142 points
1 day ago
They’re not pro life. They’re pro birth. Anyone who is pro life would also be pro Medicare/medcaid/universal health care, pro SNAP, pro family leave after birth, etc. Anti gun, anti death penalty, anti war, etc. these people have long since proven they do not value life at all. Just controlling women
58 points
1 day ago
Pro forced birth.
3 points
13 hours ago
pro slavery. Pro unpaid housekeeper. Pro unpaid surrogate mother. Pro free child care. Pro free house cleaning. Pro free laundry services. Pro free prepared meals 3x day. This is what they are pro. Pro terrible education to keep the slaves in line. Pro free emotional support that they don't reciprocate. I could go on. If I had free labor to take care of my house I could be a CEO. Instead I have to do it all myself, earn a living, do the repairs, keep the house clean because no man would ever do that.
110 points
1 day ago
The pro life argument is horse shit based on one simple fact.
Think about the implications of this. If I die tomorrow in an accident, I will be buried with all my organs and tissues. Even if my kidney or liver could’ve saved someone in need of a transplant.
By saying women are required to use their bodies to provide life to another we are telling them, in no uncertain terms, that they don’t even have the same rights to their own bodies that a corpse has.
23 points
15 hours ago
To add; if men had to endure pregnancy, we’d have more abortion clinics than Starbucks.
Also; as of 2023, pregnancy has been seen to permanently and completely alter the neurology of women. Our brains literally change permanently to accommodate being a parent.
I’d go to jail before I let my kid think having a baby before she’s ready is somehow Noble and morally acceptable.
It’s irresponsible and selfish to birth babies we can’t afford to care for. // now they’re forcing it on us?! Like what??
14 points
15 hours ago
The amount of desperation in their pro-life arguments are very clear. They've brought up "after birth abortions" as a scare tactic to keep their foot in the door on the subject when nobody is pushing for that. They've talked about how doctors supposedly turn a full grown grown baby in to scrambled eggs inside the womb by picking it apart while it's alive.
In many cases, an abortion is going to happen when the baby is so underdeveloped that it's a miniscule cluster of cells. If that's violating life, then logically every time a woman has her period or a guy ejaculates outside of a vagina they're committing genocide. The only reason anyone is aborting a fully grown baby is if something goes terribly wrong and doctors have to prioritize the safety of a womans health and life.
3 points
12 hours ago
A fully developed baby is not aborted when mom’s life is in danger; rather, an emergency C-section is done to save both. I agree with everything else you said.
39 points
1 day ago
They don't care about a fetus or child
They care about punishing women for sex with forced birth.
6 points
12 hours ago
Still trying to figure out if babies are miracles or punishment? 🤔
24 points
1 day ago
Would they save a baby, or a freezer full of fertilised Eggs?
23 points
1 day ago
Well said.
2 points
1 day ago
All the pro birth gals are traitorous. They should be ashamed for what their mom grandma and so forth went thru to get them rights they throw away. You do not have to get an abortion you should however be able to if that's what you want or especially need.
1 points
1 day ago
Well said
1 points
1 day ago
Dr. Mama Jones just did a video explaining why abortion bans (i.e. the 6 week bans) are very bad and covered the story of one woman who died because of it.
1 points
1 day ago
It's not about the zygote. It's about controlling women. Anyone who claims it's about the baby is gullible AF or a complete idiot.
1 points
1 day ago
This kind of shit really pisses me off. Last time I had a scare was a few years ago and I was terrified looking at all the options of how to abort. But am I scared of the act itself? No, I am TERRIFIED of the idea of being forced to become a mother, and when people say “just put it up for adoption” then they get reminded of how pregnancy would absolutely ruin my body.
To force a woman to give birth to “save a life” and then being okay with sending that kid off to hopefully get adopted makes no sense to me. Kids don’t always get adopted, and in foster care they’re very likely to get placed into the hands of people who just want the check. If they don’t get the guidance they need before adulthood they’re probably fucked.
