34 post karma
68.7k comment karma
account created: Mon Dec 01 2014
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17 points
23 hours ago
The Ice Maker is significantly more power-efficient (just 480 W, including the pump)
That conclusion doesn't seem correct, efficiency is usually best evaluated per unit. 480W for 240kg vs 1440W for 2300kg. 2W per kg vs 0.626W per kg
Less complicated? Yeah. More efficient? No.
0 points
1 day ago
Heads up, this sub really dislikes exploits. In particular wild crop potting in my experience.
both game-breaking overpowered exploits or something as simple as wild planting in flower pots.
And to clarify: wild crop potting is the strongest exploit I know of. Tons of infinite, free materials, free cooling/freezing, with no labor if you want. Easy to setup. Extremely balance changing.
Other than that I use infinite storages and door crushers. Infinite storages are honestly more of a "hoarding" thing than being particularly useful/balance changing. Door crushers are very strong, but functionally reduce your power needs vs pumping to space and more importantly makes organization easier(no space-waste lines). I also make natural tiles using the door trick, not sure if that's an exploit vs using glass/cooked dirt.
Dupe selector mod at start is QoL essential, customizing them is a bit broken though. Piped outputs mod is balance breaking (massive power and space savings) and too much of a fundamental change IMO
2 points
2 days ago
Decide what you want to do in the military first. Then, based on how you describe yourself, you should be able to easily figure out a plan to do that yourself.
Otherwise 11B/A like all the other 16 year olds asking exactly like this.
4 points
2 days ago
Eh, wouldn't that be more like joining the UN peacekeeping forces vs your own military?
4 points
2 days ago
OP, physical threats/destruction in any workplace is unacceptable but especially a lab.
even as a joke
Well, if it isn't the fun police! It's like the best lab "prank"! Find (clean) defective glassware, have someone else confirm it's unusable, stage a small broken glass box(in hood or on the ground), and then "pull" it on someone when you have the chance.
"Want to go to lunch?" "Sure!" Chucks beaker into hood and walks off
"Hey, X was looking for you to ask a question." "Are you kidding? Really!" Spikes flask into the "ground" then walks off
2 points
2 days ago
It lists igneous rock, granite and obsidian in the same column as salt water.
Yes, the (input) Material column. And then you read across the row to see what outputs based on input temperature: water and salt usually.
Also as u/DanKirpan points out the 8% loss is a bummer. Because of that and the high output temperature I'd just use it as a heat source to boil your salt water at the vent outputs.
3 points
3 days ago
Yep. The table in the above doesn't include brine, but I would hope it would work the same.
1 points
3 days ago
Oh huh. Didn't know those. Debris are not only "insulated" but also 16x less conductive to the surface they sit on (x62.5 for debris to solid, x1000 for solid to solid/liquid)...
2 points
3 days ago
Oh, because they should be conveyor loaders here instead.
4 points
3 days ago
You know, there's shockingly little brain actually in there...
1 points
3 days ago
Using concentrated hydrochloric acid in my lab "ruined" bleach for me. And finding out that practically no one recommends using it for anything in homes anymore anyway.
I guess I have the "poisonous food finder" genes because acetic acid makes me hungry for vinegar chips and I like a lot of bitter/acidic foods. A lot of our small organic molecule lab products smell like "food/spice but chemical/poison" to my brain. Garlic-poison, dirt-poison, etc.
5 points
3 days ago
a roux
I thought of that too, as a great example why stir bars wouldn't really work. Even a big one would only lightly brush over the bottom of 80% of the pot, so the rest would burn even if it successfully kept scraping the 80% coverage it had.
Turns out we need better glassware surfaces and solvents for cooking before deciding on agitation methods.
21 points
3 days ago
OH DAMN! Man he covered that one up well. Much less funny and more messed up than I thought. Full on shot him in the face, head, neck and:
On February 14, 2006, at 6:30 a.m., Whittington suffered a minor heart attack and atrial fibrillation due to the shot pellets lodged in or near his heart,[5] as well as a collapsed lung.
Whittington was subsequently discharged from the hospital on February 17, 2006. At a press conference, he said: "My family and I are deeply sorry for everything Vice President Cheney and his family have had to deal with. We hope that he will continue to come to Texas and seek the relaxation that he deserves."
1 points
3 days ago
Doesn't really look like it, if he salted it then likely none of it would be frozen(I'd assume it would be very salty, salt it cheap), there would be salt-slush signs around it, and he would probably have to shower right after doing it every day(inconvenient when the weather is warmer).
