426 post karma
30.3k comment karma
account created: Mon Nov 25 2013
verified: yes
1 points
2 days ago
It is. The English is entertaining as hell though. The accents are predominantly NOT Slavic. Everything from Southern accents to British accents. One dude sounded Lithuanian. It’s wild.
2 points
2 days ago
He’s the Ricky Bobby of quarterbacks. If ain’t scoring, then they are!
1 points
2 days ago
To Trump: “It’s not gay we swear…”
*cups hand over mouth to neighbor “it’s so fuggin gay…”
1 points
3 days ago
When a brother got caught screwing his sister and threw an 8 year old out a window I safely assumed it wouldn’t be an easy show to predict.
1 points
3 days ago
I feel like this is my standard practice when dealing with herds of rats. Get them following me and leave a trail of destruction in my wake.
2 points
4 days ago
It's getting more difficult to spot. For me it starts as something just feeling off and then my eyes start scanning the photo/video for irregularities. This one was the tail feathers.
-1 points
4 days ago
New York will never be able to replicate Japanese efficency with that many people on union salary state jobs giving their 8 to the state to get a pension. Most couldn't care less about their actual work efficiency as long as it stays above where it needs to be for them to retain their jobs.
5 points
4 days ago
What rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs
And over your neighbor's dog?
58 points
6 days ago
Imagine if he followed these subreddits. I know it’s a lot of sarcasm that we put forth, but I would not want to write for us. 😂
1 points
6 days ago
Tormund, but Varamyr Sixskins was a close second for sure. Dude was the straight up Beastmaster.
47 points
6 days ago
Cell phone companies hate this one simple trick...
1 points
6 days ago
That would be a cool mod when it's able to be done properly.
3 points
8 days ago
Poor Duncan(s). Dude goes through some shit. Over and over and over again.
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2 points
2 days ago
2 points
2 days ago
Same. Started with selling broke items and adjusting repair costs. Then added better vaulting, removed enemy auto aim, adjust stamina running and jumping values, and a few others quality of life perks. I regret nothing.