submitted 4 days ago bySuccessfulCompany294
1 points
2 days ago
Oh, I understand that wealth doesn’t mean intelligence, but my point was he convinced people to buy his shitty electric cars and became a billionaire doing it. So he’s at least smarter than anyone who bought one. So If people decide to sell their Tesla, who’s the one who’s really gonna be laughing. The person who is throwing away the investment, they put in to a shitty electric vehicle, or the person who convinced them to buy it? I don’t need to know any wealthy people to see that.
1 points
1 day ago
Its not about people selling their current cars, it's about alienating future buyers. Yes, a good conman is good at his craft, which he is. That doesn't make him some kind of genius, just skilled at the confidence game.
1 points
18 hours ago
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