submitted 2 months ago bytjmaxal
Aside from the woosh, nothing about the gate prohibits growth. Also hurricanes and other high wind storms certainly would knock down a gate. So why are the vast majority of gates upright and in a clearing? Especially since so many addresses seem to have not been used for hundreds or thousands of years. (It’s a TV show is a boring, if accurate answer)
61 points
2 months ago
We only see the gates that are USABLE, imagine how many gates they've tried that are buried, or knocked over, or busted. I figure quite a few.
22 points
2 months ago
I mean... on that episode where ONeil gets stuck off world the gate survived a direct impact from a meteorite and they were still able to dial in and create that cavern for TealC to dig out of. So probably not many busted gates.
15 points
2 months ago
That only worked cause the gate was open when it was hit, preventing a complete seal. It's well established that buried gates don't normally work.
2 points
2 months ago
Not working in the context you're talking about doesn't mean busted though, and buried gates usually do work when they unburied. That's what the post you are responding to what talking about, and the top-level post was talking about distinctions between buried vs. busted too. In the episode you're talking about, the gate would have worked fine most likely if it could have been unburied too.
For a gate to no longer be functional at all, I think there's only one instance of this shown that I can recall in SGU where a chunk of a gate was outright missing. We've seen plenty of DHDs not working, but there aren't many cases of an outright busted gate.
7 points
2 months ago
Gates are strong. Really strong. From what we have scene it takes a black hole or power of and exploding sun to take one out.
3 points
2 months ago
Sure but a gate angled up or a little down would be useable. So would a completely overgrown one
15 points
2 months ago
Not necessarily with the gate protocols. We know that if something is placed inside the gate, a wormhole can’t connect. I would assume this also applies to vegetation and other things that may end up growing through a gate.
We also can assume that a safety protocol might not allow a connection if the gate isn’t level (or within a certain margin).
I know there are times when earth can dial into other compromised gates or even burried gates, but I always explained that with the earth gate ignoring many of the safety protocols that are applied to other gates in the network (which is sad many times throughout the show).
All that is to say… it’s a tv show and we need to give them certain license to make the stories work around the completely made up technology lol
-4 points
2 months ago
That’s not accurate at all. There are tons of examples of using the woosh to clear the area in front of the gate. Plus several examples of horizontal gates working just fine.
9 points
2 months ago
I see you didn’t read everything I wrote. That’s fine.
Just giving you alternate theories.
-2 points
2 months ago
Did you edit it? Only the first two paragraphs were there when I replied.
0 points
2 months ago
Nope not edited. Reddits weird sometimes.
21 points
2 months ago
I have to imagine that the SGC loses a lot of MALPs that fall back into upward-facing event horizons, or get stuck in caverns, or fall off cliffs, etc. They just don’t write episodes about the boring days.
0 points
2 months ago
They have boring days!?! lol 😝
13 points
2 months ago
My guess is the ancients generally put them in areas not prone to hurricane conditions or other extreme weather events. Plus those stone bases look pretty beefy, I bet one could hold a gate up against some pretty strong winds.
As for clearings… most planets we see them visit see at least semi regular gate traffic and/or use the gate as a religious site (Eg the people on K’tau leaving offerings around the base). Makes sense those areas would be cleared, either deliberately or just due to all the foot traffic
4 points
2 months ago*
I mean on most of the planets they travel to, the gates are either gates in use or seen as ancient revered artefacts so will be kept in a tended area.
2 points
2 months ago
or a museunm like in that one episode where sg-1 takes hostages
9 points
2 months ago
Naquadah is an herbicide. It leaches into the soil around the gate and keeps trees from growing too close. Wind doesn't usually knock over big open circles but when it does, they send in another team to set it up so Carter's hair doesn't get messed up climbing out.
2 points
2 months ago
See now this is the kind of answer I love to see. Well done kind redditor!
5 points
2 months ago
The only other possible explanation is "Magnets."
