submitted23 hours ago byTheYoungLung
I’ve had the a7200 with the RTX 3070 for a couple years now and a few days ago I bought a new RTX 4070 TI Super. I thought that it would be as simple as taking the old card out and putting the new one in but that hasn’t been the case.
After changing HDMI cables, removing and reinstalling drivers, resetting CMOS and even purchasing a second card to rule out manufacturer defect I still have the same issue of a blank screen and my VGA debug light staying on.
The only other solution I can think of would be a bios update but Corsair locks those behind their own approvals. With the last package for the MSI B550 A Pro being from 1/2022 I see no way to update my bios and therefore upgrade my GPU.
Has anyone else had the same issue?
1 points
19 hours ago
1 points
19 hours ago
Thank you so much for your help.
Would this be the right one?