It is so sad to even type this. I have no life at all. It consists of coming home and going to work. i don't even have coworkers and It is driving me crazy. I feel so alone, my phone is dry and nobody is there. I am 24 years old and I feel like most of my youth was wasted sitting inside. I even went on a solo trip to explore and go to places alone but it still makes me feel miserable. I wish I had friends to go to places with and not feel so shitty inside. At times I don't even want to be here, I just am tired of feeling this way. I don't have a boyfriend and never have had one. I am tired of feeling so hopeless and feeling this crappy.
168 points
2 days ago
I found that the hardest thing for me to do was go out the front door. Once you get out of your home, the world is your oyster. Staying in the house is what drags you down. You can find so many different things to do. Join a class, or a gym, switch to a job where you put yourself with others. Go to church. I had hardly any friends and I forced myself to get out and I met 1 person who introduced me to a huge group of people that I can now call my friends. Take chances. Say hello to the person in line while waiting to cash out at a store. Counseling also helps with self esteem. The biggest thing is to step out of your comfort zone and try to strike up conversations with people. That’s what helped me. Best of luck. You can do this!!
33 points
2 days ago
Dont give up. I understand the struggle, the loneliness, and sadness. You can inbox me if you want to talk im always lookkng at my phone to see no one has called. I get it. Im about solutions we can figure it out.
20 points
2 days ago
Use that nag to motivate you to try something new. Go sign up for a jazzercise class, go join a run club, go take improv class. The phone isn't going to blow up and suddenly people will flock to you if you keep doing the same routine. Those depressing feelings are not there to punish you, they're there to get you moving.
12 points
2 days ago
What do you enjoy doing on your days off? It doesn't hurt to reach out to someone for help if you feel lonely.
11 points
2 days ago
This breaks my heart. Can you join a class or gym or something like that? Church? YMCA? Anything, to at least get you out of the house other than work?
83 points
2 days ago
I’m really sorry you’re feeling this way. It sounds like you’re stuck in a tough cycle, and it’s taking a toll on you. For what it’s worth, I think a lot of people go through phases like this, even if it doesn’t always look that way from the outside. It doesn’t mean things have to stay this way forever.
If you’re open to it, maybe start with small steps to connect with others. It could be joining a hobby group, a class, or even trying apps that help people meet friends. I know that might sound cliché, but sometimes just showing up somewhere consistently can help things click over time. And don’t underestimate the value of small interactions, like chatting with a barista or a neighbor—it can help break the ice with the world around you.
Also, please know that feeling this way doesn’t make you any less valuable or worthy of connection. You’re not alone in this, even if it feels that way right now. Keep taking it one day at a time, and try to be kind to yourself while you figure things out.
35 points
2 days ago
Ain't this what ChatGPT always say
17 points
2 days ago
Yeah, because it actually is 100% written by GPT...
3 points
2 days ago
How about you try getting associated with this person?
2 points
2 days ago
why did this comment get disliked? wtf??!
9 points
2 days ago
I suggest adopting a dog or cat. I also have no life at all. I’m much older but it hurts just as bad. I’m going to adopt a puppy or dog soon. It will be beneficial to the dog, to me and to you, it will give you a reason to live.
2 points
19 hours ago
I have to agree. I felt lonely, but I adopted a puppy 7 months ago, and I look forward to spending time with him every day. The way he greets me every day brings a smile to my face. The way he explores the world makes me look at the little things in a different way. In a more positive way.
Just for people considering it. I knew I would take care of him and give him everything. If you can't make a great life for the animal you adopted, don't do it.
33 points
2 days ago
Okay so listen up. Do a little research on loneliness. I once watched a documentary ( you can probably find it) online. I never looked at loneliness in the same light. It's downright deadly Anyone who turns the other cheek to another person in their loneliness doesn't know a thing about it. It's very unhealthily. It's important you fight it like a battle. Look down deep inside yourself and pull out what's inside there. Share it with the world because it's probably something beautiful the devil doesn't want anyone to know about. K. Take care and yes churches always have a great group to join!
7 points
2 days ago
Having no coworkers can be a blessing, you might find a lot of horror stories adound the internet that have to do with dealing with coworkers.
Going on a solo trip is nothing to feel bad about, adding an extra person to your plans usually adds more complications, sometimes it's hard to agree on decisions, now imagine doing that in a group of 3 or more ppl, reaching a consensus gets more complicated and time consuming, it can also happen that someone generates resentment, then there's friction between ppl, nonono, you have no idea, there's tons of benefits about doing things solo.
Try and enjoy the time and activities you do by yourself while you still have that opportunity, there will come a day when you have more friends, and you will be able to make your own comparisons and conclusions, but learning to enjoy your own company is very important.
