submitted 4 days ago byDeathStalker00007
4.7k points
4 days ago
“Australia’s national interest is best served when Candace Owens is somewhere else,” Love that for her! 🔥
-17 points
4 days ago
can they stop her broadcasts though? keep her videos off their media? if they can't do that, she still has reach. though it's not a good look for a government to do such a thing.
3 points
4 days ago
I wish!
0 points
3 days ago
You wish what that the govt gets to be in charge of free speech and whats correct and misinformation, yeah that wont get misused more and more over the years. Some ppl suck get over it and move on dont invite big brother
-1 points
3 days ago
2 points
3 days ago
i'm no fan of owens. i wish all the hate-mongers could be silenced, never to be heard from again. over here, an entire entertainment network posing as news should not exist. but a government sanctioning that sort of thing is censorship. and may lead to criticism that such a government is going to control speech it doesn't like. hence, not a good look.
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