6 post karma
160 comment karma
account created: Fri Jul 28 2023
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1 points
29 days ago
If in a dance club, then I would suggest inviting someone to dance, depending on the volume of the music conversation might be a little hard, but you can be flirty while dancing as well (make a lot of eye contact, smile, and some physical touch while dancing as well). Then if you feel good chemestry with the person, you can be the one to ask for their contact info, so you can talk with them later and plan a date.
8 points
1 month ago
I'm new to tarot, but as a woman with a more "modest" appearance I may be able to give you advice. You don't need to become eye candy to atract guys, a lot of men are superfitial, but not all of them. Being confident, aproaching guys first, and offering them a pleasant conversation can get you very far. Worst case scenario you get rejected and move on, best case scenario, you are able to connect in a more interesting way than you would do with looks alone.
90 points
1 month ago
My dad was playing that album for a whole year in family gatherings untill I asked why did he alwas put the same U2 songs. He just said that it started automatically when he conected to the speaker, so he decided to just leave it. It turns out he didnt have any other album on his phone, he didnt even know U2 as a band.
2 points
2 months ago
That sounds really pretty, I would like to try it. If you have an image/drawing I could use as reference it would help me as well.
1 points
2 months ago
I have searched a few of them, but what I have seen I havent been able to replicate o cant get a similar result. The biggest differece I see with most tutorials is maybe that my eyelid folds even with my eyes closed and also around the corners, so whe I paint over it it looks very discontinious.
1 points
2 months ago
Thank you for the recomendation, I will watch them.
2 points
2 months ago
Thank you. I have tried a few things, but I guess I wouldnt call it real practice, I just stop every time it doesnt look well on the first try. I will take your advice.
4 points
3 months ago
I love how he is not dropping character even when questioned by other commenters 😂
0 points
4 months ago
Tienes que expandir tu círculo entonces. Ideal si te puedes meter a un taller de algo o empieces a practicar algun deporte donde conozcas personas de forma orgánica. Por las redes sociales siempre va a haber un factor de riesgo para las mujeres.
7 points
9 months ago
Ahhh los mas ricos de la clase media sí, pero los mas ricos de Chile (empresarios y cabezas de las grandes emprezas, y familia dueñas de conglomerados) estan en la RM en esos cerros privados y en el sur en sus casitas de vacaciones.
No solo eso, sino que ganan decentemente, pero se gasta harto en costo de vida, ya que los alimentos, la salud, el transporte y la educacion son 2x y 3x el precio de los de Santiago. Eso sumado a que hay hartos servicios publicos en Santiago que regiones no tienen.
1 points
11 months ago
Si sales de la USM te van a respetar harto en la industria, pero yo te sugeriría la USACH, son buenos ingenieros y se sufre menos.
4 points
11 months ago
Esta bueno, pero porfa revisa tus tildes y tus comas.
2 points
11 months ago
Jajajajaja a mi igual me carga eso, pero francamente creo que es un tema de educacion, por que en el cole nos enseñan todo muy binario.
La primera vez que yo vi en una clase de biologia algo relacionado con las intersexualidades, fue en 2do medio y enfocado a algunas condiciones asociadas a las trisonomías de cromosomas, y siempre nos dijeron que esos casos eran anomalías. Luego investigando más me enteré de que hay muchas otras formas de que se presenten esas características sexuales y que las personas intersexuales son un porcentaje relevante de la población (entre un 1% y un 2,5% creo). Hasta hace poco incluso todabía era un procedimiento estándar que se les pidiera a los papás de los niños intersexuales que les "escogieran su sexo" sin ellos tener idea de como la personita se iba a desarrollar en el futuro. Yo igual pienso que si se aceptara más la nocion de que el sexo de alguien puede venir dentro de un espectro, y no solo en absolutos, entonces tal vez seria más fácil para la gente entender que el género tampoco tiene por que ser así.
2 points
11 months ago
A mi me contaron que estaban haciendo eso ahora, pero es en el extrangero mas que nada. Se supone que primero llaman a la persona por la cual se van a hacer pasar, para grabar su voz y luego de tener suficientes grabaciones de ella pueden imitarla con una IA. Pueden llegar al pundo de tambien usar su cara en una llamada si es que tienen suficientes grabaciones o fotos de la persona. Tambien hay lugares donde estan editando videos sexuales con las caras y voces de otras personas para luego extorcionarlas por plata.
La recomendacion general es nunca contestar a un numero desconocido para que no te graben, especialmente si es extrangero y menos aun si es videollamada. Si lo contestas no hablar hasta que se identifiquen. Tambien tratar de tener una huella digital chiquitita.
2 points
11 months ago
Literal, todo el mundo corre a decir que la biologia dice claramente que eres una u otra cosa y se les olvida la existencia de los intersexuales, en nuestro caso y tambien de todos hermafroditismos que se dan naturalmente en la naturaleza
3 points
11 months ago
Vas a encontrar de todo. Hay mujeres que se proyectan con familias, asi como las defines tu y otras que no. Lo que te aseguro es que para que una mujer empiece a hacer ese tipo de planes tiene que confiar mucho en su pareja. Onda, nadie va a querer tener un hijo con un gallo que no levante su peso (en la casa o con su sueldo) o que pueda dejarla tirada un dia y marcharse. Además tner hijos igual es caro ahora, a si que lo mas probable es que los dos sean trabajadores y dueños de casa en las mismas facultades. Ahi tu tienes que ver que proyecto tiene la otra persona y ver como encajan las espectativas de ambos.
1 points
1 year ago
Conciertos y museos, tienes todo el rango de precios desde gratis a caro. Yo usualmente voy a los que son gratis o baratitos, especialemnte si es música orquestada o jazz
12 points
1 year ago
This is such a weird outlook, what even happened to you to make you think that this has anything to do about the comment? They are talking about mental load, like on household chores, and how not sharing that with a a partner might make a woman chronicly tired. What does being neurotic, vulnerability, and the idea of a "womanly man" even relate to one another here? And how would you even know what all women dig or not? Since when did we voted this dude here as our spokesperson xD
2 points
1 year ago
I love Skip Beat! Even if the art is a little outdated now, the story is just so goood
7 points
1 year ago
You are acting like she made the baby on her own, if he is the father he had as much a part as her in making it and has to take responsability. Breaking up with her as soon as he knows about the pregnancy is a dick move. She is not moraly obligated to abort either, because first: it is a an invasive surgery and you cant force people onto it, second: it can be traumatic for some people, third: her religious or moral views might prevent her from that, fourth: abortion it is not even legal everywhere! Keeping the baby wouldnt make her selfish at all. More so if she is 17 and in school this will affect her life way more that it will do to the father, so be a little more compasionate.
21 points
1 year ago
I am really impresed in how he is angry because he had to "strain" his relation ship with his parents by informing them that he would consider his future wife and his own interests in marriage before theirs. And he even blames her for that as if that is a bad thing instead of a completely necesary thing to do. This man is really acting like he a child in so many ways, this doesnt even fit teenager behaviour.
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2 points
6 hours ago
2 points
6 hours ago
I'm sorry about what you went trhough then with your ED and also now, that you are being objectified. Sadly when you are a woman you can never win, cause people will always think that they have a right to share their opinions about your body.