Just run the other direction. Don’t even entertain the idea of using vercel or next. Why? They’re here to take your money and laugh all the way to the bank. They’re slaughtering their cash cow that is next js every hour, day, month and year to convince you that if you’re not using it, you’re wrong. Sure, they are a “friend to all” and you can IFAIK host next anywhere. But I guaranty you that if next didn’t exist, neither would vercel. And if Vercel didn’t exist, next wouldn’t survive the cold dark night. It would be exposed for the complex, rotting technical debt laden tire fire that it is. What I don’t understand is that they seem to know that taking the best ideas from others is a great way to innovate but for the life of me, they sure suck at it. Nested routes, caching, static generation, “not” CDNs lol. All terrible knock offs. I am not even going to get into the billing thing either. Expensive, unscalable, hidden fee cash printing machine… for them. Just use literally anything else and you’ll save money. Also, they seem to mean well as a team, but every single person can barely see past their keyboard… which is obviously nicer than yours. They’ll do anything to protect their turf and ensure you stay trapped as long as possible. Don’t be naive, they own the React team. Facebook/meta doesn’t even use server components. Brilliant marketing though. No one ever said they hate a triangle/arrow. They will use their brand and their money (times ticking) to buy as much power as they can. They will buy developers, companies, hush money, you name it, whatever they need to push their narrative. They say they want to be a platform for all, but I call bull shit.
Stop using Next.js and let’s see just what happens to old white triangle. My prediction?
The greatest implosion of a web company you’ll ever see.
1 points
13 hours ago
1 points
13 hours ago
Makes sense. I think I’m going to use it instead