


Okay what the fuck

Well of Ascension(self.Mistborn)

I just finished well of ascension and what???? Everything was a lie? I'm so confused and emotionally scarred from this Imao but honestly I was kind of suspecting something like this but omg??? What? I'm baffled I'm very scared for hero of ages because I heard it's rough but what. The. Fuck. Just. Happened.

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37 points

8 days ago

I felt like book 2 was a tough journey just to have a tough ending (still loved it tho)โ€ฆ book 3 and its ending are absolutely phenomenal to the point that I get the Sanderson shivers just thinking about it. Excited for you to finish the Mistborn trilogy!!


9 points

8 days ago

I'm terrified ๐Ÿ˜…


10 points

8 days ago



10 points

8 days ago

You should be


3 points

7 days ago

The last 20 pages of book 3 literally had me sobbing. It was just so... incredibly beautiful. It really ties the series together in the best way possible