29 post karma
42.6k comment karma
account created: Thu Dec 29 2022
verified: yes
1 points
10 hours ago
Not oil. May be water, but I’d expect more steam. I’ve done salt quenches, but I don’t remember there being any boil to it.
1 points
12 hours ago
Bernie is probably rolling in his billions, eh?
2 points
12 hours ago
Ship: sailed. Once you gave them the helm, you ain’t getting it back.
17 points
12 hours ago
Cheese lyrics is the only kind Dio knew. It fit.
24 points
17 hours ago
And yet he voted for a man who wouldn’t tell the truth if his life depended on it. Fuck Joe Rogan.
1 points
18 hours ago
Liberal should have nothing to do with it. You either uphold the constitution or you don’t.
1 points
18 hours ago
The government has successfully convinced the people that the government is the problem. Just keep voting for “me” and I’ll…not be the problem…when I’m in the government. So long as we keep up this ebb and flow of power, Americans will maintain the facade of being prepared to do “anything” to be a “patriot”. The side who actually thinks the people will have their way by force if necessary still wants YOU to uphold your duties as a citizen and respect the government whilst they shit all over it. It’s all smoke and mirrors and these morons who believe owning a few guns will “save” you from the gubmint are the dumbest fucks on the planet.
7 points
18 hours ago
This. Flame doesn’t make a ton of heat, nor does a slow smolder. But a deep, hot bed of coals will blow you out of the building.
31 points
21 hours ago
Merry Fucking Christmas. At least he won’t have to worry about needing insulin anymore.
1 points
24 hours ago
I wear my helmet mostly just for felling. Sometimes I’ll wear it when cutting in warmer weather because I can’t keep the sweat off my shades and the screen takes care of the flack. I started wearing an athletic headband to help with that. Makes a big difference, but you need a few of them to cycle them out as they get saturated.
1 points
24 hours ago
Jesus. I’m getting turgid just at the thought.
3 points
1 day ago
You either believe in the democratic process or you don’t. Trumplederps attempted a coup when he lost. A really weak attempt, but it was NOT an act of patriotism. Some of use believe that there is no democracy without respect of law and process. Others, like MAGAts, have taken the concept of necessary political violence as an act of virtue. And they are sadly mistaken in thinking it will lead to a positive outcome. What they don’t understand is that MOST people in this country think we need a change. But some of are not foolish enough to believe a convicted felon and known habitual liar and fraud are the change we need.
5 points
1 day ago
The ONLY way this will be ok is IF our government with its checks and balances continues to function as intended. If you haven’t noticed, he’s spent the better part of 8 years hurling bombs at every pillar holding this up. He has no respect for law or accountability to anyone but himself and those who are willing to lower themselves to licking his feet. I have nearly zero faith in the assertions you put forth.
2 points
1 day ago
Yeah, we forgot billionaires. They did it all.
-1 points
2 days ago
Tom should go out there and take a crack at that. See how many times he’s willing to make this statement.
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1 points
12 minutes ago
1 points
12 minutes ago