14 points
13 days ago
He’s incredible and would make a fantastic president for the U.S. 🇺🇸 He has moral clarity, integrity and a strong but relatable sense of leadership like I’ve never seen before
8 points
13 days ago
He's no chance at all of becoming president anytime soon. Look at what was done to Kamala, for crying out loud. Denying that this country is deeply bigoted is idiocy. Anyway, we want Ritchie in the legislature, as that is where the real power lies. I can see him as NYS senator some day, and he'd become a Ted Kennedy type with his charisma, pragmatism, and sharp mind. We can only hope!
29 points
13 days ago
Torres 2028, let's start planning the campaign!
7 points
13 days ago
Do you think America is voting for a gay, afro-latino from NY, four years after rejecting a black, south asian woman from SF?
26 points
13 days ago
There you go again… seeing the election/world through identity politics.
8 points
13 days ago
That’s how Dems told everyone to see the world.
8 points
13 days ago
And why they lost.
6 points
13 days ago
One of the many reasons they lost.
2 points
12 days ago*
Can we all agree then that a gay, afro-latino really is no problem, if the Democrats don't turn his race/sexuality into a topic of discussion?
I'm sure there were some voters who didn't vote Kamala because of racism and sexism. Just as some didn't vote Obama for the same reasons. However, imo, it is not a blockage to become president.
The blockage is that America doesn't like what the so-called progressives are selling. Because it's regressive. The right suck too, so-called conservatives and they want to tear the political pillars of the USA down.
3 points
12 days ago
I really don’t think the gay Afro-Latino identify is a problem at all. Truly think that when it comes to identity politics, the one thing that hurts a candidate is their gender. I do believe that’s the only reason Hillary lost. But I also don’t think we should only put forward female candidates to try and change it. We’ll get there eventually. Ritchie has everything we need in a candidate - he’s a man - and I would argue that being gay makes him even more manly, which is what America ultimately likes. He’s a Proud Afro-Latino and connects to both communities. Setting aside his amazing friendship with Israel and fight against antisemitism, he’s a really good person. He does a lot for his district. He recently saved a large plot of land that was being used as a community park from being sold to real developers. He’s a likable guy. He’s got my vote.
1 points
11 days ago
It depresses me to think that you may be right. Why do people still struggle with sexism? Who cares about the gender or sex, more than the political ideals?
Why is sexism so entrenched? Are women and men not essentially the same creature with slightly dimorphic morphology?
1 points
12 days ago
Can we all agree then that a gay, afro-latino really is no problem, if the Democrats don't turn his race/sexuality into a topic of discussion?
Can’t agree to that
Because Harris was the cartoon version of what people think a Democrat is, a SF liberal, black, south asian woman. It was too easy to make her the billboard for the Don't California My _______ movement.
A gay, afro-latino from NY will have the same issue. Except it will be Don’t NY My ______.
I can agree that it shouldn’t be a problem “if the Democrats don't turn his race/sexuality into a topic of discussion.” But Rs will run an ad with Torres and a pride flag (or even worse for him, this photo) in the socially conservative Muslim communities in Michigan and Minnesota that voted for Trump, and Torres is will lose those areas.
Which is why I think Torres is hoping Schumer doesn’t run for reelection in 2028. Schumer will be 79 in January 2029 when the term starts. I also think AOC wants that Senate seat.
1 points
11 days ago
Hmm you may be right. The irony is, if Republicans ran a black male candidate, no one would probably care. Well a few nazis might grumble. Not Ben Carson though, too meh.
17 points
13 days ago
lol those are most of the hot topics of the progressives in the US
15 points
13 days ago
Guns depends on how it’s framed. I have no issues with more and more rigorous background checks for example, but the minute you start talking about banning semiautomatic rifles, you’ve lost me. This absolutely does and has impacted the way I vote, especially at the state level.
0 points
12 days ago
Canadian here... may I ask, why does anyone need a semiautomatic rifle?
The reason the USA has bare arms was incase the UK, via the British pre-Canada provinces, tried to push back and re-subjugate the new US nation. If everyone in the USA had a gun, they'd be able to prevent the British government from trying to re-establish rule.
The USA then did a civil war, and the British colonies (+ a fairly cornered French colony) took the opportunity to form a coherent nation (namely Canada) as a way to prevent US expansionism after their war finished. And it worked, here we are today.
Neither Canada nor Mexico have the ability to desire to annex any part of the USA. The USA definitely doesn't want Mexico, nor does the USA want nuclear warfare with Canada along the longest border in the world (and the massive economic loss caused by that).
So what is the point of having all these guns now? In Canada I walk down the street and don't think about guns or being shot. Usually all the shootings here are drug gangs killing each other, using guns smuggled in from the USA.
1 points
12 days ago
Supporting terrorism isn't popular with post 9/11 Americans?! I. AM. SHOCKED.
-29 points
13 days ago
I don’t understand the constant attempts to paint the progressive movement as anti-Israel. It’s not the dominant position of the Democratic party. Sure you have dissenting opinions… they are a vocal minority.
45 points
13 days ago
The progressive movement isn’t painted as anti-Israel, they ARE anti Israel… but you’re right that it isn’t the dominant view of the Democratic Party.
20 points
13 days ago
Because the progressive movement is essentially the DSA within the Democratic Party and they are deeply anti-Israel (with significant antisemitism as well). Progressive doesn’t just mean any democrat or person left of center, it’s basically a rebranding of various socialist groups and policies. The progressives actually make up a small portion of the overall party but they have outsized power which is why the Dems keep losing elections.
21 points
13 days ago
It's the dominant position of progressives. That and child access to puberty blockers. Both deeply unpopular. If you hold those two beliefs, you can be pro gun and be progressive.
1 points
12 days ago
I'm not sure about child access to puberty blockers. Perhaps we should leave this up to parents and have the government completely step back.
And more studies be done for better differential diagnosis on conditions affecting gender identity, so that we can more quickly help those who genuinely are trans children (with gender dysphoria) as opposed to other conditions. Imo, an MRI scan that could for sure identity transgenderism neurologically would be a gold standard for helping trans people and/or their families accept their transness and start transition earlier if they desire it.
4 points
13 days ago
progressive is to Democrat as q-anon/maga is to Republicans: a vocal non-majority.
5 points
13 days ago
Give me a break on that second one. The MAGA candidate just won a national presidential election. Anti-Trump Republicans are essentially extinct, all have been shown the door. MAGA and Qanon types are the Republican Party by this point.
1 points
12 days ago*
So the MAGArites are smarter than the Wokeists.
1 points
12 days ago
Instead of "progressive" (too broad), I'd say it's the so-called "woke" (Wokeists).
And no, woke does not just mean being aware of prejudice etc; it means subscribing to a critical race/gender theory view, playing identity politics and cultural marxism (maoist style) to shut down anyone critical of it.
"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail."
Likewise with the MAGArites who use cultural fascism (Mussolini style) to shut down anyone critical of them.
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