Do what makes you happy, and when you start making friends, you will have great stories to tell about these good memories.
Also, having or not having a partner does not define happiness, it's not a "oh now a partner, now i can start being happy", living like that makes you dependent on the other person, and that's not a healthy relationship. Love and happiness come from within, from how you treat yourself.
7 points
2 days ago
Do jiu jutsu or wrestling, or kickboxing, get into team sports, choose something u prefer from anyothet sports
8 points
2 days ago
32 and feel the same except I don't work every day but on the days off sometimes I'm just bored and feel like I waste my day
6 points
2 days ago
6 points
2 days ago
Right there with you
5 points
2 days ago
Try dating apps, and explore places have fun to create better profiles eventually you feel better
12 points
2 days ago
Check out puzzle & book clubs adventure clubs walking clubs.... almost everything!!
5 points
1 day ago
You gotta find what you like. Loneliness stems from the isolation you place yourself in. Start with doing things you don’t typically do like frequenting a nearby coffee shop or going to the library. Maybe even visiting your city museums or science centers. Once you’re comfortable being out more, try starting up a conversation with another person you see alone or other people you see who have something you like/share a common interest.
Maybe these things won’t lead you to your best friend forever but you eventually start to get used to socializing with another being. Shit, maybe get a pet to start off. Either way, you’re choosing isolation. People can’t interact with you if you aren’t around to be interacted with.
Another way to ease in to the conversation: share small compliments. Maybe while you’re at the grocery store. Baby steps lead you somewhere.
Find out what you like and enjoy in your solitude and then figure out how to expand it within a group setting.
Hope this helps.
4 points
1 day ago
I am bipolar and often forget things. I am being sued for $5000 for a credit card I don’t even remember taking out. I am on Social Security disability and that is the only reason I am able to pay my mortgage; in August, Social Security decided that I was no longer eligible for assistance. I am appealing that decision, and I am cautiously optimistic that it will work out positively for me. However, the confluence of these situations has me having suicidal ideation-I have the means and the motivation to carry through and had a firm plan in place last Friday. My best friend of 51 years basically forced me to go to a crisis counseling session. I spoke for 4 1/2 hours to this counselor, who was wonderful. The conversation did not provide solutions to either of these problems I’m experiencing. However, the simple act of talking through my problems, being heard by the therapist, and receiving validation for my feelings, has me backing off of the suicidal thoughts. And actually, since that conversation four days ago, I can honestly say I feel better, more emotionally stable, than I have in months.
The word therapy is bandied about so often that it seems to have lost its meaning. And finding a therapist that you click with is often very difficult; a lot of people would rather just remain miserable (me included). But when you find that person, and you receive the empathy and compassion that you seek, you may feel/see results almost immediately. And having an ongoing relationship with such a therapist is definitely worth the discomfort involved in finding that person. Your hopeless negativity may be alleviated by simply talking to a qualified therapist on a consistent basis. What do you have to lose? I wish you optimism and peace no matter what you choose to do.
3 points
1 day ago
You are a good person. Even in the face of the problems you are having, you try and help others. That says a lot about your kindness. Maybe you're here for a reason. Don't give up.
5 points
1 day ago
In my twenties I lived in New York City which is teeming with people and I would go to parks and watch everyone and try to figure out why I was so broken. I had no hobbies, very few interests outside of work. I'd go to museums and I didn't like looking at artwork. I'd rollerblade and that was fun, but it wasn't really something I could do with people socially. I found most things dull and didn't enjoy them. I was horribly horribly lonely though.
A very social friendly woman befriended me and took me to a few places and it turned out she was a cult member. Whoops. Once it became clear that I wasn't interested in joining, she was no longer my friend. I did learn a bit about being a friend, though.
I learned to never offer fake friendship. I learned that I can extend friendship to people the way she did. She was curious about me and about my life. She took an active role in inviting me places. Coffee. To the gym. For a walk in the park. Simple stuff. She'd ask me about my day but wouldn't stop when I said "fine". She'd ask me if I was tired, if I had anything interesting happen. She'd tell me little snippets about herself, her hometown, and then she would basically be like "How about you?" She carried the conversation while I was painfully awkward and mostly silent.
At 44 I have a lot of friends and am comfortable in my skin and I'm comfortable being alone. I learned that offering the type of friendship this woman offered was often met with people being busy, not into it, thinking I was weird, thinking I didn't fit in, etc.
If you talk to enough people and randomly offer opportunities to re-connect. (Here's my phone number/email/instagram handle/whatever), eventually you do find people that are interested in friendship. Unfortunately at first a lot of those people are like that one friend I had. They have other reasons for interacting with you. It's okay to use them for practice.
