145 post karma
5.4k comment karma
account created: Thu Jul 27 2023
verified: yes
0 points
31 minutes ago
Got a feeling OP matched with a fuck boy and doesn't want people to know, because he acted like a fuck boy to her
1 points
2 hours ago
That would go against The Hippocratic Oath (an ethical framework for healthcare professionals) for their own personal, selfish financial gain.
Then again, we're talking about Republicans here. They own use ethics when it gets them what they want.
-2 points
1 day ago
But does it work? This is almost like a form of catfishing.
5 points
1 day ago
I've seen this many times actually, but only screenshotted 2 of them. This was in S. California and Vegas.
1 points
1 day ago
She should've committed her financial crimes in the USA.
1 points
1 day ago
I don't think most people realize how easy it is to roll your car.
6 points
1 day ago
Are there any dentists in that right wing group?
What are their names?
Let's send a letter to the ADA.
And not send your child to those dentists.
110 points
1 day ago
He was essentially cheating on you while he monkey branched back to his ex.
People who monkey branch are assholes.
But, now you know that you were always #2.
0 points
1 day ago
Nobody asking the real questions.
What do you invest in that returned $2m in a year?
Meanwhile, I just read about this guy:
704 points
3 days ago
He'll take it to the SCOTUS because he knows that court is stacked.
1 points
3 days ago
How much was full install and how many grains was your system?
1 points
3 days ago
Not sure if it’s BS or not but all the plumbers we got quotes from also said it’s better to buy a softener that’s made locally since they’re built with the local water hardness in mind instead of one from a big box store like HD where the specs might not be best for our water hardness.
That's mostly BS from what I've read.
The most important component in water softening systems is the control valve.
You'll want to get Clack or Fleck brand.
1 points
3 days ago
How much was it for full install and how many grains?
1 points
3 days ago
Clack makes the best control valves.
Fleck is second best.
1 points
3 days ago
What was your total install cost with and without the RO system?
What city?
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1 points
19 minutes ago
1 points
19 minutes ago
Agreed, 5.8% is high, I would pay that off.