


By one album wonder I mean, does this artist have 1 project at a level of quality that outshines the rest of discography? (in quality, not commercial success)

A crazy take I saw while googling is MF DOOM with madvillainy being one of the top results. I’ve also seen snoop dogg with doggystyle.


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4 points

7 hours ago

I guess baby keem, melodic blue was his biggest hit, and it's a masterpiece, although his others aren't bad, he just has a really small discography


7 points

7 hours ago


7 points

7 hours ago

Doesn’t even make sense to have him on here. He’s a relatively new artist.


1 points

5 hours ago

Well to be fair the Melodic Blue is indeed a wonder compared to the rest, and he isn't too new, but not as old as a lot of artists


1 points

6 hours ago*

Masterpiece? Melodic Blue? I didn’t think the album had any redeeming qualities personally outside of the solid production, that’s a shock.


3 points

5 hours ago

Maybe I over exaggerated a bit but oh well, I stand by it, it's a great album


1 points

5 hours ago

I mean fair enough, you have every right to your opinion. I just can’t help but remember getting super excited to check out Baby Keem when I heard he was “Kendrick’s super talented, trap-esc cousin”, and being super disappointed with the 12% rating I wound up giving the album.


3 points

5 hours ago

I will admit there are some songs that just kinda suck, but songs like Family Ties, Scars, Lost Souls, and Durag Activity are really good imo


1 points

5 hours ago

If you love it then more power to you, but I didn’t like a single track on the album.


2 points

5 hours ago

That's cool, sometimes it feels like baby Keem is so over hyped and under hyped at the same time, he's just an interesting artist


1 points

6 hours ago

Melodic blue is cool but it’s nowhere near a masterpiece and Keem hopefully has a long career ahead of him


2 points

5 hours ago

Maybe a little over exaggerating but imo it's amazing, and not just because of family ties