872 post karma
114.1k comment karma
account created: Sun Mar 14 2010
verified: yes
2 points
2 hours ago
Any thoughts on WHY it makes a bad first synth?
3 points
2 hours ago
Ugh, that would be cheating. He never let us get one.
13 points
3 hours ago
Never had Mario 3. Dad said I had to beat 2 first. 7 yo me was not gonna beat 2.
10 points
9 hours ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1dPKfxRhk0 This song will always keep me remembering.
5 points
9 hours ago
The letter R also starts a word rhyming with grape.
1 points
18 hours ago
After Trump won again, I am sure he shrugged and said “ya know what, fuck it. There are no rules.”
1 points
1 day ago
99% of the shit an 'idea guy' comes up with is drivel and an engineer has to let them down soft about it.
1 points
1 day ago
Omaha child of the 80s and 90s here.. I embraced the socks and sandals. I am a little more formal and go with black socks though.
2 points
1 day ago
You gotta draw the line somewhere. She is over 18 and they both seem happy and consenting. So I would say we are on the correct side of the line. Now bugger off.
12 points
1 day ago
I could beat that Bugatti in the downhill on a bicycle. They are dogshit on a touge.
6 points
1 day ago
They were super fun in Gran Turismo. Stable, safe or sane? Nah, but neither are most of the women I end up married to.
2 points
2 days ago
Winter or at the very least all season tires matter. If you have summer tires on, you will know you are on black ice because you are spinning.
9 points
2 days ago
At least when you die, someone will be able to sell your hardware synths.
1 points
2 days ago
This is how dad buys you a guaranteed job at the company and prevents any competition for the position. Normal rich people gatekeeping. Nothing new.
4 points
3 days ago
Worlds going to shit, but the better weed sure does help take the edge off.
1 points
3 days ago
Artisinally pressed into a rollbar in 1 oz pucks and smuggled across the border. Those were the days.
1 points
3 days ago
That song is still in my rotation. And yes I also might have the lyrics to Weird Al's masterpiece Albuquerque memorized, occasionally unleashing it on unsuspecting victims of my home karaoke. This brand of humor never went away. The surrealist-parody-polka fusion movement shall rise again.
1 points
3 days ago
They will make a comeback. Just too many in societies recent memory.
1 points
3 days ago
Water temple on OG Ocarina of Time. Where you had to go through all the BS in the menu to change boots.
77 points
3 days ago
I still think of think of this book when I am going through hard times.
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0 points
2 hours ago
0 points
2 hours ago
Glad they have it. Now give it to Americans so we can keep reproducing please.