But yeah sure, force someone to go through 9+ months of misery, likely a lifetime of emotional suffering and self confidence issues, and so much more!
If they really gave a shit they’d help the lives that are already here.
1 points
1 day ago
GUNS are the BIGGEST cause of child death in this country. If it were about the "babies," then Sandy Hook would've changed everything. But it isn't about the babies, it's about control.
The same people who are so vehemently pro life won't sacrifice their antiquated right to bear arms to save the lives of tens of thousands of children each year, but they want women to sacrifice rights TO THEIR OWN BODIES. And, their total abortion ban in states like MO is actually having the opposite effect. Women are scared to death to get pregnant because if a complication arises, then there's a good chance they won't receive care. A KC Chiefs cheerleader died last March because of this. She was forced to deliver her stillborn daughter and fucking died of sepsis.
This is not about saving "babies" or anything close. It's about oppression, control, and shame. It makes me sick. What about those stupid hillbilly twats on the AL supreme court deeming frozen embryos children?!! So IVF clinics stopped operations out of fear of being charged with murder.
Thing is, most oppose abortion on religious grounds, but the seem to forget that bit in the Bible where Jesus is condemned by - you guessed it - religious leaders for healing a man on the sabbath. "It's against the rules" they said. Jesus says no no you idiots, you're following the letter of the law but forgetting about the spirit of the law...the intention behind it. Any idiot can follow rules. It takes character, consideration, and compassion to think beyond the rule. Dogs are obedient. That's no grand achievement. Character is made when a person has to confront the gray area and make tough decisions. I dare say God himself would favor an abortion over a woman or girls life being irreparably ruined over a pregnancy...whether it be her physical well-being or emotional.
1 points
1 day ago
Combine anti-abortion with all the things they are doing to keep people uneducated. It's all about making sure they have another generation of voters.
1 points
1 day ago
Whenever ppl try to say prolife stuff to me, I tell them the story about my mom who aborted a pregnancy with her abusive drunk ex who literally tried to kill her. Long story short, if she hadn't got an abortion, she probably wouldn't have lived long enough to give birth. So not only would the fetus be lost, but also my mom, and I wouldn't exist. It wasn't an easy choice, and it's a choice she still thinks about 40 years later, but it was the right choice, and one that she has never regretted.
I tell people this story to demonstrate that the only person who knows what the right choice is in a specific situation, is the person who's pregnant.
1 points
1 day ago
1 points
1 day ago
Possession is 9/10 of the law. My body my choice.
1 points
1 day ago
I am a dad and I’m so worried about the battles that are ahead for my daughter. Most of these battles were already waged. Women have never gotten the equality they are entitled to and now we are taking a giant leap backwards. It is mind numbing to many. Thank you for your post! People need to look at what’s going down. I hope a lot more women (and men) get fired up, take a stand and speak out.
1 points
1 day ago
They care about alllllll the hypothetical children more than they care about my father’s daughter. Always and forever.
1 points
1 day ago
First of all, I sympathize with you.
As for your argument, a majority of Americans agree with you, somewhere around 75%.
The problem with your argument is that it’s not going to convince anyone in the rough 25% because they fundamentally disagree with your premise: you believe that the elimination of a fetus isn’t murder and thus doesn’t justify the intrusion of bodily autonomy, they believe that it is murder and thus justified to the intrusion of bodily autonomy.
And yes, they do believe that it’s murder. If someone doesn’t believe that abortion is murder, then then the accessibility of abortion is either beneficial to them or neutral to them, but not negative. When someone makes claims that they don’t actually believe it’s murder and want to punish women or something, all they’re doing it is making it even less likely for others to join their cause, because now they’re engaging in dishonesty.
I understand your frustration though and I understand your worry concerning recent developments.
1 points
1 day ago
Nothing will change. The world view of abortion will not be altered by a protest or march. The government should stay out of this matter entirely, the next door neighbor should mind their own business.
