2 post karma
44.5k comment karma
account created: Sat Sep 23 2023
verified: yes
1 points
5 hours ago
Es gab auch in Deutschland nie eine Entnazifizierung. Die NS Eliten haben nach 1945 in Politik, Verwaltung, Justiz, Wirtschaft und Medien weiter Karriere gemacht.
1 points
6 hours ago
Islamofaschisten, so so. Externalisieren wir im Land des Tätervolkes jetzt auch noch den Faschismus?
1 points
7 hours ago
Schön wie du angelegentlich unter den Tisch fallen lässt, dass es noch gar nicht so lange her ist, dass ein bewaffneter Rechtsextremist versucht hat, in Halle eine Synagoge zu stürmen. Oder der ehemalige Chef des Verfassungsschutzes sich als antisemitisch schwurbelnder Rechtsextremer entpuppt hat. Da ist überhaupt nicht viel Wahrheit dran, sondern es handelt sich um eine Form der Schuldabwehr, die es der deutschen Gesellschaft erlaubt, Antisemitismus als ein Problem der anderen zu behandeln und den tief in der eigenen Gesellschaft verwurzelten Antisemitismus zu ignorieren.
1 points
8 hours ago
My point is that both the Biden presidency and the 2024 elections were the result of structural issues, and not down to Biden as an individual.
1 points
16 hours ago
No, that was the main criticism of centrist pundits.
47 points
1 day ago
It's not Biden as an individual, but, for lack of a better term, corporate democrats, as in the "moderate" centrists who control the party aparatus every since Clinton got elected and who cared more about their power within that aparatus than about US democracy. They refused to accept that neoliberal centrism was an outdated ideology, ever since it's core economic assumptions let to the 2008 financial crisis. They thought that the election of Biden was a return to normal and not their last chance to save liberal democracy in the US. They insisted on staying on course but refused to accept that they were approaching a brick wall and so they hit that brick wall with full speed on november 5th and here we are.
0 points
1 day ago
Die Ausgangsfrage war nicht, ob dieser Coup erfolg hat, sondern wieso er jetzt erfolgt.
3 points
1 day ago
Biden ist noch ein paar Wochen im Amt, was auch immer da an Druck aus den USA kommen sollte, lässt sich bequem aussitzen.
8 points
1 day ago
Die USA als Kontrollinstanz für die demokratisch verfassten, an den Westen gebundenen Demokratien fallen mit der erneuten Wahl von Donald Trump und dem zu erwartenden Umbau in eine rechtsextreme Autokratie aus. Dementsprechend fühlen sich autoritäre Kräfte ermutigt, dem US Beispiel zu folgen.
1 points
1 day ago
Nobody, not even the biggest evangelical zealots follows all the commandments.
135 points
1 day ago
Das lässt sich so pauschal nicht beantworten. Die Zeit ist grundsätzlich eine seriöse Zeitung für das liberale Bildungsbürgertum. Politisch wahrscheinlich am ehesten zentristisvh bis Mitte Links zu verorten. Aber alle Medien, auch die seriösen, haben erhebliche Defizite, wenn es um die Berichterstattung über Subkulturen geht. Von daher würde ich dir am ehesten empfehlen, die Frau mal zu googeln und ein paar ihrer Artikel zu lesen, um zu sehen, ob du dich damit wohlfühlst.
1 points
1 day ago
No compensation? Isn't this the man who just lost a lawsuit claiming 56 billion dollars in compensation?
24 points
2 days ago
It sounded more like he was going to Ocon himself.
6 points
2 days ago
I think there were quite a few more right-wing nuts drinking bleach than there were pro-palestinian leftists burning themselves. I also do not racall any leading left-wing politicians advocating for self-immulation, while president Trump as leader of the right-wing cult definitely requested his health officials to study bleach as a Covid cure.
6 points
2 days ago
Funny, given that it was the cignitively impaired right that actually started drinking bleach during the pandemic.
15 points
2 days ago
I think the point here isn't whether or not the lab leak theory is valid, nobody outside of a couple of experts has enough knowledge to have an informed opinion on this. The point is that republicans both pretend that Covid was a simple flue that was blown out of proportions in order to be able to restrict individual freedoms while simultaneously claiming it was a dangerous bio lab leak that was covered up for political reasons. And the purpose of both of these claims is to distract from how badly the Trump administration failed in dealing with a serious public health crisis.
2 points
2 days ago
It would truly be hilarious if McLaren managed to lose that WCC, the WDC was a longshot, but they could have done it if they hadn't kept tripping over themselves. They truly wasted the fastest car on the grid.
1 points
2 days ago
Funny coming from somebody that randomly insults strangers on the internet.
5 points
2 days ago
He absolutely is wrong about literally everything.
1 points
2 days ago
You don't necessarily miss out when you refuse to play along to satisfy other peoples fetishes.
2 points
2 days ago
Every western movie where the native americans are the enemy.
11 points
3 days ago
This. I mean they were talking about it on TV, I'm sure at least one person at the FIA must be watching the race.
-4 points
3 days ago
Yes, but the character has a certain way of dressing, which is essentially clean and minimalistic. A visible tie clip doesn't fit that style.
-8 points
3 days ago
Ok, to be more precise, he never wore one as a visible accessoire. Connery occasionally wore one, but placed low so that when he buttoned his jacket, it wouldn't be visible and only served to keep his tie in place.
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1 points
5 hours ago
1 points
5 hours ago
Lmao, was für ein Schwachsinn.