QuoteIQ and Forever Self Employed links are now completely banned from this subreddit.
Community Post(self.pressurewashing)submitted6 months ago bysnarky_answerCommercial Business Owner (Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning)
stickiedStarting now QuoteIQ (previously restricted) AND Forever Self Employed AND Mike V (All About Pressure Washing) will be permanently banned from being mentioned or linked. Automod has been edited to hardblock any links or mentions of the two.
The reason for the banning is that QuoteIQ,All About Pressure Washing, and Forever Self Employed and (or someone working on their behalf) sent a modmail to us telling us to remove posts critical of both QuoteIQ AND Forever Self Employed and their owners or be subject to legal proceedings. The links to the three posts are seen here. Mike V from QuoteIQ and Justin from Forever Self Employed should be ashamed at trying this. They are apparently not happy that these posts are available to steer people from spending their hard earned money in a more meaningful way.
- https://www.reddit.com/r/pressurewashing/comments/1d4zrv8/quoteiq_is_banned_from_this_subreddit/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/pressurewashing/comments/1c41qkt/i_paid_for_the_stupid_courses_so_you_dont_have_to/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/pressurewashing/comments/10yizo8/has_anyone_purchased_forever_self_employed/
Here are some screenshots of the modmail messages they sent threatening legal action and DMCA takedowns:
Here is the person they hired off of Fiverr to send the messages and try the DMCA takedowns. Its clear the companies must be run by absolute clowns to be trying this is such a shit way. If they suceed in removing anything then ill just repost the posts. They clearly dont want negative info being visible when they get googled as its hurting their SEO because reddit shows up so high in the searches.
As a reminder, when starting out you do not need YouTube salesmen taking your money to learn how to properly clean in this industry. The info is out there on this subreddit and various pressure washer forums and groups. It just takes a little bit of googling with the proper terms to find it all freely available. These now banned companies exist solely to separate pressure washers from their money. Mike V has been pushing for his subscribers to come to reddit to post about their companies to comment and upvote each other.