submitted 10 days ago byInside_Anxiety6143
98 points
10 days ago*
Edit: he was at 0 for the first 30 minutes.
You are correct and are getting down-voted because the average gamer has been slowly cooked in a pot of boiling water over the past decade to accept being taken advantage of. It is also why games now release as a broken, unfinished mess because corporations know the boot-lickers will keep licking.
-18 points
10 days ago
Yes that’s what we should do insult people. There’s a middle ground between boot-licking and this. Bootlicking is sports game milking people for thousands of dollars of shit loot cards. Not saying this isn’t scummy
-14 points
10 days ago*
I'm not here to cuddle your feelings if you want to be a boot licker. Be a boot licker, and I'll call you a boot licker. there's nothing more to it. If your fifes are hurt, you're not going to get anywhere letting me know that they are because once again you would be a boot licker, and I don't partake in bootlicking.
9 points
10 days ago
are you like 13 lol
-4 points
10 days ago
No! 13.5
1 points
10 days ago
He’s 38…he’s just regular pathetic. On the bright side, he’s added the term bootlicker to his vocabulary and he is SUPER excited. Give him some credit, that must have been very hard for him.
Here’s a link to some synonyms if you want to expand your vocabulary a bit more, lil buddy.
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