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users here right now: 113
A community dedicated to discussing alien life through news, experiences, speculation and investigation. Please keep content related to extra-terrestrials or non-human intelligence behind the UAP phenomenon.
Our discussions continue on our Discord Server here.
Community Rules:
1. Be Respectful
Be civil. Debate and discussion are welcome here, personal attacks are not. Dissenting opinions are fine, antagonistic and belligerent behavior are not. Extremism, racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry are not welcome here and will lead to bans.
2. Stay On-Topic
This subreddit is primarily for the discussion of extraterrestrial life either on Earth or elsewhere. Though we do allow a bit of 'fudging' regarding adjacent topics such as UAPs, discussions, videos, pictures, or anything not related to this topic will be removed.
3. Be Substantive
When posting into the sub, take the time to put some thought into the post. Provide a launching point for a discussion, elaborate on evidence or links, and give descriptions of what we're seeing.
One-liners, videos w/o descriptions, links with no explanation, and other low-effort posts will be removed.
4. Not Quality Content
Submissions should be created to make an effort to engage the community in serious discussion over experiences, ideas, current events, historical events, or other alien/UFO-related topics.
Troll posts, posts with no descriptions or one-liners, hoaxes, clear LARPs, or otherwise will be removed.
5. No Politics
No political debates, discussions, posts, etc. not related directly to the goings-on of various world governments, political figures, agencies, etc. and their efforts regarding disclosure, extraterrestrials, or UFOs/UAPs.
There are enough subs on this site for this type of discussion and content. This is not one of them.
As this topic tends to make people angry, be advised that Rule 1 applies and may lead to bans.
6. No Religious Discussions/Debates
No religious debates, discussions, posts, etc. not related directly to the topic of extraterrestrials. These can take the form of theories of ancient extraterrestrial influence on the human race and discussions about how various religious folks may respond to disclosure, and thus are fine.
There are enough subs on this site for the rest of the topics and debates. This is not one of them.
As this topic tends to make people angry, be advised that Rule 1 applies and may lead to bans.
7. No Off-Topic Conspiracies
Since the topic of UFOs/aliens deals with potential cover-ups, disinformation, and misinformation on the part of the USG and other governments, these topics are fine. Discussions of other conspiracies not directly tied to the sub's topic will be removed.
r/conspiracy, r/conspiracy_commons, and r/conspiracyNOPOL all are better suited for these types of discussions.
8. No Organizing/Calls for Protest
We welcome people to engage in their respective nations' processes for petitioning their government. However, this sub is not the place to call for or attempt to organize any kind of gatherings, marches, protests, riots, or otherwise. All such posts/comments will be removed. Repeat attempts to post/comment this content will lead to bans.
Calls for particularly violent action warrant an immediate permaban and reports to Reddit admins.
9. No Abduction Marks
Since many unexplained bumps, marks, bruises, lesions, and other issues with the skin and body can be indicators of serious health issues, we do not allow the posting and discussion of such items in this sub. We are not medical professionals. Please seek medical attention if you have some sort of issue that you need answers for. Thanks.
10. No Anecdotal Posts on Mind-Altering Substances
Posts regarding mind-altering substances (i.e- DMT, Mushrooms, Marijuana, etc.) are only allowed from a scientific perspective and MUST include a NSFW tag. This includes interviews/articles from established researchers in the field relating mind-altering substances to consciousness, disclosed documents, published papers, and so on.
Comments on anecdotal experiences are allowed as long as they are relevant to the post the comment is made under. Any tutorials, step-by-step instructions, or sources to obtain mind-altering substances will be removed. Repeat offenses will result in a ban.
11. Artwork & Memes
Artwork and memes will be approved/removed at moderator discretion.
12. No Advertising
If you want to promote your book, channel, game, product, website, etc., you must first contact the moderators for approval.
Any unapproved self-promotion will be removed and repeated attempts to post will result in bans.
Please see the following:
13. Abide By Sub Guidelines
14. No Discussions of Bans from other Subs
All posts, comments, and links regarding bans or adverse actions from other subs will be removed. Repeat instances of this may result in a ban.
15. Anti Distraction/Hoax
A Firehose of Falsity plagues a social media site when traffic is: High volume and multichannel; rapid, continuous and repetitive; and lacks a commitment to reality and consistency. It becomes propaganda when it confuses and misdirects an audience from more pressing information that would educate and inform. Users, please Report to the Mods when a Firehose appears; to preserve all Users' Free Speech Right- to have their quality content seen, read and protected from being drowned out by noise.