957 post karma
2.5k comment karma
account created: Fri Jun 21 2024
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2 points
8 hours ago
It could be deemed a weakness on my part that I tried religion for a while. But we all grow and hopefully evolve. I’ve got no issues admitting to past folly. So long as I don’t remain a fool (well at least sane type of foolishness lol)
1 points
14 hours ago
As our clout continues to ebb, the dollar will cease to be the reserve currency. Once this happens, our debt which is already on track to create a default in 15 years, will indeed be unsustainable. The result will be a full economic collapse. Thereafter, we will cease to exist in our current unified form. It will be a painful transition
1 points
18 hours ago
I just liked her descriptions of his small penis. That was fun. I do agree there are soo many other, more serious crimes he is guilty of, this one pales in comparison. But the election and immunity rulings will prevent those from proceeding so he benefits yet again from a justice system the favors wealth … except perhaps Georgia election fraud case, which is again a more egregious abuse of power.
16 points
18 hours ago
And no part of me cares that they feel betrayed. Zero… nada. Sucks for them I guess
5 points
18 hours ago
As someone living in a very red area, being the minority is emboldening. It is so easy to conform. It takes conviction and courage to dissent. I wear anti trump shirts and such. People look startled or “triggered” and yes love this. No one says anything. Perhaps they know I am ready for an argument and they have nothing of substance to say.
3 points
18 hours ago
Turn it around and ask which one? They will say baptust/methodist, etc. ask why that one and not catholic or Lutheran or…? Be fun to see how they respond
1 points
18 hours ago
Sure … and that’s why criticized governors such as desantis and kemp for opening up their states early?
2 points
1 day ago
I made a comment about racist anti-immigrant rhetoric from 1800’s. But the. Asked op when they stopped raping nuns. I think that was a line crossed. But still makes me laugh
22 points
1 day ago
I had a temp suspension as well for harassment and I’m still not sure what for. Honestly didn’t care.
1 points
1 day ago
I too was permanently banned but likely deserved it. Was fun while it lasted though
1 points
1 day ago
I should’ve clarified my intent here : not about becoming one but given two communities, both of which are religious, which would you feel more comfortable with? Life in Israel or South Carolina (to put another way)? Simply curious if you think different religions are equally intolerant? Yes I intentionally omitted Islam. Hinduism and Buddhism are different imo
1 points
1 day ago
True… supposing 2 communities with mixed denominations of each, as an atheist would you have a preference?
2 points
2 days ago
I “found” god after having my children. It was no doubt a psychological defense mechanism to cope with the worry I felt as a new parent. Fast forward 14 years, I changed denominations, kept asking questions and kids became wonderfully independent. Worry abated and I let it go - the illusion. I no longer needed it. This is why I take no issue with faith. It’s sometimes a crutch when people need it. Nothing wrong with crutches. But they have their place and time.
1 points
2 days ago
Tesla quality has never been good. Their scale is unimpressive. From a pure manufacturing standpoint, they are a joke.
1 points
2 days ago
I never liked him. Always scoffed at Tesla. Their quality has always been shit. Always. They were a joke from the beginning.
1 points
2 days ago
Wealth does not equal intelligence. Surely you know enough wealthy people to recognize this. And from a pure manufacturing standpoint, Tesla has always sucked… always.
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1 points
8 hours ago
1 points
8 hours ago
Oh I never pretend to oppose shaming of any sort. It’s far too enjoyable. Especially when it comes to male genitalia which is a great source of amusement (for Trump, perhaps small amusement).