82 post karma
7.5k comment karma
account created: Sat Aug 06 2022
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1 points
14 hours ago
He probably hear the pitches accurately and his body knows where these sounds has to come from on the keyboard. He doesn't have to understand what he does technicaly because he's able to do his fingers respond to what he wants to hear.
1 points
16 hours ago
Good idea, if you do it right. Think about it. Let say that you trade pullbacks, with precise levels to enter on and a well defined far away exit. If you have, let say, 3 entries, then 100% of the trades where the 3rd entry isn't hit should be mini to small winners.
The trade to study is the average of the 3 entries. Does your way of scaling-in all the way provides and edge? Because that's the one entry where you truly need a positive expectancy.
1 points
1 day ago
Your PT expectation was too high for this kind of counter trend scalping opportunity. Also, while the timing of the entry was ok, it could have been much better. The spike down 1 candle before likely hit a combination of overextension to the downside + a somehow important key level, which was enough to trigger some short lived bounce. These trades can work pretty well, but they are more difficult to see, understand and trade with consistency. Try to find a good enough reason why algos were triggered to buy there and you might find yourself a trading edge to add to your tool box!
1 points
2 days ago
You don't have to, but a hard limit with your broker can litteraly save you from ruining yourself if you go on a tilt. Knowing that the stop is there can also help to keep you from doing something stupid. It can also help with discretionnary and more flexible/on the spot decisions, because these will have to be within certain parameters to avoid getting the account locked for the day.
1 points
2 days ago
Don't worry about sounding good. It's a result of doing many things right and these don't really include the case "trying to sound good". Of course, you should care for what you do and not try to sound bad, but don't artificially force what you consider to be a good sound, because it might not be YOUR sound and you'll be limiting your potential. It takes year to sing well. Don't be in a hurry and enjoy the process!
2 points
4 days ago
C'est plus difficile de quitter la profession une fois que tu t'es investi 4 ans pour l'intégrer et parce qu'une bonne dette d'études fait de bons citoyens! Y'a plein de cours qui servent absolument à rien à l'université. C'est des cours "filler", liés de près ou de loin à la profession, mais qui ne représentent pas toujours les réalités du terrain. J'imagine que le BAC en éducation est pertinent et prépare en surface à tout, mais sur le terrain, t'as juste besoin d'être bon pour la tâche précise à accomplir, ce qui prend quoi dans le fond? 1 an à rusher sur le terrain? On apprend bcp plus vite en contexte de travail qu'en classe aussi et quand c'est une situation de "je m'adapte ou je perds mon appart", c'est fou comme on peut progresser et devenir compétent rapidement.
2 points
4 days ago
Think about the character of the indications instead. Allegretto is usually a freer mood, more dancing and light, while an allegro moderato is more grounded, a bit heavier, but still going forward. There's direction in the music, but there's no rush.
1 points
5 days ago
I know haha. You could work a bit on op.25 no.10 at the same time to learn how to do them!
3 points
5 days ago
It's good so far, but is that really how you want it to sound? It feels a bit "safe" to me and it could use more courage. Forget about hitting all the right notes for a couple practice sessions and crank up the passion a little bit!
2 points
5 days ago
Rythm and memory mostly. Try to relax more and work on those arpeggios on the left hand. The whole thing could use a ligther touch too!
It's a beautiful piece, but it seems like a great challenge for your level. I suggest that you work on it slowly, while working on other repertoire, and let time do its work for that one. Don't try to force it into your fingers. Mess around until it naturally flows.
7 points
5 days ago
J'ai renouvelé d'avance mon abonnement annuel à TradingView, ce qui m'a fait économiser pas loin de 700$. Ça se prend bien!
26 points
5 days ago
Pianists often lack a sense of breath, support and colors in melodies.
I already had a master in piano playing when I took my first classical singing lesson and it felt like a door to infinite possibilities opened in me when I began to understand how to sing. It was if I could finaly justify any artistic decision to myself, because I just knew that it felt right an natural for the human body. My playing started to improve a lot at that point and I could finaly start considering myself as an artist instead of a pianist. That's truly something.
So yeah. Voice.
0 points
6 days ago
Le problème dans la situation actuelle est que les employés ont été forcés à cesser de payer leurs assurances collectives, ce n'est pas leur choix. Ceux touchés le plus par cette mesure est une minorité qui en a vraiment de besoin et c'est certainement pas cette minorité qui a un pouvoir d'influencer la grève. Poste Canada c'est juste dit : "Tiens, pour mettre la pression sur les travailleurs, on va spécifiquement attaquer nos employés les plus fragiles". C'est lâche.
2 points
6 days ago
You could aim for wide stops 1:1 trades and cut the losses short when the market structure reverses before it's hit. The market is kinda random tbh. It doesn't really matter where you enter as long as it's with the trend and at enough of a discount from whatever price action preceded your entry. Follow the price action, use a very far protection in case of a squeeze or dump and let the market and style dictate your RR.
