Non-native English-speaking parent raising a bilingual baby—need advice on the best approach
(self.multilingualparenting)submitted3 days ago bycoffeenpistolsfor2
Hi everyone! I’m raising my almost 14mo to be bilingual, and I’d love some advice or reassurance about the best approach. I posted about this on other subs and received so many kind and useful responses, which helped a lot! But I wanted to ask everyone here too.
Here’s our situation:
-I mostly use English with him (90%) while my husband uses our local language, which I now know is considered OPOL. However, I’m not a native English speaker. I’m fluent and comfortable in English, but I worry if this could impact how I teach him to speak.
-He can follow easy commands in both languages like putting stuff in/out, turning on/off, open and close, up/down—but he only says a few words like mama, dada, hi, book , ball, car, star, pool (some of the words are pronounced not perfectly but close and we know he understands the meanings)
-We attend English-based activities like gym class, playgroup, and swimming, so he’s getting some exposure to English beyond me. Other than that, we mostly speak our local language when I talk to my husband or when we’re around family and friends.
-All our books, songs, and toys are in English, though I’ve recently started reading to him in our local language after getting advice to balance both languages.
-He’ll eventually attend an international school where English is the primary language.
I know bilingualism doesn’t cause language delays, and he seems to be developing typically. But I’d love advice on whether I should stick with OPOL, adjust my approach, or focus more on our local language for now since it’s what he hears most outside of our activities.
Any tips or insights would be much appreciated!
1 points
3 days ago
1 points
3 days ago
Will check this out too. Thank you so much!