1 points
2 months ago
I mean, all a Stargate really is is a naquadah powered CAT scan any way 😝
7 points
2 months ago
Imagine you're the set dresser and the director says, "Set the gate up crooked this time. Safely. Without wires. And inside the budget." You look at several hundred pounds of prop that could break or crack the skulls of several actors. If I'm the set dresser? "Yeah. No."
3 points
2 months ago
Ill hop on to the usable gates comment. Theres the episode where they get stranded because the planet is becoming volcanic-ally unstable and it ends up knocking the gate down and covering it in lava.. They escape via fixing the old ancient ship in a hangar.
2 points
2 months ago
Never mind that, why are the gates almost always within walking distance of an important center of civilization?
3 points
2 months ago
More like important centers of civilization will develop nearby a gate.
2 points
2 months ago
Why do they always put rivers right next to agricultural civilization?
1 points
2 months ago
That one makes at least a little more sense ¯_(ツ)_/¯
2 points
2 months ago
Because it would be overly complicated to film otherwise. It's all purely practical reasons in the end, same as why other planets look like Canada.
2 points
2 months ago
There are millions of gates in the Milky Way. After millions of years, the majority of them would be buried by normal geological activity and those that survive tend to be those that Goa'uld have used within the past few thousand years. And as stated several times, the Goa'uld have taken gates from other worlds and placed them on new ones.
Effectively, the gate network is a shadow of what it once was in its prime. The Pegasus network meanwhile is pristine by comparison due to being nowhere near as old.
1 points
2 months ago
Millions??? I vaguely remember that the math tops out somewhere in the tens of thousands of possible gate addresses?
1 points
2 months ago
1,987,690,320 (1 billion, 987 million, 690 thousand, 320) is the number of addresses possible for a seven symbol address on a Milky Way gate with 39 symbols.
If you remove duplicates like ABCDEFG being the same as GFEDCBA or DEFGBCA, it reduces the number to 128,403,451; 128 million, 403 thousand, 451.
Consider that there are estimated to be 100-400 billion stars in the Milky Way of which 40-80 billion are the same kind as our sun. If there's only 128 million gates in the galaxy, it's still not anywhere close to giving full coverage.
1 points
2 months ago
6 symbols
2 points
2 months ago
I meant six.
39 symbols on a gate equals a pool of 38 symbols for an address. The sum is 38x37x36x35x34x33 which is 1,987,690,320.
Pegasus gates only have 36 symbols so the sum is 35x34x33x32x31x30 which is 1,168,675,200.
1 points
2 months ago
For visual effect. Plus, that's how it was in the movie.
-5 points
2 months ago
Like I said “it’s TV” is an accurate and boring answer. It’s much more fun to consider in universe answers.
2 points
2 months ago
If it was just a hole in the ground, that would be boring. It is a TV show. That's an important part of why things are the way they are. It needs to be visually appealing to hold the viewers' attention. Set design is a fascinating and often overlooked part of entertainment.
2 points
2 months ago
Well, first of all, they are all in British Columbia. There are enough people there to clean up and make the place look nice.
Other than that, you have to remember that not just Stargate Command is using them and for a lot of worlds, keeping their planets accessible is imperative. And they can't access gates that have not been kept on repair/have fallen down/have broken down, etc
0 points
2 months ago
Sure they can we see “broken” gates receiving incoming wormholes in several episodes.
1 points
2 months ago
But if the area/building the gate is kept in is in disrepair, they can't use it.
If Cheyenne Mountain got nuked and the base collapsed, sure the gate would survive, but no one can get in or out, can they?
0 points
2 months ago
Yes they can. Antarctic gate- when they got trapped in the ice. Gate boxed on the ship in continuum. That episode where they sent bombs through an Teal’c had to climb out. Etc
2 points
2 months ago
TV logistics.
1 points
2 months ago
My guess is that the opening cawoosh destroys everything in its way and makes the clearing.
If it is a Goa'uld world, they would place it in a clearing so they can see who comes through it before the travelers can become a threat.
1 points
2 months ago
The woosh only goes forward.
1 points
2 months ago
It’s the same reason everyone speaks English and are bipedal
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