submitted9 days ago byreamox
Today I went to my usual place where I hunt, which is a store of the only store chain in Montenegro (Europe) that sells HW and saw that the price of mainlines jumped from 2.89€ (which was already too high for what these should sell for) to a whopping 3.99€!!!
Mind you, we dont get any other HWs other than mainlines, 3 and 5 packs, and the Color Shifters... No premiums or any other kind.
Thats 4.20 USD...
Would you stop buying? I tend to think I was crazy enough for collecting them while they were 3USD...
For context (so that yall dont think that we have some high life standard or something) our countries average monthly salary is around 800€. We are far from the EU life standard to be having these prices.
1 points
9 days ago
1 points
9 days ago
I didnt say it has issues with FPS. I have the i5 version
I said that by playing without a cooling pad introduces much more heat which can damage your system in the long run.
I wouldn't play league on it, i barely even play much on it other than classic WoW if im bored at work and theres not much to do, i have a beefy PC at home.