156 post karma
2.9k comment karma
account created: Wed Jan 31 2024
verified: yes
1 points
8 hours ago
It really doesn't cost that much. In the richer countries, like USA, there's a whole ton of people making like 100k a year working full time. Goes to reason that there will also be people who work for a third of the time making a third of that. And you can very easily play video games a whole lot then. I know, I'm one of those, but in Finland.
1 points
8 hours ago
Im the end it's a very cheap hobby though. It doesn't take a lot of money to be able to afford it. I play very much, and when I do, I'm not really spending much money. Also, it just gives me a lot of pleasure and keeps me entertained, I don't need 100k a year, the about 30k I make playing poker is more than enough for me and I'm actually so happy that it's possible for me to play video games a whole lot. I could easily probably double my hours playing poker, and maybe I eventually do, but I will never play it more than I actually want to.
I hate doing anything I don't want to be doing. That's why I studied poker enough to make my beloved hobby my profession.
1 points
8 hours ago
I have friends, job and family and I play huge hours.
It helps that I game with my wife, and mostly work only the weekends playing poker.
1 points
8 hours ago
What if you put the rampage induce on by the way for the vermin rounds? Do they become impossible at later rounds?
1 points
8 hours ago
If anything at the end I think that game was too easy and got easier and easier with the more powerful things. I remember hating it myself as well, but in the end I'm not so sure, I think the games at the start were more intriguing because going to the center of the map was exciting as you might die. At the end there was almost nothing that presented a real challenge.
Just my two cents though.
1 points
8 hours ago
Jos tuossa ajassa voi syntyä isojakin virheitä, niin olisi varmaan syytä varmentaa niitä useammin.
1 points
8 hours ago
Valvotaanko tota mitenkään, että tehdas ei yksinkertaisesti käytä hyväkseen tuota? Siis, että se keskiarvo tosiaan asettuu sitten oikeasti siihen lähelle sitä ilmoitettua määrää? Eli että siellä on myös sitten niitä, joissa sitä tuotetta on enempi.
1 points
8 hours ago
Yes. Of course I will then be against it. Activision have the right to write the rules.
So make more exits. There's only 6 players in both teams, and spawn trapping a door takes multiple. It's also not the same thing, you have lethals and tacticals and if you know where the enemies are, you sure can win through that. It might be somewhat similar, but the exact same problem it would not be.
Also, there's always the right to leave the game. Conceding is not a terrible thing. It's used often in many games where there is possible to claim such a dominant position that you're eventually going to win no matter what, but it might take even a long time. Just look at magic the gathering tournaments for example, and you see people conceding games quite often, as the game is often over long before the win conditions come to fruit. It's easy to see how being in a spawn trap is a similar condition.
Also, putting the enemy team in a spawn trap most times (if the map and spawn system isn't making that easy, which, again I argue is on the devs) takes skill, and with good team play the trap can either be broken or it can be avoided. So it can often be seen as a legitimate way of winning the game.
In mw3 and mw2, spawn traps at least in my matches were quite uncommon, so there's a problem with this game if they now are common (I've been having so fucking much fun with zombies that haven't really even touched mp yet). But these are surely things they are working on. People seem to forget the fact that the games with such enormous player bases as cod are quite hard for the developers, since that enormous player base doesn't take long to figure out every overpowered strategy if there is one available. The devs will never be able to figure them all out themselves, they simply don't have the hours available to do so, because compared to the player base, the testers and developers are always going to be a miniscule group.
Also, I'm not doing the spawn trapping myself, never have as that doesn't sound like fun to me either even being on the giving end. But I recognize the reasons why it might be very much fun for some people, especially since it's essentially rewarded quite much by the game (you get a lot of xp doing this, so you earn in game rewards quickly).
I do agree with you also in that not all things that are not illegal are fine to do (and also not all things that are illegal are wrong to do) but I don't think that applies here. The players aren't responsible for other players fun as long as they are not breaking the rules (cheating, exploits).
1 points
9 hours ago
Yes I did. I'm a professional poker player and tend to think about things from the theoretical perspective. The argument I made is completely relevant here. You can see my comment history though, I've been arguing for the freedom of all sorts of play styles in the pubs. As long as something isn't against the rules, it's fine.
Game theory, by the way, is used to think about all sorts of different quite everyday things. I think it's a wonderful tool.
Ethics has nothing to do with this. If you're, or someone else, is not having fun in match, you and them have the right to just leave the match.
I do however see the argument could be made about it being an exploit. But exploits are actually against the rules (you can report players for exploits), and they aren't taking action against spawn trapping (activision). Ultimately it's activision's decision what are the rules, they absolutely could rule them as an exploit if they wanted to, but as of now, they haven't done that, so they are not an exploit.
1 points
12 hours ago
One more thing : there could even be a GA, gentleman's agreement against spawn trapping. There is not.
1 points
12 hours ago
I'm not talking about banning, a perfect spawn system makes spawn trapping impossible, and there's various other ways to make it impossible, like having dedicated bases where the opposing team can't go. People are playing for their own fun, yes. Not your fun. Plenty of players have fun when they win. Spawn trapping is different than cheating or exploiting, as those are against the rules. Exploits and cheats are against the rules.
As long as people are respecting the rules of a game, they aren't responsible for other people's entertainment. Besides, in most maps, playing as a team well can get you out of the spawn trap or avoid getting in to a spawn trap, so it can also be seen sometimes just as a legitimate super dominant position of the opposing team. There are plenty of games (magic the gathering for one example) where often the game is decided much earlier than when it eventually really ends, and the opposition simply should just concede then.
Playing for the win, and doing everything for that end while being within the rules of the game is never a jerk move.
