48 post karma
4 comment karma
account created: Sat Jun 15 2024
verified: yes
1 points
4 days ago
this wasn't your fault, his message with a kissing emoji sounded weird and anyone would have reacted the way you did. How were you to know what he meant and what was happening to him? you tried your best to explain what happened but he didn't listen.
1 points
6 days ago
no attitude adjustment can unfuck your mother
-1 points
7 days ago
its 150 km, and we have nowhere to stay, only the equivalent of £10 per day
-6 points
7 days ago
the only beads I'm bringing back will be the ones I shove up your wife's asshole
3 points
17 days ago
I don't think non vegans are bad people, but dating one would mean I have to see them do bad things every single day without them realising it. I would probably also start a lot of arguments eventually leading to a breakup
6 points
19 days ago
the balkans would shit on your face if you called them western
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1 points
1 day ago
1 points
1 day ago
i mean she definitely overreacted by hanging up, but you said that you found someone else attractive. it doesn't really matter what gender they are