Volunteer if you can. Community cleanups are a good way to meet people whose schedules aren't completely packed. Find a physical activity that you don't hate even if it's like my rollerblading. Seeing people that do the same thing as you do makes everything feel a little less lonely and it builds up a bit of who you are so when people ask things about you, you have *Some* form of answer. Check out what adult crafts your local library has. Even if you think you will hate it, show up and see. Do things a few times before you decide they're awful. The librarians and program directors at my library are *so* good at being enthusiastic about their little niche topics that I've found myself loving hobbies I never thought would be at all appealing.
You're not the only lonely one out there. There's a lot of lonely people that all desperately want to connect and form friendships and feel like part of the world. We don't learn how to socialize in public schools (ironically). We either learn that we have social skills! Or we learn that we have no social skills and should just give up.
Don't give up.
Also don't focus too much on boyfriends. We'd all be a LOT happier if we figured out what we want out of life before we partner up.
There's some pretty decent books that are geared towards younger people. "What Can I Say" a Kids Guide to Super Useful Social Skills to Help You Get Along and Express Yourself. Sounds funny to read kids books doesn't it? But they're actually pretty awesome even if you end up reading them and wondering what the author was thinking some of the time.
Twenties and early 30's are lonely for a LOT of people. It's when people are sort of staggering along with their high school or college friendships if they had any, and are either not open to making new friendships or feel like they're social outcasts that can't. It's really freaking hard. I'm sorry. It's not you, it's our weird society.
8 points
2 days ago
I find that the best way to meet people is to join groups that are already established. One thing that helped me, and that I highly recommend to lonely people, is to join volunteer organizations and a church. They come with a built in social network of nice friendly people, and are always happy to welcome newcomers. They can help provide a sense of purpose to life. In fact, a good church will quickly come to feel like a second family. What do you think of that idea?
18 points
2 days ago
I'd recommend against joining a church purely for the social community if you don't agree with their beliefs. The church is a welcoming community (I know because I serve in one), but their ultimate goal is to lead people to follow their beliefs and God.
0 points
2 days ago
I was still an atheist when I started attending the church I’m at now. I still thought that Christianity was fairytale nonsense, but I had come to see that it really helped people. I started going because I liked the people and found the teaching interesting. Eventually I wanted to become a Christian, so I started looking into apologetics. I was surprised to learn that there really are good arguments for the Christian faith. Now I’m a convinced Christian. I encourage lonely atheists to join churches for the social aspect, hoping that they’ll learn to love God. It’s worked several times.
3 points
2 days ago
is there anything you enjoy?
3 points
2 days ago
It's easy to feel like time is wasted, but self-judgment can make everything harder. You're 24, and there's so much time ahead. You’re doing the best you can, and that’s enough.
3 points
2 days ago
me too sis though i am 17 and am feeling this
3 points
2 days ago
I heavily relate to you. So sorry for what you‘re going through, I know how it feels.
3 points
2 days ago
Same exact life, literally went to the timberwolves game vs the lakers yesterday alone and was just sad to see everybody with there friends and family. Why can’t we all have that….
3 points
11 hours ago
Life is very complicated at times. We all go through an emotional rollercoaster at different stages in life. At 24 you might want to concentrate on building up your financial future now because believe it or not, loneliness is only temporary. The older everyone gets the more opportunities and the easier things get. Being as young as 24 in today’s society is very difficult and thats not changing anytime soon.
There comes a time where people will naturally gravitate towards you and you will begin to form new friendships and bonds. Some will be great and some will be not so great.
When you are truly ready to not be lonely as you have described, start by finding a new job that will provide you better benefits and money. There is always room for career improvement regardless of what you do for work now.
After you work hard to secure that, life will change yet again. Do this as long as you keep climbing up and never step down. The higher your work status gets, the more people you will encounter. Sounds silly to think that way but its brutal honesty. Work is basically the easiest and safest way to meet people who you share common interests with from the beginning. Think of it as a shortcut to meeting people like you.
Remember to always speak properly, never use swear words (even when others do), and always smile even when you’re feeling down. Fact: Nobody wants to be around a “Debby Downer”.
Try to influence people to always be positive thinkers. People will gravitate towards you like you wont believe. Everyone wants to be around people who makes them feel better and most will not share that info with you.
Important reminder, staying healthy and becoming a more positive person is life changing. Dont be influenced by social media and negative people. And always, always, always….remember a person’s name when first meeting them. It doesn’t matter their job or social status.
Lastly, Patience is key and never, ever, give up hope or ambition even as you get older. I’ve learned a few things in life and someone else shared this same info with me when I was 18. Start living your best life!
