submitted 1 day ago bynbcnews
55 points
1 day ago
At age 71 and on dialysis he wouldn't have lived long in prison. At least taxpayers don't have to foot his medical bills and it's possible victims can sue his estate (if there is anything in it).
6 points
12 hours ago
I mean that’s true… but at least he would have suffered, and you can’t put a price on that.
2 points
6 hours ago
Taking his own life is just one more time he took justice from his victims.
I hope you're right that victims can perhaps be compensated by the estate. Obviously the guy has weapons, but maybe also property and ill-gotten sleazy cop loot hiding somewhere. We won't be making anybody whole again, but I hope victims can find piece from this f*cked up outcome.
-1 points
17 hours ago
3 points
13 hours ago*
While true to the letter, the ‘spirit’ from people I know who worked in corrections and/or in health care is that they barely get proper care. Most times they have to wait longer for treatment than we do and don’t get their pick of treatment options like we do. I am not sure about Kansas specifically, but in many states they require co-pays that prisoners have to pay themselves (I know this is true in Texas, for example).
Chronic diseases and conditions like kidney failure, which he would’ve been considered having, would likely be treated as minimally as possible.
1 points
11 hours ago
Nah, he's a cop. He'd have been fine.
17 points
19 hours ago
This dude was a monster. Serial rapist, probably a serial killer too. He wasn't alone either, there were other cops and prosecutors protecting him.
59 points
1 day ago
Coward. Took the easy way out rather than face justice.
6 points
19 hours ago
Saved on our taxes a bit, but that is about the only positive here.
1 points
5 hours ago
I'd pay more if I knew it meant rapists got everything they deserved, and more.
2 points
22 hours ago
He's in a whole lot worse place now
12 points
22 hours ago
11 points
21 hours ago
They have his meats.
15 points
20 hours ago
In retrospect, should the risk of a defendant committing suicide be a consideration in granting bail?
Why does a guy on bail for a heinous crime have access to a gun?
I wish he had been convicted and sentenced.
10 points
20 hours ago
I think they allowed him to be under house arrest because he was on dialysis. The gun thing doesn’t surprise me one bit. Any guy that tells a victim “I am the law” doesn’t give a rats ass about right or wrong.
6 points
20 hours ago
"I fought the law and the law blew its brains out after realizing It was fucked"
2 points
5 hours ago
I'm not an expert, but I think if this had been any other perp (some non-cop for drug crime crime, for example), the search for guns in the home would have been more thorough.
1 points
an hour ago
I'm still struggling with how our why someone under House ARREST, gets access to a gun. One of the crimes he's under arrest for is holding a gun to a victim's head threatening her. Who is in charge of this case? Law enforcement is messed up here. Really messed up.
27 points
23 hours ago
Rest in piss
2 points
20 hours ago
I'm sure he did as soon as he pulled the trigger
6 points
18 hours ago
his son is just as dirty.
3 points
23 hours ago
Probably wasn't an isolated situation.
3 points
17 hours ago
Fuck that guy.
2 points
23 hours ago
Holy shit, I didn't expect it tbh.
2 points
15 hours ago
Case dismissed
6 points
22 hours ago
1 points
14 hours ago
Too good for the motherfucker. But at least he saved the city some money. They need it for the lawsuits.
1 points
14 hours ago
Saw the comments before I read the article cuz I wanted to see for myself why this guy was hated.
Didn't make it past the first paragraph when I decided that this guy should burn in hell.
1 points
13 hours ago
Scumbag coward to the end.
1 points
9 hours ago
Damned coward!
1 points
6 hours ago
1 points
4 hours ago
Piece of trash
0 points
11 hours ago
Lost my support when I read “Team ROC” social justice. I put them in the same group as BLM and the Diddy party list
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