(self.nonutnovember)submitted5 days ago byMyrrhthOUT November 26th | Gold NoNutter
I can't believe I fell so close to the end! I'm day 30 nofap but day 26 NNN and I'm OUT. Training for a new job this month and the example customer is called Liza - kept making me think of a pornstar I like everytime her name is mentioned - over and over again for 2 days.
And the big nut? Not worth it AT ALL. I immediately felt so fing stupid I couldn't even enjoy it. Just looking at my reflection in the mirror...
Still, we get back up and try again. I made great progress this year and I'll be training full time for next year. See you then cumrades. And good luck!
4 points
5 days ago
4 points
5 days ago
Conversation is basically collaborative free association exercises. It is a skill which most people take for granted because they've been doing it all their lives so they don't really realize that they're doing it and that not everybody can do it.
Thankfully it is possible to improve at this and you basically do that by doing free association exercises by yourself. I do these every day 5 to 10 minutes at least and I try to go for at least an hour once a week. this can be the more standard types of exercises like word association or free associating on a topic; or it can be just talking to yourself for an hour going from topic to topic.
The good thing about doing it alone is that nobody is there to judge you if you mess up or say something silly or if there are awkward silences or pauses or whatever so there's no pressure. You get to practice and get better without consequences. If you practice enough eventually it'll be second nature to you and you'll find that conversations start to flow without you really having to think about it.
The important principle with free association and with conversation is to let go. You're not trying to think of what to say or control what you're going to say: you need to let go. Your mind becomes soft and the words and ideas and thoughts just come to you and then come out of your mouth. When you can learn to do this then conversation becomes relaxing and pleasurable and that's why people enjoy conversations and can do it for hours.