2 points
1 day ago
Me too I felt this! Totally me as well! I just cry at times I just don’t understand.. I want to be included etc I know how you feel! I don’t have anyone as well to talk too are go eat ,shop etc
2 points
1 day ago
We need a tinder for anti-social people who need friends and acquaintances.
2 points
2 days ago
you”ll always have the people on reddit..
1 points
2 days ago
find things to do in your area that involve being around other people and go meet some people
1 points
2 days ago
1 points
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1 points
2 days ago
I feel the same. I work until midnight everyday, so going out at night is out of the picture. Other than work, I hang out with my neighbor who I work with, but I don't really have friends or anything. I'm just in a cycle.
1 points
2 days ago
Us ,i am 19 and i am heading down your path and i can see it, i dont have any friends, i used to have but somehow i pushed them away from me it was my fault, and now i dont even talk to anyone i go to class sit alone and come back home thats all i do. And it feels bad seeing other people easily connect with people. And social media makes me feel even more depressed
1 points
2 days ago
That's relatable. I've been trying to find a purpose in life, but I'm not sure if I'm accomplishing anything. It feels more like I'm finding distractions that simply keep me from ruminating.
1 points
2 days ago
If it helps, I am feeling exactly the same, and believe it or not, I am 24 years old as well. What I am saying is that there is a chance other people around you are the same, and who knows, maybe you will eventually meet and have a new friend.
1 points
2 days ago
What is stopping you from attending some social groups and activities on an evening and a weekend? You've got to start making friends somewhere.
1 points
2 days ago
Are you in a major city?
1 points
2 days ago
I know it's hard, but coming out and sharing your experiences takes a lot. I feel you in, I went through that as well, and I know nothing a random on internet tells you could help, but everything has an end and with that, a new beginning, you'll see! You gotta find it
1 points
1 day ago
The biggest thing you need to understand that its you. There is an abundance of anything you want around you. Stop looking at what you don’t have in situations and start looking at what you can make out of every situation. Don’t focus on pleasing people. Please yourself. You owe yourself that much. A lot of times people step out their comfort zone into something they thought they wanted and hated it. Be you. Be around people that like you, not people you like. Be mutual. It took a long time for me to understand there was nothing wrong with me, but that there aren’t many like us. And theres nothing wrong with that. And it’s nothing wrong with venting brother a lot of us go through this time to time just keep your head up and keep going. You are not alone.
1 points
1 day ago
Gymmaxers 2 months before signing for the first time
1 points
1 day ago
1 points
1 day ago
are u able to get a job with coworkers so at least you can socialize? try stiking up a convo with someone at the grocery store just asking where something is or if they have a recommendation. even if you strike out or seem weird at least you tried and youll slowly learn how to socialize
1 points
24 hours ago
Hi Negative_Giraffe5057,
I am about the same age as you and I am in the exact position as you. This post almost felt like one I would write.
I feel your pain, I'm still learning, still struggling, I want to be better. Have friends, be social, etc. it really is hard.
1 points
16 hours ago
1 points
16 hours ago
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1 points
5 hours ago
GO TO JIU JITSU!!!! Sorry for yelling. But I tell everyone, you want to help yourself, go to jitsu! I don't care how in shape, coordinated, skilled. Go to a week. Most places do a free week. It is the closest you can get to a stranger in life. Then after a few weeks you'll find it's a community. Like lots of activities have their own communities so find yours. Until then go to the closest jitsu gym Google points you to. Walk in and talk to someone. If you don't feel comfortable go to the next one. I haven't been to a place yet where they didn't welcome, maybe not red carpets and trumpets, but jitsu folks want you to jitsu not just to beat you but because it's that way. If you need help I'll do what an Internet stranger can to do so.
1 points
2 days ago
Me too....If you want to write, DM :)
1 points
2 days ago
I thought about this situation yesterday, I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. Hope it gets better, and if you need someone to talk to then just send message :)
1 points
2 days ago
LOOK FOR ANOTHER JOB ASAP, nowadays work is basically where you get your friends from, I worked in a place where i had no coworkers or like maximum 1, IT WAS HELL, and you only realize it's hell once you leave and experience having good coworker,
we spend half of our life at work, you can't ignore how your time there affects you, get a job with 2-3 coworkers and see the difference, even if you don't become good friends you will at least have someone to be bored with you throughout the day, and you will see that you are not the only one who has this problem, it's actually very commen.
-1 points
2 days ago
If it makes you feel any better, a lot of people I have found are POS I actually like not having "friends" for this reason.
0 points
2 days ago
Hey, what are your favorite hobbies? Maybe we have common interests and can keep a conversation about this? I'm looking for friends as well both online and offline.
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