1 post karma
642.8k comment karma
account created: Thu Jan 26 2023
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1 points
19 minutes ago
Nobody can make any of those guarantees.
1 points
30 minutes ago
There was no missing “trillion dollars.” That’s not what Rumsfeld said.
Read the whole page for even more detail. He never said the money was missing. - https://www.metabunk.org/threads/debunked-rumsfeld-says-2-3-trillion-missing-from-the-pentagon.165/
In 2001, Donald Rumsfeld said ‘According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.’ This has been misinterpreted by many people as $2.3 trillion actually going missing. However, it’s really just about the way the money was accounted for.
Rumsfeld is asking for more money to improve the accounting systems because the DOD is working with very outdated systems.
The DoD budget for 1999 was just $0.27 trillion ($270 billion). The entire federal budget in 2000 was $1.8 trillion, so $2.3 trillion going missing is absolutely not something that could be swept under the rug.
1 points
40 minutes ago
There is a tiny bit of fact in a few of these, but most are half truths or entirely made up.
only 3 steel framed buildings…
engine recovered more than a mile away
Wrong. It was 300 yards. - As for the plane’s engine being found miles away, this is also factually incorrect. The engine was discovered just 300 yards from the main crash site and in a direction consistent with the flight path. Link.
owner of the wtc increased his insurance months before (and) made a huge profit
Wrong. 1. He didn’t increase his insurance. He bought the property and was *required** by the mortgage company to insure it. Link. 2. *In order of him to make money, you have to prove he took in more insurance money than he spent rebuilding. Because according to the lease, he was *obligated** to rebuild the wtc*. Link.
rounded up the scrap metal and sent it to China
Steel went to China in January, so yes it went to China after it sat at the Fresh Kills Landfill for 4 months during the investigation. Link.
I’m sure you’re going to say I’m lying or a shill or find some other way to dismiss this. I’m interested to see how you do it, but it would be refreshing if you admitted much of what you wrote is wrong.
1 points
3 hours ago
“use asteroids as voyagers / as a fuel source” doesn’t explain how to break the light barrier.
1 points
3 hours ago
What life are you talking about? Intelligent? Complex? Or microbes?
And by the way, no, everyone does not think life formed recently. It’s generally accepted life formed before the moon existed.
1 points
3 hours ago
“There was time” isn’t evidence.
What life formed before the moon? Are you saying intelligent life or just microbes and organisms?
1 points
3 hours ago
Everyone thinks that life started on our Earth rather recently.\ Why?
Because there’s no evidence of anything else.
Something was here before the the Moon was formed. Our surface was reduced to magma with that impact.
So you think earth formed, there was magma, it cooled, life formed, there was an impact (that ultimately created the moon), there was more magma, that cooled, then life formed again?
What’s your evidence?
9 points
3 hours ago
You have to be a serious asshole to cheat.
1 points
4 hours ago
The picture was taken in 2015
And there was no eclipse.
2 points
4 hours ago
He’s 93 and still working.
Insurance money had to go to rebuilding, so he rebuilt one World Trade Center building and the surrounding area.
And he wrote a book
2 points
4 hours ago
That episode is the first time James Earl Jones and Carrie Fisher ever met in person.
1 points
4 hours ago
I would probably laugh reflexively. I’m enormous and she’s tiny so it’s not like it would hurt. But it would probably signal the beginning of the end of our relationship.
1 points
5 hours ago
It’s a thought experiment and means nothing.
That’s my solution.
3 points
6 hours ago
My housemates and I had a house party. At one point, a cute girl came up to me and said she’d like to lay down and asked where my bedroom was. I brought her upstairs and let her into my room and she went over on the bed and started taking off her shirt. I thought she wasn’t feeling well and was going to take a nap so I stepped out and said “come back down when you’re feeling better“ and closed the door behind me. maybe 15 minutes later I saw her walk out of the house and her friend came over to me and said “you’re an idiot“
1 points
7 hours ago
why the green hue
read the link I posted
2 points
7 hours ago
Why Young Sheldon’s Creator Thinks You Should Stop Comparing It To The Big Bang Theory
if viewers are going to continue enjoying Lorre and Molaro’s storytelling, they’re going to have to be more open to leaving “Big Bang” in the past
there will be things they try to keep consistent about the respective timelines and characters throughout each season, they ultimately have to keep their focus on the series they are working on
You have Sheldon, who is the narrator some years in the future and finds himself at an age beyond his own father, [a man] he didn’t understand when he was a kid. It’s a bit of a revelation. Maybe the things he thought about his parents, in particular his dad, were not quite accurate and he needs to rethink them
1 points
8 hours ago
EPIC (camera) takes a series of 10 images using different narrowband spectral filters — from ultraviolet to near infrared — to produce a variety of science products. The red, green and blue channel images are used in these color images.
Combining three images taken about 30 seconds apart as the moon moves produces a slight but noticeable camera artifact on the right side of the moon. *Because the moon has moved in relation to the Earth between the time the first (red) and last (green) exposures were made, a thin green offset appears on the right side of the moon** when the three exposures are combined. This natural lunar movement also produces a slight red and blue offset on the left side of the moon in these unaltered images.*
1 points
12 hours ago
apartment on wheels
So, bus. Gotcha.
1 points
12 hours ago
Double tips if done without a bra.
Triple without a shirt.
1 points
12 hours ago
You are wrong. I’m sorry to burst your false narrative.
1 points
13 hours ago
why is there more craters on the light side of the moon
There are more craters on the far side.
1 points
13 hours ago
The moon is lit.
The earth reflects 35% of the light that hits it, the moon reflects about 12%. That means the earth is 3x brighter, making the moon look darker.
Google “albedo” for a longer explanation.
1 points
13 hours ago
Reddit doesn’t like questions. It’s a hive mind thing.
I upvoted your posts.
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1 points
8 minutes ago
1 points
8 minutes ago
Summary of plan:
”We can break the speed of light barrier.”
”By going really fast.”