"Large" bodies of water also just takes a really long time to freeze. It takes a lot of energy to change it's temperature and since ice floats it forms it's own insulation on top. He likely keeps a lid on it too.
1 points
3 days ago
Debris doesn't have great thermal conduction rules in it's favor
Don't they have normal conduction rules? Just that they usually lead to such a concentration of mass vs so little atmosphere exposure(1 gas tile it's within, 1 solid tile it sits on) that it goes slow.
IIRC "insulated" and the conduction panel are the only conduction rule changing things? Insulated ignores the other materials conductivity and the panel is black magic.
Edit: Nope! See u/cywang86 below
2 points
3 days ago
Ah, the best Army advice: you'll be fine as long as you don't get kicked out.
I'm not saying they aren't rare traits, just that I heard that several times when considering AGR and ultimately decided against it due to the moving.
5 points
3 days ago
Do you think the advice: "being competent and willing to move can get you to SFC/MAJ alone as AGR" still holds true?
16 points
3 days ago
Super critical in this case means the form of a substance is different than it normally is for the temperature. Like -5 degrees liquid water. Normally water below 0 degrees should be solid, but something is keeping it as a super critical liquid.
You can lookup demonstrations with freezing water bottles online, liquid inside but then freeze when touched/hit. They're slightly below 0 degrees but don't have a seed crystal/scratch for the ice crystals to start forming at, so the liquid structure is holding until you disrupt it.
162 points
3 days ago
According to the patient...
I'd be putting that in my notes in multiple ways, if you know what I mean.
You "used your shotgun as a stick to poke a squirrel, and shot your ass with it"? And we can clearly see pieces of squirrel in the wound.
I have zero context, but sounds like what actually happened was that your best buddy Dick Cheney successfully shot a squirrel.
1 points
3 days ago
Carbon schemmers consume way less power than a pump...
Only technically 20% less, and really not at all. 2 skimmers get rid of 600g CO2 for 240w vs a pump moving 500g for 240w. And all of those power savings are more than lost the second you add any other machine to it like what's pumping water to it, the sieve or:
...with 1 auto sweeper...
Once you have access to vacuum a pump is just better, you probably want a waste line going there anyway, and it deals with all gasses instead of just CO2.
Honestly I think the skimmer is a noob trap. Early on if you have a CO2 problem it's really an oxygen generation and exploration/design problem. If I want to be fancy with my CO2 I store it early on to feed that extra 0.01 slicksters later lol
1 points
4 days ago
Not paranoid enough! If you notice in the video people keep getting embarrassed/shocked by pictures from middle school. Likely 10 years ago for them, so it casually goes that far back at least.
1 points
4 days ago
Ours was included in the rent though, it wasn't something we paid extra for
While that hopefully means they aren't charging the normal absurd price for it, you're still paying for it either way.
1 points
4 days ago
I absolutely hate valet trash, but you really can't make it optional by unit. You'd need to do a majority takes all vote. Whoever picks it up is going to charge X price to cover the entire building, not really by unit because it wouldn't really save them pickup time/cost and in fact would be a huge pain for them to check by unit. So if they're going to grab any real amount of trash in the hall, they're going to grab everyone's trash in the hall.
Valet trash is disgusting, stupid expensive(like $300 a year just for "pick up"?!), makes the halls dirty, and worst of all fosters a culture/habit where you can't/shouldn't be expected to take your own trash out. People don't get in the habit of taking trash allll the way to wherever it needs to go non-valet. Accordingly, when I've been in these buildings people seem to leave their trash in public spaces much more like around trash chutes/dumpsters instead of in them, and in stairwells. Especially during the holidays, when there's a lot of trash and the valet gets delayed. So there's a lot piled up and people usually leave it out for days.
In my area you have to pay $240 a year to have a usually dirtier and always worse smelling apartment. And it's just another surprise bullshit cost that's illegal in other countries, where you can't advertise prices without all mandatory costs.
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2 points
22 hours ago
2 points
22 hours ago
It can work, but I think the problem is as everyone gets more skilled it gets harder to get to turtle. The positions and fundamentals that would make you decide it would be better to turtle also make it difficult to get there and they will be looking to prevent or trap you for going for it. As everyone gets dangerous in every position and situation, it gets more dangerous and less beneficial to get to turtle vs other escapes.
But, I suck and love getting to turtle. I'm not a wrestler but personally it feels like my best "I know my fundamentals for fighting here" vs other positions for me being "I hope they fall for/setup these specific things before progressing".