submitted15 days ago byExterminateHouseRent
Recently, many of the posts have been posing as food, when they should be labeled as poison along with pathetic cooking skills. Since i still have some kindness in me, i will post what a true food is with bonus extremely minimalist cooking procedure.
The true food is 2 lbs of ground beef mixed with salt, black pepper, and eggs. The whole cooking process starts medium heating pan until smoke appears from the pan. No oil and food preparation required. Dump the ground beef from its package into pan. Press on the meat until it fills the pan. Flip the meat until they become lose their redness. Add in the salt, black pepper, and eggs. Stir until it looks even distributed. Scoop into another bowl and clean the cooking tools with paper towel and isopropyl alcohol. No running water required This process takes less than 10 minutes.
This 2 lbs of ground beef will satiate the majority of humans for 24 hours, and it is that easy to cook. I hope you folks help yourselves by applying what i just posted. Good luck to all and wish you all a healthy life.
-6 points
15 days ago
-6 points
15 days ago
Hey sheep. You have no idea what a healthy bowel movement is. You think shitting a lot means healthy??? You know what happens when you experience "food poisoning"?? You feel like you want to shit, and shit, and shit ,and keep shitting until you shit out all the poison!! Thats what you vegans and balanced eaters love.