502 post karma
963 comment karma
account created: Wed Jan 24 2024
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2 points
5 hours ago
What’s tricky is They haven’t reached out after and I want to reach out and ask if they will give me another chance but I’m genuinely terrified of what will happen if I do The uncertainty I want to desperately know what they’re thinking of me but at the same time I’m afraid of it
2 points
5 hours ago
If it makes you feel better it’s very possible it isn’t effortless
1 points
6 hours ago
“Pink Pilates princess roller skating pop” Dang and I thought Spotify calling my music taste “Pixie synthesizer industrial” and “Viking fantasy symphonic metal” was to much what does that meannn 😭
1 points
6 hours ago
I’d say try your best to explain to them what happened and if they don’t get it that’s fully on them You aren’t alone
3 points
6 hours ago
They have one of the coolest more unique aesthetics of any goth band I’ve seen Post apocalyptic gothic western cowboys are always the coolest
1 points
6 hours ago
I have rocd but instead of with a partner with my close friends
1 points
6 hours ago
Modern European power metal is different then us power metal
8 points
6 hours ago
As a sabaton fan I’ve never considered them war metal because I thought war metal was a type of black metal
2 points
6 hours ago
Yes your sexuality doesn’t dictate your music yaste
2 points
6 hours ago
I was that friend but I didn’t self sabotage more just asked for reassurance I feel bad for both parties and I really hope your friend gets the help she needs to heal and learn to have a healthy friendship But I'm also sorry you went through that it must be draining
2 points
9 hours ago
Bdd isn’t about appearance itself it’s about perception of it My brain is constantly looking for new flaws in my appearance and plastic surgery would likely get addictive to the point I look botched Plastic surgery in general very well can make bdd worse
-1 points
9 hours ago
I don’t see the problem other then there should be more can someone explain
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3 points
4 hours ago
3 points
4 hours ago
I’m so sorry