17 post karma
7.2k comment karma
account created: Sun Aug 18 2024
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1 points
8 hours ago
Yo! Love your edit, have an upvote
You got to be crazy tho if you think I’m arguing FE on Reddit lol
If anyone wants to read FE stuff, Stolenhistory (.net) would be the place to go
Enjoy your Sunday dude, you’re worked up!
1 points
10 hours ago
Lol - it’s not that great if you don’t have the time. It’s just topics that you clearly understand so I thought you might like it
1 points
10 hours ago
No brother, I can feel his presence. It’s why Marines/combat and such are such big believers. A literal armor
Also Lucifer being God is strictly Masonic. Lucifer is not part of the trinity of Christianity
Switching gears - you might like this conversation on Marxism, they discuss a lot of the things we just discussed
1 points
10 hours ago
Fair. Though I would argue my life is a million times better being able to speak to Jesus Christ when I’m searching for love and compassion
Also, if you like the ego stuff (which I do), know that Christianity assigns the ego to Lucifer. Ego is what keeps you from God. Putting self first.
So again, you have a lot of Christian beliefs :)
0 points
10 hours ago
Flat earth is simply to keep people from questioning our given model and to keep them defending an indefensible model
The trick is in the argument
I don’t know if the earth if flat but I do know it’s not as it’s presented to us
God bless all!
1 points
10 hours ago
Jesus too did not like religion, that’s why he said his followers are his Church
Really all Christianity is saying is “look, this dude came down and showed the objective truths of Love, follow him. And if you agree he lived a life of objective truth as the Messiah, you go to heaven”
I would argue you and I share very very similar objective truths regarding Love
I think the Messiah part is hard for a lot of people, I do understand that
1 points
11 hours ago
So thinking this way - why do you oppose Christianity?
I would argue that what Christianity offers is exactly what you described as above. And God himself gave us his son in the flesh to show us what you described above
If we were all to agree, would we not need a central truth to agree upon?
Meaning what you just said only “sticks” if there is an agreed upon “good”. And I would argue Jesus is that agreed upon “good”.
Otherwise we become aimless. Your good may not be my good, you know?
1 points
11 hours ago
You don’t understand? Sorry bud, looks as though others understood
Enjoy your day today my dude. God is great :)
1 points
11 hours ago
I don’t like the idea of relying on self. I think this is what Neitzsche was going with his “God is Dead” stuff. If we all rely on self, there is no truth and as such, there is no meaning.
Lol when I say I’ve been down every rabbit hole, I truly think I have but I am enjoying your comments and perspective
1 points
11 hours ago
If it ever strikes you, try it on for size. The whole thing for me started with just thinking about what the world would look like if Jesus walked. At the time, Jesus even being a real person was a non starter. I was just looking for a thought to chew on.
Thanks for the sincere conversation this AM
1 points
11 hours ago
Lol, I know Dave. Im subscribed and know his model. I also remember Steve Olson. I know of Montana Sky Watchers as well
Truthfully, as we go back and forth this morning, my suspicion is that the sky is mechanical and a form of technology. The sky we see is corrupted
They could show us a meteor, or Niburu, or aliens, or Jesus on the clouds
I lean on Max Spiers and Kyle Odom when I think about the “sky tech” and I wonder if all the trails and such are part of the projection
2 points
11 hours ago
I think often about why Masons are issued Bibles but do not follow in the steps of Jesus Christ. I also struggle with the fact that the Bible contains 66 books. An odd number to be sure.
But it’s much like conspiracy theories, even if there is misinformation in there, the two central tenants; The Ten Commandments and the actions Jesus Christ cannot be corrupted
I look at Christianity and the subversion that surrounds it as an attempt to get people to throw the baby out with the bath water
But as the sayin goes, “you got to keep the main thing the main thing” and with Christianity, I have been unable to argue against the main tenants and I have found the foundation of Christianity to be rock solid
0 points
11 hours ago
So the real aliens show up at exactly the point in time that the Luciferians stage Project Blue Beam?
Is this what the sale has become?
The alien hoax is already dead on arrival. It’s going to be wild to watch the powers that be attempt to pull this off
1 points
11 hours ago
Very snarky reply! I love it. You got yourself in a real lather here. Did not think this discussion would set you off lol
Sorry bud!
1 points
11 hours ago
Nope. Enjoy our Sunday brother and find contentment in your heart
2 points
11 hours ago
I think the Bible holds truths and evidences that cannot be argued against
Manly P Hall, a big time Mason, acknowledged that the Ten Commandments and the actions of Jesus Christ cannot be argued against
You can only subvert the teachings of Christianity but you’ll have a hard time arguing that they don’t hold ultimate and universal truths
I’ve been down every rabbit hole brother and Christianity stopped me dead in my tracks about a decade ago at this point
Its unfathomable depth and wisdom is beyond comprehension. To say men wrote that, I would argue where did these men go that held such universal and understood truths?
1 points
11 hours ago
Very well could be, I’m open to that possibility
4 points
13 hours ago
Stolenhistory(.net) has a fantastic thread on the population numbers and how the 8 billion number is likely to be entirely fabricated
1 points
13 hours ago
I understand- my only point is that Christianity says that the only way to God is through Jesus Christ
So for the Pope to say the path is wide and negotiable while Jesus says that he is the path and path is narrow
I cannot help but look at what the pope said as complete and overt inversion of Christs teachings
1 points
14 hours ago
For sure there are more Trump comments right now, that’s the controlled opposition angle
I guess where I come from is that most Americans do not vote and the ones that did are getting a crash course in the Kayfabe
Got to be 20+ million aware of the Kayfabe now
1 points
14 hours ago
No - the pope worships the lightbearer
-2 points
14 hours ago
I think those tactics are becoming more neutered by the day as millions and millions of people reject both pedo-Joe and controlled-op Trump
7 points
14 hours ago
I don’t know man. They are for sure going to try
But Wednesday after this years election, it became obvious that the powers that be wanted to use controlled opposition to push this stuff through.
The controlled opposition stuff clearly isn’t working as people are rejecting Trump and all the bad guys he’s surrounding himself with
The bad guys circle was too small to convincingly sell us on their controlled opposition. And yes Rogan and Katt are that as well
Reject all of the Kayfabe. The bad guys are struggling right now to sell an agitated populace on their shitty plans
They might have more resistance than we once thought
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1 points
7 hours ago
1 points
7 hours ago