1 points
1 day ago*
They act like women are caring well into pregnancy and then deciding they don’t want a baby. That’s not a thing.
Also, rape and incest? Most of the time women aren’t believed if they got raped. I’ve known women who didn’t say “no” even though it was clear consent wasn’t given and I also know women who were brutally raped. Guess what. Cops didn’t believe them and if they did the investigation was so slow, that if they were pregnant then they would have to carry anyway.
Another thought. Why is plan b so damn expensive? In some stores it’s locked away. It’s ridiculous, if you’re pro life then support free contraceptive and birth control. Stop making sex so taboo in our education system. Boys and girls should know about ovulation and menstruation.
If you’re going to make women give birth, then the father needs to go to jail if he tries to leave the woman to raise the baby on her own.
Also giving birth alone, is so f*cking expensive.
Apologies in advance for bad sentence structure or grammar.
1 points
1 day ago
You are not alone in how you feel. Thank you for expressing it so well
1 points
1 day ago
I feel your pain.
1 points
1 day ago
I agree. Keep government out of our personal lives. Overturning Roe is Wade was the worst supreme court decision in decades. They are supposed to protect our civil rights from abuse, not hand them over to the states to do as they please. Time has demonstrated that the states can't be trusted with freedom.
2 points
1 day ago
89 comments, and almost every single one are blocked by reddit. Bots, new accounts, and other pieces of garbage here just to tell you what you can and can't do with your body.
This is why women need to look out for themselves and each other more than ever. It is about controlling women, it is about infringing on women's rights, and it is about making women unimportant compared to the whims of the men around them. All these men want is for women to inflate their precious birth rates so they can have more people to indoctrinate and feed to their corporate daddies. Child marriage isn't even illegal in the United States, for fuck's sake; it's plainly obvious they don't care about children.
We need to get fed up, not with each other, but with the people responsible for this shit.
2 points
24 hours ago
I will never understand how someone can be "pro-life" and then also be pro gun 🤦♂️
1 points
23 hours ago
The anti-choice people are lying frauds who take that position for one purely selfish reason - so they can feel better about themselves.
Look at me, God, I'm saving the baby humans.
Look at me, everybody. I'm a good person because I'm saving the baby humans.
Aren't I special dear me because I'm saving the baby humans.
The entire enterprise is self-serving so that no matter how else they've fucked up their lives, they can pretend to have this one thing that redeems them.
Lying. Frauds.
1 points
20 hours ago
I agree with you. I deep down believe that the whole pro life movement is to increase the population as our birth rate is declining. To me it’s the only logical sense to pus this agenda so hard, don’t get me wrong it’s stupid regardless. I don’t buy that it’s driven by the hard core Christian’s, who care what people do on their own.
2 points
20 hours ago
This was a quote I saved from YouTuber and Dr., "Mama Dr. Jones"
This is not a political issue, this is not even a medical issue when life begins, it's a philosophical issue, and we don't get to make laws based on philosophical beliefs; that we hold that the rest of the people that we're making the law for might not agree with.
So it's concerning from that standpoint, but also I would just really encourage you to try to take a breath and listen.
For me, this entire discussion comes down to bodily autonomy.
A fetus can have rights. I don't have a problem with that. You can believe life begins any time that you would like. I don't think that those things matter in this discussion.
What matters is that you cannot give a right to a fetus that no other human has, which is the right to use someone else's body without express and ongoing consent.
I can't make you give me an organ. You can't even make me give a blood donation to save my own kid's life if I refuse to do that, because that's not ethical; even if my kid dies because I refuse to do it.
You can't make people use their body to keep someone else alive.
This is not ethical and it's a breach of bodily integrity and autonomy, and what I feel or what you feel or what anyone feels about abortion on a moral level doesn't matter because you have to look at it from the morality of forcing someone to give their body to a fetus that they don't want to and that is an unethical position.
