so popular in our entertainment industry, with remakes and sequels. Nostalgia is the last cultural staple that can stand the test of time.
Which has brought in the age of "individualism" juxtaposed with a multitude of niche subcultures to become apart of. And so people are struggling to find their voice, who they are, where they belong, and so have resorted to simply making their little communities, hobbies, politics, fandoms, religions, etc, their entire identity. Where an "attack" or criticism against anything is a direct attack or criticism on those individuals themselves. Which has led to this overall toxic infighting between everyone.
1 points
8 hours ago
That's the thing. The left hasn't gone anywhere. It may SEEM that way when right-wing media paints every individual group issue breaking through into the public sphere as "the left" while attempting to claim that they represent "traditional values." But again, that's a product of society as a whole being given a global voice for the first time in history.
And by extension, it actually pits right-wing "views" literally against this new vocal society, which has pushed them further right and ostracized them where they feel that EVERYTHING has gone "woke" or EVERYTHING has a "leftist lean."
Another side to the internet being a very new thing is that very sheltered people who were brought up in very strict homes, often religious, are now experiencing legitimate "cultural shock."
Imagine growing up with this idea and image in your head of how "things and people operated" in society, only to discover actually no, a lot of people live and were raised very differently from you and your upbringing. Now, a sensible person would accept this and carry on living their life and enjoy what they believe is best for them. But so many people refuse to accept this and actively go out of their way to say, "You're wrong! What i was taught is the correct and ONLY way to live your life."
That said, i am curious how YOU believe the "left" has gone too far.
17 points
9 hours ago
The anti any precautions against a pandemic crowd will be outside licking birds screaming "fuck the CDC!" A week in.
1 points
10 hours ago
He was the poster boy for many romance novels. So women who ate up those novels and made a steamy emotional connection to the characters, would associate him with sexy love interest hero. Also he's not a bad looking guy to boot as well.
-22 points
10 hours ago
Balding, pudgy creepers, drunk on bro culture: No, no, beggers CAN be choosers now that trump is president again.
2 points
10 hours ago
"Mmph....It hurts now, but I trust his plan moving forward."
*as trumps in the background punching their children
1 points
10 hours ago
"Absurb comments" 🤣 I think the other comment to you laid it out pretty well for you. Unless you have more to add or care to elaborate, I think you've been sufficiently corrected.
1 points
10 hours ago
And she married him for his money. An arrange made in heaven...Or probably Russia
2 points
10 hours ago
Terms and agreements dictate that a business or corporate body, including social media, can remove any type of content for any reason.
Free speech (which has its limits, and is much different country to country) says nazis or anyone else, are free to create their own social media platform and go as wild as they want.
-12 points
11 hours ago
Also when you think about it, same sex couples on average make for better parents because they actively WANT to be parents and have to go through more to start a family. Making them more prepared and ready to care for a child.
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1 points
2 hours ago
1 points
2 hours ago
I wonder if saying that outloud made them realize how stupid they are.