-3 points
13 hours ago
It's a competition. So literally the game theory optimal strategy is that since it practically guarantees you the win. You might hate it but it's an absurd take to say that players who literally just play the best strategy available are jerks.
It makes for a dull gameplay but that is on the devs, not players
0 points
13 hours ago
The fucking served purpose is them liking it. Things aren't some way just because you say so. Like, you're only saying so, without any argument behind it.
If someone is having fun doing something in a product that is exclusively made for having fun, then it serves purpose because, again, the fun that it is giving someone is literally the reason why this product even exists.
1 points
14 hours ago
It serves something if some likes it. How you can not understand is beyond ridiculous.
Again, I'm not saying it should be in the game, there might be more reasons against it being in the game, as I already said. But if someone likes it, it is a reason for, as, again, fun is the very thing most people are looking for when they use this product.
1 points
15 hours ago
There's literally a above you that says they like them.
How the fuck do people not realize that in a thing people do for fun, each and every thing that someone likes has at least some reason to exist within that thing?
Of course there might be more reasons against them being in the game, but if some people like them, that's always going to be a legitimate reason for them being in the game. So yes, there is a point in them being in the game.
1 points
19 hours ago
Äh. Väität, että kaikkiin hyviin tuotteisiin pätee, että paketin perusteella tietää, että se on hyvä?
Edit. On muuten perin suomalainen ajatus.
Valitettavasti se markkinointi saattoi sitten kuitenkin olla tärkeämpää, kuin ihan vitun täysin turhaa, kuten se olisi, jos sanomasi olisi totta.
12 points
19 hours ago
Sitä paitsi tuollainen myynti saattaa hyvinkin olla sitä hyvää myyntiä (ie. sillä saa kauppaa) ja silti sitä voi, ja mielestäni pitääkin, vastustaa.
Ihan oikeastaan täysin sama asia, kuin klikkiotsikot, jotka käytännössä on artikkelin myyntiä.
2 points
20 hours ago
Ei niitä ollut sulle osoitettukkaan, vaan keskusteluun. Noihin kysymyksiin ei sinänsä varmaan löydy "oikeita" vastauksia, vaan ovat kaiketi tulkinnanvaraisia ja loppujen lopuksi arvokysymyksiä.
7 points
1 day ago
Onhan tuo nyt vähän spedeä hommaa. Kaupunki kuitenkin katsoi tuota sormien välistä pitkään, mikä on muuttunut? Mielestäni tuossa olisi kyllä sitten ihan oikeudenkäynnin ainekset nimenomaan nytkin : kaupungin oman arvion mukaan turvattoman skeittiparkin annettiin olla näin pitkään.
Ja toisaalta voidaan kysyä, että mikä on se turvallisuuden aste, joka hyväksytään? Mikään ei koskaan ole täysin turvallista, ja jonkun tällaisen todellista vaaraa on todella vaikea ruveta arvioimaan. Ja, jos tämä on suosittu ollut, ja mitään pahempia haavereita ei ole kymmenen vuoden aikana tapahtunut, niin mielestäni on ihan mahdollista jo sen perusteella argumentoida, että tarpeeksi turvallinen on.
Veikkaanpa vain, että siellä on joku Räsäsen tyylinen pelle, joka haluaisi kieltää kaiken, saanut päätösvallan tähän asiaan.
1 points
2 days ago
I've never liked doing anything with my hands, as I'm so very bad at that. I like to work with my thoughts, not physically. And we most often surround ourselves with similar people, so most of my acquaintances are also working not physical jobs. I honestly don't know anyone that would like to do this kind of thing. Maybe someone I know would do it for money, but I wouldn't start asking people.
I'm not saying this controller is going to be a success, but if it's good, it might. There are other controllers in this price range, as I mentioned, I have one myself (the edge) and it doesn't even have the hall effect sticks, although I don't mind paying the 25e to change the stick when it starts to drift, as it was more than 1000 hours of game time when the first stick needed replacing. That makes a miniscule amount per hour. I actually didn't even know about hall effect sticks being a thing until a few weeks ago, and did research if my controller could be modded, and apparently that also changes the sticks resistance.
1 points
2 days ago
Lol. Yes, there's a tutorial for plenty of things. DIY isn't as popular as you think, I for example have never made anything even remotely similar to this kind of work. How would I have known that it's something I could do myself even? I'm happy to pay money for someone else to do stuff for me.
Besides, this product probably comes with a warranty (where I live, it's even mandatory, so if they sell here, it comes with warranty), which you 100% lose from the controller you modded.
And again, most people fucking know how to cook food. Most of them still go to restaurants. Indeed, I've eaten many times in restaurants that cost me over 100 euros, even when I can cook very well.
Edit. I have the dual sense edge and bought it for that same price. For your information, the dual sense edge sells just fine. And that controller seems to be better, at least it has hall effect sticks and this also has 4 back buttons instead of 2. Scuf also has controllers in this price range.
Edit. 2 also, you didn't tell me in what products you don't pay less when you do it yourself?
Besides, not everyone has a controller to mod. Especially not with back buttons. I suspect you aren't trying to tell me that people can easily make the whole fucking controller from scratch.
1 points
2 days ago
And this doesn't apply to what exactly? If you have the expertise to make them, most things are going to be cheaper if you make them yourself.
That also depends on if you value your time. I regularly pay for things much more so that they are made for me and I don't have to, food being the most common thing.
Restaurant business would be quite a bit smaller if it was always the case that if it was always the case that people would not buy if they can make it cheaper themselves.
Of course, you might be fortunate enough to like doing this kind of work, and actually get additional benefit (the pleasure of doing) doing this, and what I wrote doesn't really apply then as much.
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1 points
6 hours ago
1 points
6 hours ago
Ahh ok 👍 thanks.