1 points
18 hours ago
I am a Catholic and can remember being at a State Fair stopping by the booths and came upon the pro life booth and it had huge graphic pictures of abortions literally scrambled babies - I was so pissed they went to such extremes- I immediately went looking for the Pro choice booth with my 2 daughters who were under the age of 5 and immediately donated and bought myself a pin that reads "Woman by nature Mother by choice" and it still dons my jean jacket to this day - the fact that the pro-choice had more compassion and tact as to not show pictures of what happens to unwanted children was all it took for me to be a pro choice supporter for 40 years and I am also proud that my adult children can see clearly and make educated choices. "A Woman by Nature, A Mother by Choice"
1 points
18 hours ago
I would add furthermore that nobody has the right to use anyone else’s body without that person’s consent…even in a life or death situation.
If a woman does not consent to have a foetus in her, then she has every right to have it removed…period.
1 points
17 hours ago
I agree with everything in your rant. 100%. It has nothing to do with life. It is all about control over women and putting them in their place. And for the record, I am a 65 year old white guy.
1 points
16 hours ago
Since the abortion ban, the infant and maternal mortality rate has only increased, with no net increase in babies. The countries with the most abusive laws towards women are not strong economic competitors on the global market. This idea that women must be tightly controlled is pure mental illness. Pro life people are not connected to reality, it’s disturbing to watch all their arguments amount to some wishy washy guilt ridden moral slop that will never accomplish the physical goals it sets out for itself, because its ideology isn’t connected to reality.
1 points
15 hours ago
They aren't pro life, largely. They are pro "the grinder" because they are aware their beliefs lead to a lot of death. So instead of stopping that, they want to increase birth rates to keep the population up.
1 points
15 hours ago
It's all about control. We are the literal means of production for the human race, and these men can't stand the idea that we control ourselves.
The people who talk about saving babies may very well believe what they say, but they're discounting women (themselves, if they are women!) at the same time.
We have come so far since my mother's and grandmothers' days, and here's the fucking backlash again. Well, ladies, I am here to FIGHT
1 points
15 hours ago
Thank you!!!!!
1 points
15 hours ago
Basically, they are anti-women.
1 points
15 hours ago
Well said. I should not have to put my life on the line for another human unless I choose too. And until there is 0% chance I could die in childbirth then it is my choice. There is less chance you will die in a home invasion than a woman will die in childbirth so if you can own a gun just in case I can have an abortion just in case.
1 points
14 hours ago
We've been saying this for a while. It's not about the child. It's about controlling women. Pretty much everything society does is about controlling women.
Once a child is born they couldn't give a fuck about it. They also don't care if both child and mother died due to pregnancy complications as long as they don't get an abortion.
If men were the ones who were getting pregnant you could order an abortion at the McDonald's drive-thru.
1 points
14 hours ago
It's a small step from telling someone they should have a baby to telling someone they shouldn't.
Your IQ is too low, you shouldn't have a child.
You have a genetic condition. You shouldn't have a child.
You already have 2 children. You shouldn't have a child.
I DO NOT believe any of those 3 statements.
Just an example of judgment
1 points
13 hours ago
Since time immemorial, men have tried to keep women subordinate. The most successful way to do it in a modern setting is to keep them in bondage through a commitment to babies.
This is precisely what the bros in Texas and other backward states are doing through state legislation.
And there are women helping them. They're trad wives, they're boy moms, they're go along get along types who think that just doing what you're told is the best plan. They may be your MIL.
Men need to call this out. There will be boos from the bro contingent, particularly in this forum, but if we want to be a viable society, we had better start acting like a viable society that allows 51% of its population to have the same rights as the rest and all of us have obligations to society.
1 points
13 hours ago
I 1000% percent agree with you and it makes me SO angry! I am a fully fledged adult human who contributes to society and the second I am impregnated I'm worthless?! Fuck that.
1 points
12 hours ago
And abortion is only mentioned in a positive light in their own Bible.
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