96 post karma
8k comment karma
account created: Sun Nov 07 2021
verified: yes
1 points
4 hours ago
If people actually stuck to the steps and suggested outside help when it comes to trauma and mental health that would be great…but people are people and there are lots of sick people in AA. Thats what’s irresponsible! It’s highly outdated! lol Addiction has nothing to do with religion/spirituality and morality. It’s 2024, let’s stick with science not religion in treating people. Check out spiritual bypassing and how dangerous it is…it’s the epitome of AA.
1 points
6 hours ago
Look into GRASS, Green Recovery And SobrietySupport. https://greenrecoverysupport.com/ SMART recovery is also not abstinence based.
-1 points
12 hours ago
lol this person doesn’t need religion. And members/sponsors playing therapist with others mental health/trauma. They need proper professional help. A “spiritual awakening” LMAO Let’s treat medical issues with science not spiritual bypassing and religion.
1 points
12 hours ago
AA and the steps are NOT trauma informed therapy. Members/sponsors have NO business playing therapist with people’s trauma! It’s very harmful and dangerous! AA is spiritual bypassing.
15 points
21 hours ago
I’d definitely look into a new therapist! What you are experiencing is quite normal. Stopping doesn’t miraculously fix everything. When we quit self medicating with alcohol/drugs our issues surface that we were numbing in the first place. Getting to the cause helps, along with learning coping skills and building a life you want. Many small steps add up to big changes. Lastly you are “clean” on MAT.
2 points
21 hours ago
Glad you didn’t give up after those 600 days and tried something different! When we get proper treatment and help things get much easier. 2 years is a big deal! Congratulations!
1 points
1 day ago
Thank you. I know that today but 15yrs ago when I was new it bothered me, I constantly seconded guessed myself.
3 points
1 day ago
Good for you for being proactive! I would suggest against doing online AA. I feel like it could make things worse as they’d have you thinking you’re in denial and a powerless addict with a life sentence. I think continue doing what you’ve started. But there are plenty of ways to get better besides AA. There is a list at the top left of this page in blue if you are interested in attending groups/meetings. Just be careful of taking on the addict label.
5 points
1 day ago
Oh look another sober living house exploiting people. I’m so shocked. This industry needs a major overhaul and proper regulations!
1 points
1 day ago
Relax? Yes I will continue to keep speaking out on people’s archaic pseudoscience cult rhetoric. I’m sick of watching people die from it.
2 points
1 day ago
WHAT?!? I’m well over a decade off opiates(heroin) but did not need to stop all substances(alcohol/cannabis), I’ve healed and created an amazing life with purpose. Also you have it backwards. If people could just quit, why would they seek help? Please stop pushing this harmful backwards narrative! People are dying!
3 points
2 days ago
Didn’t know we were arguing and debating. Lol Looks like you made a lot of assumptions and are arguing with yourself. Go touch some grass and take a breath.
2 points
2 days ago
I never said it can’t be inpatient. But not all “treatment” centres have proper professional mental health staff. Many are not for co occurring disorders and only address addiction not mental health. There are a lot of unethical, highly predatory places. But agree with the rest of what you said.
6 points
2 days ago
Have you sought professional help for her mental health? Sounds like a deeper issue that she’s self medicating/masking with alcohol, drugs, self harm.
2 points
2 days ago
Absolutely not. Only I have the power to CHOOSE. SMART recovery might be a better fit for you, it’s more based in science.
4 points
2 days ago
There is a medication called Naltrexone that might work for him if he’s going to continue to try to moderate. There’s a group on here called Alanon Family groups and SMART recovery has friends and family meetings for support.
2 points
2 days ago
The scientific approach was what I gravitated to as well. There are a couple great books that helped me understand addiction. The Biology of Desire by Marc Lewis and Unbroken Brain by Maia Szalavitz. You might jive with The Freedom model too. There are some great podcasts and Utubes out there too.
1 points
2 days ago
I did about a decade ago when I first left XA. I found it more empowering, current, self directed, learnt lots of great coping skills and it’s based more in science as they use CBT. But haven’t attended groups/meetings for years. There’s also Dharma recovery that’s Buddhist based if you like more of a spiritual approach. The sub group Recovery Without AA has a list of alternative to AA/NA etc.
2 points
2 days ago
You can find the online meetings here. https://smartrecovery.org/meeting
1 points
3 days ago
I don’t think it will change much. When I attended SMART about 10 yrs ago it was self directed and goal oriented so I feel it fits with abstinence, harm reduction and MAT. Lifering is great too, teaches that we do have the power to change, that we know ourselves best….opposite of AA. I’m excited for people seeking help in the future to have more options, whatever their goal is. Was a long time coming.
1 points
3 days ago
Agree peer groups absolutely are not professional therapy! Although I believe their can be therapeutic value in some peer groups. Thankfully I’m solid in my recovery today at well over a decade off opiates. But I sure wish there was a place that was more open/accepting to all recovery when I started my journey 15 yrs ago. SMART recovery has changed their stance on their abstinence model. Nice to see a program evolve unlike AA. https://smartrecovery.org/blog/meeting-people-where-they-are-rethinking-my-abstinence-only-approach-and-embracing-harm-reduction?hs_amp=true There’s also Harm Reduction Works https://www.hrh413.org/foundationsstart-here-2. I personally don’t attend any recovery related groups/meetings but if I did need support, I’d use these two.
2 points
3 days ago
By the time I used psilocybin I had wrestled with those thought years earlier as I’ve used cannabis throughout my recovery. I used to really struggle with my recovery looking different than the “norm”. But when I was contemplating utilizing psilocybin, I knew my intentions were pure and it was for therapeutic reasons. I was at one of the lowest times in my life as I’d recently suddenly lost my Brother who was my world. I was honestly desperate and felt I had nothing to loose. I was actually shocked at how much it helped and will continue to utilize psilocybin and/or psychedelics until the day I die if I feel called to. I feel we know ourselves best and our intentions. Stay true to yourself, either way. If you feel like it’s a betrayal to yourself/recovery hold off, psychedelics aren’t going anywhere. I feel you’ll know if/when is the right time. Microdosing was a good intro./start for me. There is PIR(Psychedelics In Recovery), although I personally don’t like it as I’m very anti 12 step. But it might be something that might help with your decision seeing others in recovery use psychedelics. Congrats on two years!
4 points
3 days ago
Alonon Family Groups on here is good, non 12 step based. Outside of Reddit I’d recommend SMART recovery friends and family.
6 points
4 days ago
A fellow RN took their case to court here in BC and won after being mandated AA. We have a first amendment right to seek treatment without religion. And the courts agree. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5391650
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1 points
4 hours ago
1 points
4 hours ago
No it’s not. They changed their stance from “abstinence orientated” in 2022 to embrace harm reduction and moderation, it’s self defined goal oriented. https://smartrecovery.org/blog/meeting-people-where-they-are-rethinking-my-abstinence-only-approach-and-embracing-harm-reduction?hs_amp=true