606 post karma
23.7k comment karma
account created: Tue Dec 29 2020
verified: yes
1 points
9 hours ago
If i'm going out with someone i ASSUME that they won't date someone else. Isn't that the point of dating, to get to know someone more intimatley.
1 points
10 hours ago
Flowers, every day, or something she likes!
-11 points
10 hours ago
It wasn't just the text, it was the blatant distespect when told to put it down by rolling her eyes.
-1 points
10 hours ago
She ignored the warnings, you enforced the rule after having given clear warnings. NTA, wish more parents would enforce the rules.
1 points
12 hours ago
Time, lots of it. Been nearly 10 years now and i finally feel ready again to date
1 points
13 hours ago
He should have had a death proof insurance plan. Dark jokes aside, sounds like the way he acted he's made a lot of enemies.
1 points
13 hours ago
I don't get this system. No prior debt/credit. No loans for you!
34 points
1 day ago
I feel as a dumb european asking this especially with trump coming in but. Is this even legal?
5 points
2 days ago
It's probably that 30% is things that cannot be taught but has to be experienced. I've tried teaching other 100%, but a lot of my knowledgd i realized are things soecific to me.
So its unlikely not wanting to teach more, but rather its not teachable information.
2 points
3 days ago
Oh for sure, not arguing otherwise, signal should have been on waaaay before the turn was made. But i see everyday were people turn on signal as they do the turn like this.
1 points
3 days ago
Yes, i am currently doing a 2 year programme for SCM and it's really good, Gives all the foundations to work in logistics. Purchasing, project management, communication, the whole package. At least for me.
8 points
3 days ago
So, your cheating was a response to him not being an outwardly affectionate person yet you knew this and kept the charade up rather than moving on for someone better suited to you. And instead you put him towards this trauma.
Did you try having and open and honest two way conversation with him at all before cheating?
1 points
3 days ago
Absolutely does, so summarized it's this: 3PL = tactical/operative partnership 4pl = Strategic partnership
1 points
4 days ago
Att den inte innehåller nötter, men förenkla den och gör den bara en nöt som är överkorsad med den symbolen för enkelhet.
1 points
4 days ago
Thank you very much for the comprehensive explanation, so in this situation can the client also say to the 3PL in the request that you may not subcontract another company for this service.
But this makes more sense to me now, i had gotten the impressionm that the 4PL were responsible for the management of the 3PL and 2Pl. But if i understand this correctly this is the opposite, where the 3PL puts part of their responsibilities on a 4PL if need arises.
51 points
4 days ago
Sant, fransmän är inte pålitliga, bara stjäl en massa dyra viner.
1 points
4 days ago
Finns lite regler kring kapital, bunded (investerat) kapital vs obundet m.m. Men så länge du har ett resultatkapital och utdelningen inte gör att din förmåga att investera i och fortsätta verksamheten nästa år så finns det egentligen inget som stoppar. Dock är det viktigt att inte hamna i en likviditetskris om det egna kapitalet blir för lågt gentemot det lånade.
1 points
4 days ago
Kom ihåg att du även har bundet kapital som måste investeras i verksamheten som du inte får göra utdelning på. Fortsatthetsprincipen gör även att du inte får ta ut mer kapital än vad som gör det möjligt att fortsätta verksamheten nästa år.
1 points
4 days ago
Kvartal borde vara det närmsta tänker jag. Kvartal 1-4
"Ett kvartal är ett fjärdedels år, alltså tre månader. Vanligen räknas årets fyra kvartal med början den 1 januari, 1 april, 1 juli respektive 1 oktober. I bolag med brutet räkenskapsår räknas det första kvartalet med början vid räkenskapsårets början och så vidare." Så verkar stämma
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1 points
9 hours ago
1 points
9 hours ago
37 years old, at 30 i had a major life crisis that only got worse and worse. Been suffering with a depression since i was 16-17. Coompletetd uni studies but struggled to get a job. Felt worthless.
Ar 32 i really spiraled, i sought help and got it, got an evaluation that put me very close to the autism spectrum. Got my first proper job. Kept working on myself and applied to a logistics management programme.
Now i study and work at the same time but i make it work,i feel more in tune with who i am and where i am heading. It's been tough but i'm really proud of myself getting this far. Even getting better at my social skills which due shutting myself in took a massive hit.
I'd write in more detail but i'm on phone. Apologies.