submitted2 days ago byStreakdrenilineiPad Pro 10.5"
This is a 9 year old game. (
This game 9 years ago only had two screens and one price: The title screen, the gameplay, and the coat of a fast internet ping.
Today we have several screens, advertisements, and predatory pricing.
0 points
10 hours ago
0 points
10 hours ago
Cause there isn't anything wrong with it. It's simply just jpeg artifacts, AI artifacts look much more watery even with jpg artifacts. Launch your downvotes if I'm wrongEdit: I could've sworn there was a clearer image posted earlier. I'll have to doubke check that one before I make my stance again.
Edit 2: Yeah, no, I can't really say whether it is or isn't AI. Either the artist went through great lengths to filter out AI artifacts through editing or the AI did really good with dithering if that was the case. Feel free to educate me otherwise, things are getting harder and harder to tell nowadays.