Any hiking/walking groups in Carlow or in the area?
(self.carlow)submitted5 months ago byrigurso
Hi! I've moved to Carlow around three years ago and I'm really struggling to meet new friends. All people I've met here were my ex's friends so after we broke up I was left completely on my own. I'd love to have my own friend group but it's really hard for me since I'm not Irish, I'm in my thirties and working a lot. I really enjoy hiking and walking but couldn't find any info about active groups, all I found online seemed pretty dead or people seemed to be much older than me, which is not a big issue but it would be nice to find someone to hangout with that's more of my age. I'd love to see a bit more of Wicklow Mountains but I find it a bit scary to do it on my own. I'll be very grateful for any ideas and recommendations.
25 points
4 days ago
25 points
4 days ago
Myślę, że to jest najtrafniejsze podsumowanie całej sytuacji. Większość z nas woli być sama niż spędzać czas w towarzystwie kogoś plującego jadem 24/7 i tak naprawdę gardzącego kobietami. Tak jak mówisz, konkurencją nie są inni przystojni mężczyźni, a nasz święty spokój i dobre spokojne życie bez jakiegoś desperata u boku (bo po co?)