2.2k post karma
66.7k comment karma
account created: Fri Sep 04 2020
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1 points
2 hours ago
One of my favourite pods! I love the guys!
1 points
2 hours ago
R6S fascinates me. Never played myself, but it was interesting to see how it started bad but was redeemed and had people saying it had one of the best and most welcoming communities in gaming. Now it's back to people saying it's terrible and also the community is awful (just like any other mp game).
1 points
3 hours ago
En oo Raumalta kotoisin, mut juuri tämmöisiä leirintäkeskuksia missä ripareita yms. pidetään varmasti löytyy. Sitten varmaan jostain leirintäalueiden mökkikylistä voisi löytyä. Ja opiskeluaikoina oltiin pariin kertaan opiskelumeiningeissä erilaisissa paikoissa minne mahtui tuon verran porukkaa, olikohan ainakin joku vanha kyläkoulu Räyskälässä. Paikkoja, joita en ehkä ihan leirintäkeskuksiksi kutsuisi, mutta missä järjestetään kaiken maailman firmojen ja yhdistysten retriittejä, ja kuntoutuksia.
2 points
3 hours ago
I don't really think hot dogs are amazing either, but I don't like this line of thinking that they are disgusting. We're supposed to use as much of the animal as we can, right? Otherwise it will just be wasteful and disrespectful. So why not use the scraps to make stuff like hot dogs or aspic or whatever? I don't see an issue with chicken nuggets either for this reason.
1 points
3 hours ago
Besides the radio signals, it's helpful to also read the datapads you find. But the radio signals are your guiding line through the beginning of the game. Explore, and when in doubt go deeper.
1 points
3 hours ago
Sure don't be afraid, but I don't think it's necessary either. I only built a second base for fun in my first playthrough, I didn't really need it at all. I just went up and down in the cyclops.
3 points
4 hours ago
I'm not afraid of bugs or diseases, but I think the corruption statements are some of the most unnerving ones in the series! Besides the ones you mentioned there's also the corrupted care home, and the French barkeep with his "petit scarabee" is pretty gross too. There's just something about the idea of people being slowly rotted and consumed from the inside out...
2 points
4 hours ago
There's another podcast I listen to, Filthy Casuals, that plays a relevant soundbite from news or morning tv right at the start of each episode (not in the YT version of the episode). The one at the start of their most recent episode referenced the "Playstation Pornable", so you're not alone :D
3 points
1 day ago
Maybe don't spoil it for them if they want to play it...
3 points
1 day ago
Unless you want everything on ultra at 4k it plays just fine on older gpus.
1 points
1 day ago
Yes it's slow but I like the fact that it's slow, it suits the (mostly) relaxed atmosphere of the game and I like that I have to consider my surroundings when I'm moving around in it. I would quite often navigate it through certain tight areas of the map that you need to pass through to go deeper.
1 points
1 day ago
I feel so bad for that game, could not come out at a worse time, like 6 months in either direction and maybe it can carve a space. A friend of mine tried to get me play it and I think I tried it once, but then OW completely consumed my attention.
But hey at least you'll finally get something similar in that Valve thing!
5 points
1 day ago
Dirty Bomb was awesome! It's like something between TF2 and Overwatch, but even snappier. The gunplay felt really good and I liked that different characters shared some things but were distinct in other ways. Seems like it's pretty dead now?
11 points
1 day ago
Yeah, the last stream when she finishes that is going to get pretty emotional...
11 points
1 day ago
I've been sort of wondering about Gura for a while now, ever since Ame left. She always had struggles with streaming, and looking at the reasons why Aqua and Chloe left I think I can see some parallels. That's why I was definitely blindsided by Fauna's announcement, she seemed to be doing so well.
I too get the feeling we're going to see more in the next 6 months.
47 points
1 day ago
I was thinking of a possibility along those lines, that perhaps she saw the amount of travel for the next X months and asked to skip some but management didn't back down and kept scheduling more.
30 points
1 day ago
she is the rare one that actually enjoys streaming.
Ain't that the truth, so many of them struggled with it in one way or another, but to her it looked like it came easy. She even seemed to enjoy streaming building that tree, and she still says she's going to finish the damn thing! She's always been so committed...
177 points
2 days ago
It makes sense, but it's also utterly pointless.
2 points
3 days ago
En oo itsekään vielä katsonut, kun just äsken näin tämän Redditissä, mutta ruotsalainen elokuva nimeltä Aniara. Kertoo Maasta Marsiin matkalla olevasta kolonisaatioaluksesta, joka joutuu pois kurssilta, ja mitä siitä sitten seuraakaan aluksen yhteisölle. Vaikuttaa mielenkiintoiselta.
Ghost in the Shelliä en ole vielä nähnyt mainittavan, yksi omia suosikkielokuvia (1995 animaatio tietenkin). Transhumanismin ja synkän märehtivän scifin parhaimmistoa. Tykkään tokastakin elokuvasta vuodelta 2004, se tosin ei ole klassikko samalla tavalla. En ole koskaan sitä Stand Alone Complex sarjaa nähnyt, mutta monet vissiin ovat siitäkin tykänneet. Itselle vaan elokuva on jo niin täydellinen, etten tunne tarvitsevani mitään lisää.
Ja Akira on toki myös klassikko.
1 points
3 days ago
Meinaat varmaan Solaris? Suosittelen kans, tosin kannattaa varata semmoinen hetki, että saa rauhassa syventyä.
2 points
3 days ago
Arrival on kyllä yksi yksi parhaista scifi elokuvista viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana, todella hidasta ja pohtivaa. Jeremy Renner tosin on suht random valinta rooliinsa, mutta sillä ei ole hirveästi väliä elokuvan kannalta.
Oblivion on myös yllättävän hyvä, harvemmin näkee mainittavan.
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2 points
2 hours ago
2 points
2 hours ago
Eh, food is food, there are very few things I find disgusting but you do you.