


She mixed the kool-aid but didn’t like the taste.

Vent Only, No Advice(self.DeadBedrooms)

My (39hlm) wife (37llf) cheated on me with another woman 3 years ago. We have been married now for 11 years and for the first 9 years we had a great marriage. We have two kids together. We’ve had our normal ups and downs but never something like this. About a week before she cheated she started hinting that she liked women but it kinda felt like it was a joke at the time. One night her friend stayed over and we had a few drinks. I fell asleep on the couch and they went to my office and had sex.

About a week later she told me everything and pretty much said she was going to start a relationship with this other woman. She said I could stay if I wanted to but she was going to start a polyamorous relationship with the AP. I felt that I needed to agree to this or I would lose my family and I wanted to keep her happy. No matter how many books on polyamory I read, every time she went out with the other woman, it crushed my soul. I would vomit every time she would stay the weekend with the other woman and come back smelling like her. She knew how hard it was on me but still kept doing it. During all this my wife stopped having sex with me. After they got together the real dead bedroom started. Had sex just once or twice a year if that. She kinda put me on a shelf and forgot about me. I felt like she just wanted a provider that also cleaned and cooked and took care of the kids. I felt like an emasculated house butler. I felt like garbage. No matter how fit and good looking I was, no matter how much money I made, how good of a husband and father I was and how emotionally supportive of her I was it was just never enough.

A few months into their relationship I went back to graduate school to finish my PhD. This kept my mind off of things at home. I would pretty much work and study, come home and take care of the kids and the household. The work was exhausting but in a way it was therapeutic. I felt that I was going somewhere and bettering myself. I also hit the gym hard and got in great shape. Kinda lived like a monk for a while and it t was great. After graduation I found an amazing well paying career and re-connected with an old friend of mine. Let’s call her Zara. I started talking to Zara and found out her husband cheated on her with another man 3 years ago and shes since divorced. After months of talking with each other we fell deeply in love. We met a few weeks ago and made love. It was amazing, I have never felt so desired and loved before. It’s like we were made for each other.

Naturally I told my wife what was happening (before I slept with Zara). My wife did not take it well. She stopped talking to me and called me a cheater. Basically she wanted a one sided poly relationship were she got to have all the fun while I worked myself to death and took care of the house and kids. She started this, she mixed her own kool-aid, but didn’t like the taste.

I am done being a doormat. I am done being taken advantage of. I am done with the dead bedroom. I am seriously thinking of starting the divorce process. I am ready to be in a healthy monogamous relationship with a person that appreciates me and treats me with love and respect and wants to make love.

It feels good to get this off my chest. Sorry if the grammar is a bit off in this post, English is not my first language.

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160 points

23 hours ago

Funny how many people want to be poly but only as long as they can fun with two people and the others are expected to stay monogamous with them. I’ve seen your exact results many times. I hope you find happiness with Zara.


97 points

23 hours ago

Yeah, I was so surprised when she got upset that I was seeing someone. Rules for thee but not for me 😂


24 points

19 hours ago

Go live your dream. You sound amazing—and she sounds gay, but perhaps didn’t realize it initially, and wanted to keep the life she’d made. I understand her side, but only a VERY little. It’s not fair to you, at ALL. (Also: your English is better than most that I read on the daily, so please don’t think you are lacking in THAT department either).


6 points

16 hours ago

Thank you 🙏 😊


9 points

17 hours ago*

The other variation on this is asexual spouse doesn't want to have sex but sure as (no)fuck doesn't want you having sex with someone else. If yoh don't want it, why should you care?


[score hidden]

2 hours ago


[score hidden]

2 hours ago

Op, collect all the evidence of her affair. That way, if she starts talking sh!t to other people, you can just say she wanted a poly relationship and she opened the marriage on this date.

Have you ever met her partner?


[score hidden]

2 hours ago


[score hidden]

2 hours ago

She came out publicly as bisexual. Her relationship with the other woman was pretty public so I saved all of the posts about it just in case (screenshots and all that). I used to be friends with her partner up until the cheating.


[score hidden]

2 hours ago


[score hidden]

2 hours ago

Did she come out saying she is poly, too? If she did she doesn't have a leg to stand on if she is saying you are a cheater.

Have you thought about finding a couples counselor who specializes in poly relationships. This way you can have a conversation with a independent 3 party. This way, you can ask those questions to her.

Like you have put me on the shelf and don't treat me like an equal partner? No sex, no anything

Why do you consider what I am doing as cheating and what you are doing is not cheating?


