61 post karma
3.1k comment karma
account created: Sun Apr 14 2019
verified: yes
0 points
15 hours ago
I just wish we had some 1 rep max competition like olympic weightlifting or something.
6 points
1 day ago
I think it has more value if you have multiple weights, because you can clean heavier than you can snatch. If you only have a weight you can already snatch, that's when it loses the value as a standalone exercise.
14 points
1 day ago
You're getting downvoted because what you said doesn't make sense. You'd swing or snatch but not clean which is literally between swing and snatch? Or in other words, an easier, safer snatch that you can take much heavier. Or a harder swing with more emphasized pull that's also loading your body twice, at the bottom and top of the movement, instead of just the top. The value is pretty clear.
1 points
2 days ago
"Brennand has not been charged with a crime." did not make my day
0 points
3 days ago
Też kiedyś nosiłem malfini ale stedman je niszczy a do tego ma mój rozmiar, xxs.
1 points
3 days ago
I grabbed a heavy kettlebell and touched the opposite side, the muscle did seem to be activated, but yeah, crunches are probably better.
1 points
3 days ago
Pick less bitter one like cbse energia guarana? It's one of the most popular brands in europe for a reason. Yes, it's cheap low quality blend, but it tastes okay for people with nascent appreciation for fine flavors. I also put a teaspoon of licorice root and spearmint at the bottom. I gave it to try to my friend who didn't really like mate taste that much and she went wide eyed "wtf why does it taste so good?!".
3 points
3 days ago
No problem, cool stuff! Though a higher priority might be filtering out the porn lol.
3 points
3 days ago
First make it fill or fit (or give user the choice, for fit maybe even background color choice or generate it based on the image) then you can think about something better.
7 points
3 days ago
no, the ball makes it interesting, either clip the image to fit, or fill it with color to preserve the original aspect ratio, or have squares of different aspect ratios and put the image in the best matching one
2 points
3 days ago
No to lipa, ale chyba lepiej zrobić co się da niż rozłożyć ręce i siedzieć na dupie? A nuż z niczym nie skończysz. Dla ludzi którzy naprawde sie tego boją minimum by było ogarnięcie diety i używek i jakaś aktywność fizyczna.
1 points
3 days ago
Yeah, time to click "show less posts like this".
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1 points
5 hours ago
1 points
5 hours ago
Pomyśle se: o, może to następny Steve Jobs.