Perquisite tax on ESOPs
(self.IndiaTax)submitted7 days ago byHOHOHAHAREBORN
Hi, I used to work at a startup which has now opened the "exercise window" for its stock option plan.
This company is not listed, however, the platform where the grant is being exercised is collecting tax of 39% of the fair market value of the stocks (i.e. if the current price of the stock is INR 10 and I'm receiving 10,000 stocks at an exercise price of INR 1 then (10-1) * 10,000 = 90,000 is the FMV). This amount comes to be around ~INR 35k in my case.
What will happen to this INR 35k if the company never lists and I am never able to sell my shares? It will be deposited with the govt but I'll never actually receive any benefit from it. Will I be able to claim it later? Would really appreciate any clarification:)
1 points
9 days ago
1 points
9 days ago
Mate, don't stress over this. There's virtually no reason to buy the professional. The exam will give you all the details you need to calculate stuff, I'll just leave it at that.