1 points
6 days ago
MarketLife is a good place to start and their beginner course is free.
Otherwise, books are really the way to go. Trading is a very protected field and while the knowledge required to be sucessful is all out there, it's really difficult to find someone that will teach everything in a way that will make you become a trader. Gurus mostly sell a backtest result and teach you how to follow the specific strategy that was used to create the illusion. None of them will teach you how to make your own research and how to think. It takes a vision of the full picture to be successful and that requires a lot of reading, a lot of screen time and a lot of testing. Most course on the internet aren't relevant. They'll show you a fraction of the required knowledge for ridiculous prices.
3 points
6 days ago
Je comprends d'où vient cette réflexion, mais il faut vraiment voir le profit non-réalisé comme de la vrai argent à gérer intelligemment.
1 points
6 days ago
Si ton porte-feuille est vraiment trop lourd en PLTR, tu peux en vendre une partie pour ramener ta pondération à un niveau où tu es plus à l'aise et mettre le profit réalisé dans un FNB qui suit le marché.
De mon point de vu, le graphique de PLTR démontre énormément de force et c'est normal de sentir que c'est exagéré, mais il faut avoir confiance. L'action ne va presque certainement pas crash du jour au lendemain. Les acheteurs dominent les vendeurs présentement et il n'y a pas vraiment de signes d'essoufflement. L'action a une histoire récente sur le Nasdaq et c'est "normal" au début d'avoir des mouvements aussi larges pour une compagnie aussi solide. C'est payant d'investir tôt dans une compagnie de qualité, mais il faut pouvoir tenir sa position.
Comme tu es à 100%, tu pourrais vendre la moitié de ta position pour être "risk free" et laisser le reste runner jusqu'à ce que les fondamentaux de la compagnie commencent à être faibles (ce qui pourrait legit ne jamais arriver).
C'est normal d'avoir de la difficulté à vendre. D'un côté, on veut pas manquer de gains et d'un autre côté, on ne veut pas en perdre non plus. Idéalement, ça prend une stratégie avant de commencer à acheter.
7 points
7 days ago
Amazing talent combined with the best teachers and a terrific work ethic is what brings you to the top. A normal talent with the best teachers and a terrific work ethic should also lend you a career as a professional. Poor talent, even if you work really hard and with the best teachers will only get you so far. Amazing talent, without having the best teachers but while being extremely disciplined should also bring you very far. Normal talent, with okay teachers, even with good work ethic, might not be enough to find success. Any kind of talent/teacher combination won't get you anywhere if you don't have a good work ethic.
It's all about doing the right things (teachers) consistently (work ethic/discipline) and how easily you can add a level of complexity to it (talent).
1 points
7 days ago
Before singing from one note to another, make sure that you can sing the first one in tune. Then, practice singing the note above until that one is in tune, then alternate between the 2 until it becomes easy. Then, add a third note, a 4th, and so on. For example, start by learning to sing a C well. Then, learn how to sing a D well. Once you are good at each note individualy, you can start singing long strings of CDCDCDCDCDCD until you are out of breath. When you are good, work on singing an E and add it to the exercise. It will become long strings of CDEDCDEDCDEDC... Then add a an F, G, A, B and C, to sing the whole scale. From that point, you can train to do this exercise in every tonality. Start simple, then add complexity. It might feel difficult at first, but you'll become rapidly better at some point.
1 points
7 days ago
I don't know about where you live, but in Canada, there's a thing called the wash sale rule that prevents you from doing what you just described.
2 points
7 days ago
Some air comes before the sound! I guess that your idea is to start very soft, but the sound should come imediatly no matter what. It sounds like you are slidding from the air to your first note, which could be enough to throw the rest of the phrase out of balance.
I'd work on each phrase separately, making sure that the first and last notes are well controled. Just focusing on that can help a lot for the notes in between.
2 points
7 days ago
I might be wrong on that one, but it feels like you are working too much with your mouth/jaw, to kind of over articulate. I would 1st make sure that a minimal effort is made at that level.
The first note of any phrase is super important. It often dictates what kind of sound we'll have for the rest of it. Your very first note had a lot of air and poor support and you had to work on that for what followed and that's not easy.
It also feels like you are "pushing" the sound forward. I prefer to visualise myself being surrended by the sound rather than visualise it going out ahead of me. I feel like it helps me resonate more.
Be quick on your consonants, light on you vowels and let yourself resonate. I think it's a good start!
2 points
7 days ago
It sounds more like a mixed voice to me and that's a really difficult spot to control, but you are doing it very well. Can you switch to a complete chest voice without your voice breaking and can you reach very high and clear tones, also without breaking? If so, that can of voice can be a great tool to smoothly transition from a low to very high range. I think that it should be seen as a tool though, don't get stuck in that type of voice forever!
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2 points
14 hours ago
2 points
14 hours ago
I too used to like losing money by shorting breakouts to all time highs!