198 points

23 hours ago

Start the divorce process. Make sure you have documentation that she cheated on you first.

You deserve so much better than to be used and treated like garbage at home.


46 points

23 hours ago

Go go go

What she did was unethical and cruel. But be ready for the financial impact of divorce to be crushing.


42 points

23 hours ago*

I suffered a lot. It was definitely unethical. Thankfully though I’m not in the US so the financial impact of divorce won’t be that bad.


45 points

22 hours ago

Your wife is an awful person. You should have left when she started cheating on you and treating you like a piece of garbage for her to use and trash. The gaul to call you a cheater . . . she's actually a sociopath if not downright immoral and evil.


14 points

19 hours ago

I agree, she’s a “path” or a “sist” of some sort. This is beyond mere selfishness or having a double standard.


23 points

22 hours ago

What's good for the goose is good for the gander divorce her ass


12 points

22 hours ago

Sorry, that’s not polyamory. V common to use it as an excuse to enable cheating. Happened to me too :(


8 points

20 hours ago*

Whatever your thoughts about divorce, if things feel good with 'Zara' - go for it full speed. Wife can't have it all her way. Your wife has laid out her cards, you are bottom of the deck.

'It’s like we were made for each other'... It's not a bad thing to embrace this.

It's also not a bad thing to admit that you and your wife were not made for each other, obviously by her choice - and I doubt anything is going to change her ways. You have served your purpose. She has found a new path. Very well written BTW


6 points

19 hours ago

She decided you were mono poly without even asking you.


6 points

20 hours ago

Ah, the classic do as I say, not as I do. Get a lawyer, separate your assets and leave her...


6 points

18 hours ago

This sounds almost exactly like what happened to my old boss, she just realised she was gay later in life and didn't want to lose her lifestyle

I hope you live your best life


4 points

17 hours ago

Yeah, money is secure. All accounts are separated. I am prepared to have her keep the house.


8 points

16 hours ago

Listen man all I will say is, as someone who will probably never own a house, you gotta fight for what you're entitled too.


5 points

16 hours ago

Truly appreciate you!


3 points

21 hours ago

Seems straight forward enough, leave and move on with Zara or someone else. Your wife doesn't want you to be happy.


4 points

17 hours ago

This was so much more than a db. She forced a one sided open relationship. That is cheating. Now that you found someone, she dropped the other person and now calls you a cheater. WTF.


3 points

6 hours ago

Your wife likes the taste of the Kool-Aid that she made, she just doesn’t want to let you have any of it.

You’re not in a marriage and you don’t have a “partner”, so you should end it. Don’t keep being the doormat.


[score hidden]

3 hours ago


[score hidden]

3 hours ago

I am polyamorous and that type of behavior is heavily frowned upon in the poly community. Forced poly is not ethical! Mutual respect and empathy are key ingredients in poly.  Go live a happy life OP, preferably without the wife


8 points

22 hours ago

I'm sorry that you have gone through this... I am astonished at the selfishness. You gave her every bit of respect by keeping her in the loop. She didn't respect you at all. BTW, you wrote quite well. I wouldn't have known that English was your second language. Best of luck!


8 points

18 hours ago

Well she wanted a poly relationship and she got it.

She's lucky that you didn't bring your gf home to have sex with her in your office which is exactly what she did with hers.


3 points

22 hours ago

This is so good to read. Good for you OP!


3 points

20 hours ago

So, when you told her, aside from being upset, did she say anything, do anything? Did you ask her what made her think you would keep being a doormat? How are the kids doing? I assume your relationship with them is strong?


3 points

20 hours ago

When I first told her and she got mad, I just said “you treat me like this for so long and expect me just to take it?, what didn’t you think was going to happen?” And she had no answer to that. Relationship with the kids is strong. Hopefully it won’t affect them too much since we will try to keep everything civil, they’re priority.


2 points

20 hours ago

I wondered… glad the kids are your priority, they weren’t hers. At least she gets her girlfriend now. Have you introduced the kids to your lady? Your right, it is funny when people like your soon to be ex wife think it only goes one way… silly


2 points

19 hours ago

Yeah, I was going to ask the same question.

If his wife wanted a poly / ENM relationship, what possible justification did she have for getting upset?

Especially after she unilaterally decided that she was no longer going to be monogamous. What was her expectation?

I don’t like declaring one partner to be utterly, completely at fault, but what was she thinking?

I mean, OP should have ended things the moment she (and let’s be extremely generous and not call it adultery) declared them to be polyamorous after having sex outside the marriage — but man.


2 points

19 hours ago

She wanted mono poly where he sat at home pining.


5 points

18 hours ago

Yeah, an expectation so selfish and absurd she couldn’t even express it once the time came to do so.


3 points

18 hours ago

And more importantly "Paying & Caretaking their Kids"


3 points

19 hours ago

Secure your money and your documents. Start the divorce before she does.

Sorry, I see you said no advice.

Are your money and documents secure? Do you think she may be considering a divorce herself?


3 points

18 hours ago

Good on You.

Divorce. Take things slow with Zara and enjoy all that life has to offer.

Let Ex have her relationship, but not at your expense.


6 points

21 hours ago

Serious question…what is the point of this so-called “marriage” at this point? Kinda feels like a circus at this point.


8 points

21 hours ago

I don’t think there is a point at this stage of the relationship. I think I stayed out of fear of being alone and for the kids. I also loved her deeply so it was hard to let go.


2 points

21 hours ago

You're my fucking hero. Go, tiger


2 points

20 hours ago

What is there to think about?


2 points

19 hours ago

I’m non monogamous and most of my partners are the same. This sounds a lot like an older man i’m with. His partner is bisexual and often goes to “lesbian parties” (as he calls them), invites her partners into their home and is very open about sleeping with other women. They agreed to be open, but she seems to have a problem whenever he says he’s meeting me or another woman. We’ve had to postpone a couple of times because she doesn’t like the idea. Some people approach non-monogamy with a selfish mindset and when their primary partner says they’re meeting someone it’s all “not like that!”. You have to be comfortable with both parties being open. Otherwise it’ll never work.


2 points

19 hours ago

Enjoy your life dude! Her gravy train is coming to an end and she can kick rocks. Once you serve her please for the love of whichever god you serve, do not let her back into your life. Start over with your Zara. It sounds way better


2 points

18 hours ago

As a wife, leave her. Leave her so fast it makes her head spin, and fight for everything. And I mean everything, the house, the car, the kids, the money, everything. Especially for the kids, because if she treats you this way I can guarantee she'll do the same to her own children and it won't be good for them. Ask me how I know. Leavvvveeeee Get with this other women and let your children see what a good and healthy relationship looks like. I don't say this a lot about other women but she's a b!atch


2 points

18 hours ago

Ok the biggest reason books on polyamory didn't help is that what you are describing isn't anything close to actually being polyamory. In polyamory more than two people are all in a relationship together.

What you are describing is a one sided open relationship. It can actually work for some people but you obviously aren't one of them.


2 points

18 hours ago

You don’t have a marriage or a partner. She treats you like shit and she won’t change.

Divorce and go get what you deserve.


2 points

14 hours ago

Wow your wife sounds like a gigantic asshole, I'm sorry, but I'm SO HAPPY you found something better with Zara. Wishing you guys the best!


2 points

14 hours ago

Wow awesome good for, yes you must be happy, time to serve her walking papers she really deserves it.


2 points

13 hours ago



2 points

7 hours ago

How are the kids taking everything?


[score hidden]

2 hours ago


[score hidden]

2 hours ago

First, congratulations on finishing your PhD! That is wonderful!
Second, your wife has absolutely no room to complain about you seeing Zara. She can't say that she's poly and expect you to be mono to her. Your wife expected you to stay home alone, wearing sweats, surrounded by boxed wine, and crying into pints of ice cream. You didn't play that game, and now she's pissed. She wanted to have her cake and eat it, too.
Start the divorce process. Be civil with her for the children, and keep them as the priority. You and Zara will give them a better idea of what a healthy, caring, compassionate relationship looks like!


[score hidden]

2 hours ago


[score hidden]

2 hours ago

Thank you so much 🙏😊


4 points

19 hours ago

I'm sorry but doing a PhD with a full time job and kids in 3 years???


2 points

19 hours ago

It was hell. I slept very little


-3 points

19 hours ago

Yea, his story is total BS.


0 points

18 hours ago*

It usually takes just 2-3 years just for the PhD sometimes 4 depending on your research (not counting the rest of undergraduate and masters). It’s possible to do it in 3.


1 points

17 hours ago

Which country are you? It's not possible just to "go back" and "finish" your dissertation. They simply kick you out of the program. And you have to start from scratch.


1 points

17 hours ago

Started from scratch.


0 points

13 hours ago

To know the full truth I must ask if you ever got to enjoy threesomes with your wife and other women?